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"New" Improved Galley Packouts

Or they can stop at Starbucks and buy their own Venti coffee with cream and bring on board like the other 100 passengers do!

I swear you people are making this powder creamer issue a joke...get over it, that we no longer will have liquid creamer...the passengers will get used to it or select another beverage choice. Its as simple as that.

You probably are the same folks who still think its business as usual from the OLD USairways?? You know, the ones that helped put you into bankrupcty two times!

Get over it and "MOOO"ve on!
How did you get a picture of that prototype of the new uniform?? It will be presented in the upcoming road show in February!
Hey Jet...you speak with a forked tongue! One breath you talk about the level of service you give...the next you slam people for wanting real cream. Where is the service in that? They can pick another beverage huh? If you told me that, and I was a customer I'd pick another F___ing Airline!
Hey Jet...you speak with a forked tongue! One breath you talk about the level of service you give...the next you slam people for wanting real cream. Where is the service in that? They can pick another beverage huh? If you told me that, and I was a customer I'd pick another F___ing Airline!
Thats ok. Jet is obviously one that gets so caught up on their service and customer complaints that he forgets who provides the company with cash to pay him. The passenger. Wow...it just gets better.
Or they can stop at Starbucks and buy their own Venti coffee with cream and bring on board like the other 100 passengers do!

I swear you people are making this powder creamer issue a joke...get over it, that we no longer will have liquid creamer...the passengers will get used to it or select another beverage choice. Its as simple as that.

Well, US could make Bailey's minis the standard for coffee creaming. That's what I usually use when I get a seat upfront and want coffee. I could see the response if you got a Bailey's mini when you want cream in coach! :up:
I swear you people are making this powder creamer issue a joke...get over it, that we no longer will have liquid creamer...
You probably are the same folks who still think its business as usual from the OLD USairways?? You know, the ones that helped put you into bankrupcty two times!

sky high states: HEYYYYY. And your company (AWA)was how old before it went BANKRUPT? Huh? Even when your LABOR contracts were some of the LOWEST PAID IN THE INDUSTRY?
AND STILL ARE. What brilliant decisions put you in bankruptcy?

Bother way, NO ONE wants those tacky decaf bags either!
Another one of those brilliant decisions from the POLO SHIRT crowd in Tempe!

only stating opinions.
I am one of a growing number of folks who have a corn allergy/intolerance. Powdered cow is poison to us (as are pop/soda/juices sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup

sky high states: I have an empty packet in front of me.

derivative) DIPOTASSIUM

ONLY stating opinons.
Another one of those brilliant decisions from the POLO SHIRT crowd in Tempe!
don't insult ralph lauren. i'm sure they wear a fakeout brand. is there any airlinr other than LOW CLASS CARRIER who uses ppwdered creamer? I guess my one-way PHL-SNA $1300 ticket isn't enough to justify real creamer. and you are right u arrogant f jetsetter...if we don't like it we can pick something else...i am...another airline...
don't insult ralph lauren. i'm sure they wear a fakeout brand. is there any airlinr other than LOW CLASS CARRIER who uses ppwdered creamer? I guess my one-way PHL-SNA $1300 ticket isn't enough to justify real creamer. and you are right u arrogant f jetsetter...if we don't like it we can pick something else...i am...another airline...
I'm not sure about the East side....BUT in first class on the West side...on all a/c...we get milk AND creamers for first class....NOT powder....that's for coach....so the East side find out why you're not getting creamers and milk!!
I'm not sure about the East side....BUT in first class on the West side...on all a/c...we get milk AND creamers for first class....NOT powder....that's for coach....so the East side find out why you're not getting creamers and milk!!
I don't care if the powder is for the dogs in the cargo hold...it's GROSS!
sky high states: HEYYYYY. And your company (AWA)was how old before it went BANKRUPT? Huh? Even when your LABOR contracts were some of the LOWEST PAID IN THE INDUSTRY?
AND STILL ARE. What brilliant decisions put you in bankruptcy?

America West had purchased four 747 aircraft from KLM for their expansion to Hawaii and Japan. The service to Japan was intended to be to NRT, but ended up being NGO. Traffic was much lighter then expected and the first Gulf War caused the Japanese government to advise it's citizens to avoid US flag carriers. Traffic died. In the meantime the expansion of AWA was costing more than anticipated, including it's new quaters at the new Terminal 4 in PHX. These, plus other factors, caused the Ch. 11 bankruptcy of 1991.

From LCC Website

From Wikipedia
Well, US could make Bailey's minis the standard for coffee creaming. That's what I usually use when I get a seat upfront and want coffee. I could see the response if you got a Bailey's mini when you want cream in coach! :up:
Wow. Great idea. The powder creamer is so awful, I say we put a few nips of Bailey's on the cart and offer that as an alternative. Perfect. Thanks for the idea, jim....As always, the flight attendants "make it work" with almost nothing.... :blink:
is there any airline other than LOW CLASS CARRIER who uses powdered creamer? I guess my one-way PHL-SNA $1300 ticket isn't enough to justify real creamer.

sky high states: Good question. What does the King of Cheap serve--Southwest?
And, to the frequent flyers out there, doesnt UNITED offer Starbucks coffee inflight? :up:

only stating opinions
I'm not sure about the East side....BUT in first class on the West side...on all a/c...we get milk AND creamers for first class....NOT powder....that's for coach....so the East side find out why you're not getting creamers and milk!!

Hey, I'm still trying to figure out why the company can't get glassware put on the east, yet has the East glassware on the West a/c. I guess for years we stored it in PHX. :lol:
The galley pack out doesnt work for several reasons. One, the West side doesnt fly the Airbus 321. Total number of passengers 169.

1. One carrier of ice on top of the cart is not sufficient for coach on this aircraft. Compared to the TWO drawers of ice. More running.

2. The bev cart now carries the beer/wine/liquor. TOTALLY UNNECESSARY. A couple of beers and wines in the ice drawer is sufficient. A few mini's. That space should be used for MORE SODAS. This pack out requires ALOT OF UNNECESSARY running for depleted supplies. That will generally happen around row 18, 19. You're only HALF DONE on this aircraft. 90 PERCENT of your passengers request what? A SODA. JUICE. And liquor is NOT needed on Morning flights, besides the occasional vodka for a bloody Mary.

3. Bring back the liquor cart. Supply the beverage cart with MORE SODAS. That's what the MAJORITY OF PASSENGERS request.

4. Bring back the TOPPER. It's got ALL YOUR DRY GOOD SUPPLIES in it. All in one place!!!!

Question for the west. How different is this new galley pack out compared to what you normally had in the past? What are the differences??????????????

only stating opinions.
Ok if and thats a Big IF we put the ice back in the top drawers could we NOT have the following....
drawer 1. ice, drawer 2. soda's, drawer 3. juice now on one side drawer 4 would be liquor/red wine and then the bucket with beer/white wine. on the other side drawer 4. soda and drawer 5 juice. Bring the topper back though MANY did not stock it it was THERE and you had room to work. I just don't think what I mentioned is that hard. On morning flights as sky stated the grey bucket could be removed with the liquor to add more juice/soda. It's not rocket science. I hope you all were able to follow what I'm trying to say.