And there is no respect for the American way of life that believes in the equality of all people. This group can hide behind their religious views all they want, but this almost all other religions...are sexist, racist, and homophobic.
No LLC the America way of life believes in the equality of all people UNDER THE LAW … You see in our country , you are STILL free to believe in what you want , to have the views you see fit … You should not fall into the mistake of thinking we are all some generic culture , there are many different cultures within the united states , including the swamis , you see they TOO are Americans (if they have citizenship lol ).
Sorry if I run off on a rant here , but it just always hit’s a nerve when people tell me that we “respect women†in American society , that we treat them as “equals†you know if this were Europe I would believe that , but this isn’t’ and I don’t . I would say that In OUR country we treat our women with disrespect , we hold women to higher standards then the other half of our population and when they don’t measure up we deride them with social stigma . You want to talk about sexism , tell me what do you think is more damaging to women as a whole , a SUPER MINIORITY of men who have taken extreme vows of celibacy or our general media culture that is in an ever so constant way telling women that you must be young , you must be in super physical shape and you must above all else be beautiful ? Our society likes to point the finger at these small groups making them scape goats for much larger problems .Even within our own airlines there is more sexism than you can imagine , do you know what the most frequent topic among most men at us airways is when it comes to flight attendants , why it’s which airlines has the hottest flight attendants .
So don’t tell me that this super majority of men is going to destroy our way of life , and don’t tell me religion is going to be the downfall of all mankind ,If you haven’t noticed there isn’t much respect for women in general in our society , and if things keep accelerating there will be less respect for them as the generations pass and none of that is due to Jesus .
p.s you should cherish the right for people to have their own views and beliefs , cause as soon as that’s out of the way we won’t hesitate to take you over , (roman Catholics comprise 1/7th of the world population

) What i really mean by that is a warning to you , while you don't suggest supressing the rights of this minority group out right you seem to imply that they should be ... you must always remeber that by supressing the rights of one group you supress them all .