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"New" Improved Galley Packouts

sky high states:

Dont you have passengers change their beverage order when they hear you dont have skim milk? Sweet-N-Low? etc..etc.
This move is going back almost 15 years to the dry dairy product, few like.

only stating opinions.

The powdered "whitener" is full of corn syrup and preservatives. It leaves a mess on the tray tables that already cry out for a good scrubbing.

I've already been subjected to advertising tray tables. It's turning into a sensory overload. For people with limited attention spans, every where they look (and listen) is more advertising. I'd love to return to a more restful environment when the only annoyance was the occasional screaming baby.

The new cups are good for longer flights but on an short haul beverage service it is much more time consuming to fill these.

One positive I can see from this merger is the wealth of experience the the East flight attendants can offer and the fresh ideas from the West. Just because someone is relatively junior does not take away from a good idea.
Powdered creamers are NOT a good idea though.
Oh please, stop being so dramatic. I think it's something different, makes you tap your foot, it's for a month, no big deal, so relax. Scrooges. 😀
I agree, I think the Holiday videos are a nice idea and as long as the volume is at a decent level most pax like to watch the videos once they are settled.(Some people will complain about anything.......Now it My Turn :lol: Those BIG Party cups are going to be a B-I-G Problem.....way too Big on the shorthaul flts for most people (not enough time to drink them) and when you have a 12oz cup and a 12oz can, duh F/A doesn't even need to think about it....Cup+Can=Pax, Cup/Can per pax makes LCC not so cost friendly per flight. Dumb idea. Throw caterers into the mix that don't cater correctly to Begin with, many flights will become "No Serves" due to LACK of Supplies.
I often wondered why when I asked for a water, they gave me cup+ice and filled it.. not giving me the bottle. 😱

I may have wanted more water!! Sheesh.
I often wondered why when I asked for a water, they gave me cup+ice and filled it.. not giving me the bottle. 😱

I may have wanted more water!! Sheesh.

Sheesh! All you have to do is say "May I have more water please?" Its that simple...the days of getting a full bottle of water are gone..if you want one, buy one and bring it on board!
Hey, Bob, FL serves Dasani now and they'll give you the bottle.
Ok folks, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with sticking up for your company and being proud but come on. There has been bad decision after decision that is really making an impression on who we are and what kind of company we are. We ARE NOT a low fare carrier. Management is really making bad decisions that are not really saving the company all that much. For what they are saving in one area they are spending an over amount in another. The decisions are BAD. The whole crap with this cart NEVER HAD TO HAPPEN. OK?, really. This NEVER HAD TO HAPPEN. Do something right the first time. Sure bumps along the road but it has been one stupid scheme after the other. No planning and truly thinking about the employee nor the customer.
Heard that they are looking at beverage carts that will allow for advertising on the sides so when its parked at a row, the passengers have a nice advertisment to look at and read!
That’s nuthin’.

Here’s the new FA uniform:

CHEAP ASS is sometimes an understatement. It looks like it will get worse for you folks back east as Maureen Dean has been promoted to head up international catering out of PHL. All I can say is good luck! :down: She has never listened to the flight attendants she only cares about the bottom line.
Comming from HP management theres a shocker.

Who is management? Not Jack. If Jack is who I think, he is a professional, and funny, FA. I just wish I had flown with him in my days, but I had to worship from afar.
I was speaking of Maureen. Not much top talent as of late showing their stuff. Just has been one bad decision after another with a lame a$$ excuse as to why.
The powdered "whitener" is full of corn syrup and preservatives. It leaves a mess on the tray tables that already cry out for a good scrubbing.
Powdered creamers are NOT a good idea though.

I am one of a growing number of folks who have a corn allergy/intolerance. Powdered cow is poison to us (as are pop/soda/juices sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup amongst thousands of other things including the new cashew sesame stick mix served on board now). I've switched to using dry milk for my coffee at the office (not that it would be feasible on a plane).

The Mini Moos or other dairy based creamers are much better than powdered cow. Just don't use the non-dairy based liquid ones. Those aren't any better than powdered cow (even though the customer might think they are getting real cow).
I am one of a growing number of folks who have a corn allergy/intolerance. Powdered cow is poison to us (as are pop/soda/juices sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup amongst thousands of other things including the new cashew sesame stick mix served on board now). I've switched to using dry milk for my coffee at the office (not that it would be feasible on a plane).

The Mini Moos or other dairy based creamers are much better than powdered cow. Just don't use the non-dairy based liquid ones. Those aren't any better than powdered cow (even though the customer might think they are getting real cow).

Or they can stop at Starbucks and buy their own Venti coffee with cream and bring on board like the other 100 passengers do!

I swear you people are making this powder creamer issue a joke...get over it, that we no longer will have liquid creamer...the passengers will get used to it or select another beverage choice. Its as simple as that.

You probably are the same folks who still think its business as usual from the OLD USairways?? You know, the ones that helped put you into bankrupcty two times!

Get over it and "MOOO"ve on!

That’s nuthin’.

Here’s the new FA uniform:


How did you get a picture of that prototype of the new uniform?? It will be presented in the upcoming road show in February!