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New F meals

From the actual PR on the US site... a "sample picture".

First Class now offers a seared pork loin with port wine sauce accompanied by fingerling potatoes and roasted red peppers.


As a line flight attendant I have to say, the meals look good for the photo shot.
However, catering will blow it with only supplying a minimal amount of salad and one or two slices of potato ect.
I guess time will tell.
USAir had glassware in F/C when I started in 1989 all the way up to 9/11.....when it became a cost cutting measure to take it off the a/c. I remember the little roly poly's and carafes for the extra juice and soda. Heck, we even had little glass vases with carnations/flowers for the F/C tray set ups! I think the real issue here as to why there is no glassware on the EAST, is that the MORONS out in Tempe don't want to take on the issue that they screwed up again by BUTCHERING the EAST Airbus FWD Galleys leaving them with no space to put glassware back on. There is still room on the 757's, but that wouldn't keep the EAST product consistent. :huh: They can run for soo long but they cannot hide from the truth! 🙄
Just how different ARE the galleys?
Does anybody have a picture comparison?
Our "Signature" service operated from the east
coast to PHX with all the trimmings with really
no space issues.
Sometimes catering would put the special 1st class
meals in the coach galley.
This whole glassware thing is just ridiculous. Ok, if we had ALL that glassware on ALL aircraft before it was removed where the hell did it go? I find it extremely hard to believe that we are now using it all on transatlantic due to breakage. BS. Before the merger America West had their own glassware but all of the sudden have Usairways glassware. If you were able to order the replacements for the HP side then why not the US side? It's is simply a bad inflight decision bottom line. They screwed up. It's not the end of the world to have it but simply the point. It's Tempe at their best. INEPT! ! ! 🙄 PS the meals ARE very good.
From my vantage point, it would seem that provisioning glassware on an airplane is an obstacle that is not insurmountable and would help to create product consistency, No?
because we are a cross between a trailer park and the septa R1 (phl airport train, for those who don't know...)
USAir had glassware in F/C when I started in 1989 all the way up to 9/11.....when it became a cost cutting measure to take it off the a/c. I remember the little roly poly's and carafes for the extra juice and soda. Heck, we even had little glass vases with carnations/flowers for the F/C tray set ups! I think the real issue here as to why there is no glassware on the EAST, is that the MORONS out in Tempe don't want to take on the issue that they screwed up again by BUTCHERING the EAST Airbus FWD Galleys leaving them with no space to put glassware back on. There is still room on the 757's, but that wouldn't keep the EAST product consistent. :huh: They can run for soo long but they cannot hide from the truth! 🙄

We had glassware when I started in 2000. We also had food in f/c even on short flights and it was really good food too. I used to fly A all the time and eat the leftovers that I didn't serve. We even did a wine presentation. Now we serve wine in party cups as if we were at Doug's frat party. They could make room if they really wanted to but we have so many inept people working for us. For example, the caterers in PHL don't know how to cater. They just leave juice, sodas, cups, creamers, anything on the counter in the galley or on the floor or in an overhead compartment. Or when you set up the beverage cart for your next leg, you have to argue with caterers because they want to take it off. They throw cups, cases of water, snacks, anything in a whole airbus cart instead of putting it where it belongs. Now looking for things in the galley is like a scavenger hunt without the clues. The stuff could be anywhere or it could not be there at all. Not all are inept but it just seems that there is no set procedure in place. You just put stuff whereever there's space instead of having a set place for each item that is streamlined across the system based on the aircraft. Nothing is consistent around here except that we consistently run a piss poor operation.
I'm not tech savy enough but someone SERIOUSLY needs to take a snapshot with their cell phone while onboard our east airbus and compare it with a snapshot of a west 319/320. Right there will be your PROOF of just how different our galleys are. It was pure ignorance how they chopped it all up fully knowing it would cause problems. Now I have said before that on a transcon I did look around the galley and move stuff. There certainly IS ROOM for glassware even with the galleys butchered.
I'm not tech savy enough but someone SERIOUSLY needs to take a snapshot with their cell phone while onboard our east airbus and compare it with a snapshot of a west 319/320. Right there will be your PROOF of just how different our galleys are. It was pure ignorance how they chopped it all up fully knowing it would cause problems. Now I have said before that on a transcon I did look around the galley and move stuff. There certainly IS ROOM for glassware even with the galleys butchered.

