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New lanyards

OK and what Federal law is being violated. The lanyard is part of a uniform and as such is governed by a company defined Dress Code. So I'd like to know exactly what Federal statute says otherwise.

The one that recognizes that past practice is part of labor contract law, and that status quo cannot be violated during contract negotiations. That federal law.

When is it ok for a person to break a rule?

When is it ok to run your computer on the flight deck doing work that is obviously not related to the operation of the airplane? Did you ever break that rule?
The one that recognizes that past practice is part of labor contract law, and that status quo cannot be violated during contract negotiations. That federal law.

Hmmm Status Quo? So that being the case, wouldn't the Booklet "Images of Excellence" issued be a past practice? Given the fact that this little booklet spells out every aspect of of how the uniform is supposed to look right down to the position of the AFA pin on the F/A's lapel. Want to bet someone drags that relic from the Wolf Years out and tries to beat you to death with it?

I think you're going to have US go after everyone who wears the yellow lanyard and put them on a level of discipline up and including termination. The when USAPA starts raising hell, Glass say "Sue Us" and by the time that winds through the courts half of the people will have reach mandatory retirement age.
Hmmm Status Quo? So that being the case, wouldn't the Booklet "Images of Excellence" issued be a past practice? Given the fact that this little booklet spells out every aspect of of how the uniform is supposed to look right down to the position of the AFA pin on the F/A's lapel. Want to bet someone drags that relic from the Wolf Years out and tries to beat you to death with it?

I think you're going to have US go after everyone who wears the yellow lanyard and put them on a level of discipline up and including termination. The when USAPA starts raising hell, Glass say "Sue Us" and by the time that winds through the courts half of the people will have reach mandatory retirement age.

I don't think that anything from the "Delusions of excellence" era means anything now. There is a section in the fom about uniforms. It doesn't mention anything about bagtags or badgebackers however the chief pilot in PHL says that only "approved" lanyards and badge backers may be used. He did mention that if the badge backer is larger than the id badge or has the word union on it then it is not "approved".

The NLRB states that union lanyards are allowed if not oversized or contain obscenity. also, status quo. The company can prohibit things but will lose if brought to a grievance on both counts.
The NLRB has nothing to do with the airlines, that would be the NMB.
Pilots who are still wearing yellow lanyards are disobeying a company directive and are insubordinate. These pilots are placing them self at risk, once the pilot's Chief Pilot's Office has the new lanyards. The July 31 USAPA PHL Domicile Update said, "we were informed that (Bill) Pollock was starting next week (as the new PHL Asst. Chief Pilot) to assist with what they anticipate to be a sharp increase in disciplinary cases."

When is it ok for a person to break a rule?

Are you a management pilot or just a suck up 🙄
And will see the same tomorrow!!!! Remember this is not USAPA, this is a grass roots effort by the pilot group LONG overdue, and it will continue.
I like how the company is chasing yellow lanyards... Toobad the FOM says I gota wear a watch. Amazon.com sells yellow watches for 20$. Ha!
I like how the company is chasing yellow lanyards... Toobad the FOM says I gota wear a watch. Amazon.com sells yellow watches for 20$. Ha!
Really! You guys think this is about yellow lanyards and trying to figure out a way around the restriction. Is there any doubt why the company is eating your lunch at every turn?

Wear a yellow watch, use a yellow pen, heck don't wash your shirts and let the pits get yellow stains. Until you figure out what this is really about you are wasting your time and the company loves it. Tango down!
Something just dawned on me. Y'all are fighting about not wearing the company issued lanyards. I'm going to be fighting to not be forced to wear some lame ass armband. I WANT a lanyard. Since I'm Fleet apparently lanyards are not appropriate, even though I've used one safely for 14 years.
While the idea of unions, like the idea of socialism, is attractive, it never comes to fruition the way it should, because someone has to be in charge. The people in charge are human and they start to think of it as their little kingdom. Then people start to think of their job as an entitlement.

Guess what? There are no entitlements. You form a union, the jobs move overseas. Can’t stop it. So, now the money leaves the United States and the people are left without a job.

Go wear your little lanyards lol!
Guess what? You don't start a union and jobs move overseas anyway. Can't stop it. So now the money leaves the United States and the people are left without a job. At least with a union you have someone to help stop the job loss, otherwise who do you have to help out? The US govt? Really lmao.

Are you a management pilot or just a suck up 🙄
Harry Callahan,

I happened to be out in PHX on mon. and tues. and I sure saw a lot of unauthorized stuff on west pilots such as badge backers. This type of ruling will hurt employees on both sides especially since the company is "winging it" as to exactly what constitutes an unauthorized badge backer. I can see where they will discipline employees differently in different places and end digging themselves a very deep hole. I would have looked you up last tues. when passing through CLT but I didn't have much time and I knew I was getting a line check and the aircraft had a number of "issues" that had to be taken care of to get us out of CLT on time. Still didn't make in to PHL on time due to CLT ramp congestion, slow departure rate, and s turns and speed reductions from CLT to PHL.

Harry Callahan,

...I didn't have much time and I knew I was getting a line check and the aircraft had a number of "issues" that had to be taken care of to get us out of CLT on time. Still didn't make in to PHL on time due to CLT ramp congestion, slow departure rate, and s turns and speed reductions from CLT to PHL.


You're a good union pilot!
Something just dawned on me. Y'all are fighting about not wearing the company issued lanyards. I'm going to be fighting to not be forced to wear some lame ass armband. I WANT a lanyard. Since I'm Fleet apparently lanyards are not appropriate, even though I've used one safely for 14 years.
In PHX they were letting us choose between the armband and lanyard, so don't settle for what you don't want.
Harry Callahan,

I happened to be out in PHX on mon. and tues. and I sure saw a lot of unauthorized stuff on west pilots such as badge backers. This type of ruling will hurt employees on both sides especially since the company is "winging it" as to exactly what constitutes an unauthorized badge backer. I can see where they will discipline employees differently in different places and end digging themselves a very deep hole. I would have looked you up last tues. when passing through CLT but I didn't have much time and I knew I was getting a line check and the aircraft had a number of "issues" that had to be taken care of to get us out of CLT on time. Still didn't make in to PHL on time due to CLT ramp congestion, slow departure rate, and s turns and speed reductions from CLT to PHL.


If what you say is the case somebody had best be documenting it photographically, as a "Dress Code" require consistency in order to be legal. You can't single out portions of a group based on say an unapproved necktie in one crew base and not in another. This would also apply to lanyards as well I would think. I bet if USAPA looked into it they could get a very cheap watch in bright yellow. Since a watch is required & I'm betting the color is NOT specified it would be a nice middle finger to Jerry Glass, who whether the west knows it or not is coming for them too and he's got the "Big Iron on His Hip."

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