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New F meals

I fully understand the COST issue involved with provisioning GLASSWARE but How they can continue allow the West to offer glass and the East to never see it certainly reflects on a Management Team that is SO OUT of Touch and not paying any attention to details and customer perception. (And you sure as heck don't need a Roundtable of F/A's to point this out!) As far as the new menus.........IT'S A START!

There probably is NO space for glassware on the EAST A/C after they butchered up all the FWD Galleys! They might just be too afraid to admit that fact!
There is more than enough space to place 4 sleeves of glasses on the airbus a/c (319,320,321). I have done countless trips where even on long haul provisioned flights there are big pale blue drawers with open cups or extra snacks. It is simply bad planning and cost as to why they don't offer glasses. As Astro pointed out it doesn't take a f/a focus group to see that this a simple lack of detail on the customer front. Why after two years do we NOT have glassware on east yet you do on east. Also it is NOT an improvement to have these new meals on long haul as others are offering this on ohhhh say PHL-ORD. We are a JOKE plain and simple. It will REMAIN that way as it's clear this company will NOT invest in anything to truly create a "product". They are not taking the time or effort as they are sure to merge with someone else and only have to do it again. A JUNK operation is all we have and after two years of complaints by employees and passengers we get a few extra pieces of lettuce or bigger piece of chicken? We have a long way to go and maybe just MAYBE we can see more improvements.
There probably is NO space for glassware on the EAST A/C after they butchered up all the FWD Galleys! They might just be too afraid to admit that fact!

Well since East aircraft now reflect the same configuration as West aircraft galleys, there is plenty of room to provision glassware. It works fine on the West and some of our older 320 airbus(Braniff ac) we even have one less cart to use, we have compartments for catering items.

It all comes down to budgetary factors as to why East has no glassware.
It all comes down to budgetary factors as to why East has no glassware.

:huh: I thought the East generated more revenue than the West? :huh: Also I'd venture to say that the WEST is using ALL the USAirways glassware that the EAST had in stockrooms. 🙄 Cause you darn well know that Tempe is too tight to spend money on new glassware! 🙄
I just worked first class on a trip where we served the new meals. I must say it is an improvement over what we had before. For once I was not embarrassed about the food we serve. On the way over we served penne pasta with grilled chicken and a parmesan cheese white sauce along with a salad and roll. It looked really good but I didn't get to try it. The other selection was a chicken club sandwich with fresh fruit. It also looked really yummy and filling. Everybody seemed to eat it all. I was the galley hag so I didn't really find out what the pax thought but they did eat the food. For dessert we served warm macademia nut cookies. I tried them and they were good. On the way back we served a turkey and cheese sandwich on a wheat roll with fresh lettuce, tomato and a pickle. It came with fresh fruit (strawberries and melon). The other choice was a grilled chicken salad with Italian vinaigrette dressing. It also looked nice. For dessert we served a chocolate chip cookie. I did try the sandwich and the salad and I liked them both. I wish I could have tried the pasta and the club sandwich. Overall they are an improvement over what we served before. We served the food using real silverware as opposed to plastic utensils. We still don't have any glassware which is tacky but the rest was good. If only they would bring back the glassware, linens, nuts in ramekins, etc. like we used to have. One f/a was asking me where the linens were (you know like on transatlantic) and I was like, sorry, no linens here. It seemed strange doing a transcon service on a widebody too because we were thinking transatlantic, not domestic service. Overall, it is definitely a start in the right direction.
I am finding this thread a bit amusing. First of all, I fly many ORD-East coast trips as the "A" flight attendant (we're called Pursers at my airline). On most of those trips with a flight time under two hours, we offer a full meal service with warm nuts and a beverage service to begin, plus linens and hot towels. The one aircraft where we have to hustle is on the 757 with 24 passengers, but it just requires a bit more organization on our part. It is certainly doable.

What I find most amusing is the glassware issue in the east. Our beverage carts are boarded with two racks of glasses on the first row. Wine glasses are provisioned in carriers. I am not understanding what the challenge is here. What is Tempe's response as to why there is no glassware provisioned on USAirways east A/C? From my vantage point, it would seem that provisioning glassware on an airplane is an obstacle that is not insurmountable and would help to create product consistency, No?
Sherri sent out a CBS recently that mentioned that they are still looking into glassware on the EAST, but didn't give the impression that it would happen due to the cost.
You can buy a 16 glass set at wal-mart for a $9.84.

Someone needs to write About US and ask them what happened to all the glasses that USE TO be in F/C.
Sherri sent out a CBS recently that mentioned that they are still looking into glassware on the EAST, but didn't give the impression that it would happen due to the cost.

What an idiot. Take glassware out completely then. She needs to be fired. How hard is it to make a decision? She must be too busy sampling calzones. What the heck is going on in Tempe? Isn't anyone paying attention?
You can buy a 16 glass set at wal-mart for a $9.84.

Someone needs to write About US and ask them what happened to all the glasses that USE TO be in F/C.

It's probably in Sherri's cupboard in her kitchen at home. She needed some fine china and glassware sets for dinner parties. :lol:
Before the PI/US Merger, PI had a first class which was very nice, US did not offer F/C, after the merger they threw away all the china and glassware, and everything else that had the PI logo on it.

We even tried to get US to donate those items to shelters, soup kitchens etc and they refused.
I think US briefly had FC in the early 80s. Right after the PI merger we had plates, silverware, etc with the old US logo for a while. We also had some hot crew meals that came in an aluminum container with the old logo on it with “First Classâ€￾, although we never saw those particular food items as PAX meals.

As for those old PI logo china and silverware, I hear there are plenty of boats on Lake Norman that have some nice sets onboard, LOL.
Got a nice set myself.

USAir had glassware in F/C when I started in 1989 all the way up to 9/11.....when it became a cost cutting measure to take it off the a/c. I remember the little roly poly's and carafes for the extra juice and soda. Heck, we even had little glass vases with carnations/flowers for the F/C tray set ups! I think the real issue here as to why there is no glassware on the EAST, is that the MORONS out in Tempe don't want to take on the issue that they screwed up again by BUTCHERING the EAST Airbus FWD Galleys leaving them with no space to put glassware back on. There is still room on the 757's, but that wouldn't keep the EAST product consistent. :huh: They can run for soo long but they cannot hide from the truth! 🙄

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