The next time I fly, which hopefully won't be for a long, long time, I will take pictures of our galleys. If I fly today I will definitely take some pictures and post them. I hate how they butchered our galleys but I agree, there is room. You just have to utilize your space wisely. Do you think this airline is capable of that?
Just how different ARE the galleys?
Does anybody have a picture comparison?
Our "Signature" service operated from the east
coast to PHX with all the trimmings with really
no space issues.
Sometimes catering would put the special 1st class
meals in the coach galley.

The Galleys on the A320/321 have lost half of their storage space since the merger. there are 4 carts in the FWD Galleys on all the Airbus A/C including the A319. 1) a beverage/liquor cart, 2) ice/water cart, 3) pre set trays, entree's or sandwhiches, dessert, utensils and cutlery, china, 4) trash trolley(s). Above the carts are 3 stacked Atlas Carriers (grey boxes) that house additional sodas/juices, F/C snacks, condiments such as sugars/napkins, stirrers, coffee, plastic cups, styrofoam cups, and other necessary service items. That's it, no more room up there! The only alternative would be to store a F/C cart in the AFT Galley which would then have to be brought up front for the service....which would not be a bad idea since most if not all of us have to pull carts out to use as additional counter space when working up front. If indeed, the lack of space is the reason for not having glassware up front, both galleys can be tweaked to accomodate it.
I just did a 3day on the airbus and not once but EVERY single time the ice/water cart is hodpodged. I had cold/hot cups in watery drawers, more sugar, stir stix and sweetener than could be used on the titanic and more coffee than Starbucks could brew. We need only ONE drawer of cups. That space saving alone is enough for two racks of glasses for first class. It's silly and simply POOR PLANNING. They are unwilling to revisit this at this time because there is a "known" stink about it (they read these boards). They will "look into it" as they say in their own do time. If they wanted to put glassware on the east a/c it could be done. Those carts in first on the 319/320/321 are all full size carts. MORE than enough room if space were utilized well.
The Galleys on the A320/321 have lost half of their storage space since the merger. there are 4 carts in the FWD Galleys on all the Airbus A/C including the A319. 1) a beverage/liquor cart, 2) ice/water cart, 3) pre set trays, entree's or sandwhiches, dessert, utensils and cutlery, china, 4) trash trolley(s). Above the carts are 3 stacked Atlas Carriers (grey boxes) that house additional sodas/juices, F/C snacks, condiments such as sugars/napkins, stirrers, coffee, plastic cups, styrofoam cups, and other necessary service items. That's it, no more room up there! The only alternative would be to store a F/C cart in the AFT Galley which would then have to be brought up front for the service....which would not be a bad idea since most if not all of us have to pull carts out to use as additional counter space when working up front. If indeed, the lack of space is the reason for not having glassware up front, both galleys can be tweaked to accomodate it.

FYI: This is about the same if not more space than exists in NW's A319/A320 galleys.
From the actual PR on the US site... a "sample picture".

First Class now offers a seared pork loin with port wine sauce accompanied by fingerling potatoes and roasted red peppers.


I agree, look at how much nicer this looks with glassware instead of plastic! If I'm not mistaken there are MORE Premium Flyers on the EAST than the WEST, I think this is an absolute necessity to go along with the new f/c meals!
The Galleys on the A320/321 have lost half of their storage space since the merger. there are 4 carts in the FWD Galleys on all the Airbus A/C including the A319. 1) a beverage/liquor cart, 2) ice/water cart, 3) pre set trays, entree's or sandwhiches, dessert, utensils and cutlery, china, 4) trash trolley(s). Above the carts are 3 stacked Atlas Carriers (grey boxes) that house additional sodas/juices, F/C snacks, condiments such as sugars/napkins, stirrers, coffee, plastic cups, styrofoam cups, and other necessary service items. That's it, no more room up there! The only alternative would be to store a F/C cart in the AFT Galley which would then have to be brought up front for the service....which would not be a bad idea since most if not all of us have to pull carts out to use as additional counter space when working up front. If indeed, the lack of space is the reason for not having glassware up front, both galleys can be tweaked to accomodate it.

That is exactly what we have on our Airbus fleet of aircraft (with exception to the few original ex-Braniff A320s that were our first deliveries).

From what I am reading, the East galleys are being overstocked with a lot of supplies that you really do not need. For example, Atlas carriers with additional sodas/juices. I manage just fine with the sodas/juices supplied in my beverage cart. If, by chance, I run out of a particular item like Tonic or Bloody Mary Mix I simply make a call to or go back to the aft galley and retrieve the items I need. In saying this, I want to emphasize that this is usually not necessary.

