I had forgotten about the last 2 contracts' slim passing margins but ... I still think it will take much more than 250 voting 'yes' to sway the outcome to the twu/company's favor. People are pissed - I've heard stalwart TWU supporters questioning the actions of their darling 'union'.
I believe you and I had this conversation before re: how the company will get what it wants; at this point, I feel the people are mad enough that not even the company's pet union can make much of a difference with the standard scare tactics as before. It's going to take something else, hopefully. That's why I continue to think a buyout/earlyout is in the offing but not until at least the first TA has been voted down, possibly the second or third POS TA.
Full restoration to the pre-concession contract will get some consideration, though not necessarily a yes vote from me. Anything else will get a well deserved NO.