That is exactly what we have on our Airbus fleet of aircraft (with exception to the few original ex-Braniff A320s that were our first deliveries).
From what I am reading, the East galleys are being overstocked with a lot of supplies that you really do not need. For example, Atlas carriers with additional sodas/juices. I manage just fine with the sodas/juices supplied in my beverage cart. If, by chance, I run out of a particular item like Tonic or Bloody Mary Mix I simply make a call to or go back to the aft galley and retrieve the items I need. In saying this, I want to emphasize that this is usually not necessary.
I am curious if you still provide a can and two minis in First Class to supply drink orders? That may be the reason you need extra sodas. We premix our cocktails, deliver and refill as necessary on the West. Thus one can of Tonic can be used to mix up to three Gin and Tonics (yes, using the whole mini before you naysayers chime in) with the rock glasses we have.
By the way, in your galley description, all of our glassware is supplied in racks inside the same cart you describe for ice/water. We are provisioned with a minimum of 24 rock glasses (12 per rack), 16 coffee mugs (8 per rack), and 12 wine glasses (6 per rack - in same rack as coffee mugs). I only work the Lead FA "A" position, and I have never, repeat NEVER, run out of clean glasses before reaching our destination. I also have worked numerous flights on the 757 between Charlotte and Phoenix, serving either breakfast or dinner depending on which flight I am working, and have never been asked why I don't supply a glass of ice, a can, and two minis when serving drinks to a First Class cabin FULL of Chairman Elite members.
What is the need for all of the space for styros and plastics if you could be using glassware? Styros and plastic cups are only used for the predeparture beverage service and assisting the main cabin with second or third beverage service. We can manage with only one sleeve of each for these tasks.
From how you describe your packouts, your caterers or whoever the powers may be are not effectively utilizing the space you now have. We have exactly the same galley cart setup that you describe and have been provisioned with glassware for years - pre merger and all.