I am curious if you still provide a can and two minis in First Class to supply drink orders? That may be the reason you need extra sodas. We premix our cocktails, deliver and refill as necessary on the West. Thus one can of Tonic can be used to mix up to three Gin and Tonics (yes, using the whole mini before you naysayers chime in) with the rock glasses we have.

By the way, in your galley description, all of our glassware is supplied in racks inside the same cart you describe for ice/water. We are provisioned with a minimum of 24 rock glasses (12 per rack), 16 coffee mugs (8 per rack), and 12 wine glasses (6 per rack - in same rack as coffee mugs). I only work the Lead FA "A" position, and I have never, repeat NEVER, run out of clean glasses before reaching our destination. I also have worked numerous flights on the 757 between Charlotte and Phoenix, serving either breakfast or dinner depending on which flight I am working, and have never been asked why I don't supply a glass of ice, a can, and two minis when serving drinks to a First Class cabin FULL of Chairman Elite members.

What is the need for all of the space for styros and plastics if you could be using glassware? Styros and plastic cups are only used for the predeparture beverage service and assisting the main cabin with second or third beverage service. We can manage with only one sleeve of each for these tasks.

From how you describe your packouts, your caterers or whoever the powers may be are not effectively utilizing the space you now have. We have exactly the same galley cart setup that you describe and have been provisioned with glassware for years - pre merger and all.
That is exactly what we have on our Airbus fleet of aircraft (with exception to the few original ex-Braniff A320s that were our first deliveries).

From what I am reading, the East galleys are being overstocked with a lot of supplies that you really do not need. For example, Atlas carriers with additional sodas/juices. I manage just fine with the sodas/juices supplied in my beverage cart. If, by chance, I run out of a particular item like Tonic or Bloody Mary Mix I simply make a call to or go back to the aft galley and retrieve the items I need. In saying this, I want to emphasize that this is usually not necessary.

I am curious if you still provide a can and two minis in First Class to supply drink orders? That may be the reason you need extra sodas. We premix our cocktails, deliver and refill as necessary on the West. Thus one can of Tonic can be used to mix up to three Gin and Tonics (yes, using the whole mini before you naysayers chime in) with the rock glasses we have.

By the way, in your galley description, all of our glassware is supplied in racks inside the same cart you describe for ice/water. We are provisioned with a minimum of 24 rock glasses (12 per rack), 16 coffee mugs (8 per rack), and 12 wine glasses (6 per rack - in same rack as coffee mugs). I only work the Lead FA "A" position, and I have never, repeat NEVER, run out of clean glasses before reaching our destination. I also have worked numerous flights on the 757 between Charlotte and Phoenix, serving either breakfast or dinner depending on which flight I am working, and have never been asked why I don't supply a glass of ice, a can, and two minis when serving drinks to a First Class cabin FULL of Chairman Elite members.

What is the need for all of the space for styros and plastics if you could be using glassware? Styros and plastic cups are only used for the predeparture beverage service and assisting the main cabin with second or third beverage service. We can manage with only one sleeve of each for these tasks.

From how you describe your packouts, your caterers or whoever the powers may be are not effectively utilizing the space you now have. We have exactly the same galley cart setup that you describe and have been provisioned with glassware for years - pre merger and all.
903 I have been explaining this same thing in different threads. The problem is Sherry Shambles and the clowns that run catering can't add or subtract, and make glassware possible in the East a/c. It is total nonsense. I believe they don't want to spend the money, and or don't have enough supplies! WHY on Earth would you supply the West fleet and flights with glassware and not East? Just don't bother at all. Why do these morons keep punishing the customer with half a@@ service standards?? Total embarassment. 🙄
They probably have the glassware sitting in storage somewhere. Just like they had china and silverware. They probably don't need to buy it just make room for it. Let's face it - the old east use to have room for it other airlines have room for it - it can be figured out if someone wanted to figure it out.
They probably have the glassware sitting in storage somewhere. Just like they had china and silverware. They probably don't need to buy it just make room for it. Let's face it - the old east use to have room for it other airlines have room for it - it can be figured out if someone wanted to figure it out.

Good grief. The saga of the missing East glassware has become a legend of mystery much like that of where is the body of Jimmy Hoffa?

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