No envy here. I just don't think any one group should get priority over the other. All the pilots have to do is sign in before we do. Problem solved. No special treatment. Or go to a strict seniority order. I know APA would never go for that, because they would probably be farther down the list than if the just woke up an hour earlier. Please go back and read APA's proposal, no where does it mention AE, it only mentions that pilots would not go before AA F/A's. Therefore, one could surmise that that means before anyone else. Common courtesy would have been to talk with APFA and work it out that way. Your arrogant leadership didn't and now they look like a$$'s in the media for trying to strong arm AA and ending up red faced. By the tone of your previous post, you fall right into the group of most pilots who don't get it. You think everything is all about you and you don't seem to like reality. APA obviously wants the deadheading priority and premium cabin guarantee because they can't stand that a F/A might get the seat over them. Just like the Domicile chair from LGA(I think it was) said, Pilots don't like to be treated "equal". Hey, if you want to act like an a$$, I have no problem treating you like an a$$.
My information regarding our proposal comes straight from Ralph Hunter's mouth at yesterday's MIA domicile meeting. He specifically said the agreement would've been that we would gain access AFTER eveyone else entitled to it. There's no use explaining that to you any further, you obviously don't give a poop about facts, they just cloud your blind rage.
The APA doesn't really care what you "think" about what priority they attempted to negotiate for the pilots. Are you just as indignant that upper management gets to non-rev positive space, or are you just gooned up over the pilots attempt to garner something? If you want it, go negotiate for it. Believe me, your chance is coming. When APA caves and has another concessionary contract shoved down it's throat, AMR will be coming after you. They think you're over-paid and under-worked just like they think the pilots are...
The tone of my previous post was obviously taken incorrectly by you because you can't see past the ball of venom surrounding your every thought regarding pilots... My take on it is this: You'd rather get spun up over what the pilots want rather than going out and getting what you want... Just so we're clear, I WANT FLIGHT ATTENDANTS TO RIDE OUR COCKPIT JUMPSEATS!!!! I AM MARRIED TO A FLIGHT ATTENDANT!!! I don't really care if APA gets
"your" jumpseat because I don't commute, I don't non-rev, and I mainly travel on other airlines when I have to go somewhere because Eagle is generally oversold or weight-restricted...
As far as what APA wants, I don't care... I'm as disconnected from them as you obviously are from the APFA. Why Hunter asked for the things he did, I don't know, and I'm not one to wildly speculate or throw asinine accusations around. All I know is this, the route will probably go to someone else and it's not the pilot's fault. If you have been around AMR as long I'm guessing you've been, it should be easy to see what's happening, but instead, your hatred for the pilots is causing you to fall for it hook, line, and sinker...
Are you completely sure about that quote from the LGA chair, or are you just operating under the assumption that because you heard it in the galley it must be true?
Treat us like an a$$? It doesn't bother me, I just generally roll my eyes when I get attitude from someone who choses to judge me by the career I've chosen rather than who I am..