Hey speak with a forked tongue! One breath you talk about the level of service you give...the next you slam people for wanting real cream. Where is the service in that? They can pick another beverage huh? If you told me that, and I was a customer I'd pick another F___ing Airline!Or they can stop at Starbucks and buy their own Venti coffee with cream and bring on board like the other 100 passengers do!
I swear you people are making this powder creamer issue a joke...get over it, that we no longer will have liquid creamer...the passengers will get used to it or select another beverage choice. Its as simple as that.
You probably are the same folks who still think its business as usual from the OLD USairways?? You know, the ones that helped put you into bankrupcty two times!
Get over it and "MOOO"ve on!
How did you get a picture of that prototype of the new uniform?? It will be presented in the upcoming road show in February!