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New F meals

Kevin Jackson, managing director, consumer and partnership marketing said, "We surveyed over 3,000 of our frequent flyers this past spring and they told us that they wanted healthier, better-quality meals and more variety to choose from. We listened to them and have developed tasty, more nutritious menus that suit their needs depending on what time of day they're traveling."
Tempe had to survey 3,000 FFs to figure out customer prefer better quality food with more variety? Oh, and they would prefer the omelets be served in morning and the pork loin in the evening?

What’s the next newsflash going to be, customers prefer arriving on time with their checked luggage?
So how do they figure that "fettuccini with salmon and sun-dried tomatoes in a garlic parmesan cheese sauce" is "light fare" for the afternoon? Pasta in the middle of the afternoon with a cheese sauce doesn't sound very light to me!

On the light fare, the serving size is 1/2 cup. :lol: (It's like the "serving size" of ice cream that says 1 serving only has 140 calories--the serving size is 1/4 cup! don't know about you, but I can inhale that much ice cream.)
Tempe had to survey 3,000 FFs to figure out customer prefer better quality food with more variety? Oh, and they would prefer the omelets be served in morning and the pork loin in the evening?

What’s the next newsflash going to be, customers prefer arriving on time with their checked luggage?

It is quite funny that it is big news when US changes their menus - like they are the first airline to invent new food in First Class? Why is this news anyway - you don't see other airlines making a big deal out it when they change the menu! Now if it was a major upgrade in service like UA and the new flat business class seats - that is news. But a new menu? It is amazing that this is viewed as a big new enhancement by the yahoo's in Tempe. Now if they were going back to the old Transcon service with the salad cart and ice cream sundaes - that might be news - but from the pictures it doesn't look like big news to me.
Did you notice the article mentioned replacing plastic with actual new silverware but nothing mentioned about glassware ? I guess the plastic cups are staying ? Also while extending the serving window to 800PM is an improvement I still believe westbound transcons leaving later, say 830PM should be included, even if it's the (cheaper) lighter meal. Any flight attendants who work these flights feel free to agree/disagree please.


I completely agree with you, I don't think it has to be a full on meal on the late evening transcons but the lighter meal would be perfect as the snack basket on a 4-5 hour or even a 3 hour flight is kind of crappy. My question is what are they going to do on the 190 since there is no oven? Well at any rate this is a start and it's somewhat nice to see an attempt from people that I didn't think had a clue. Hopefully there will now be some glassware on the East metal and we can have some sort of pride in what we do.
When will US truly compete??
Don't you know? They don't need to. Flights are full and the preferred membership is higher than ever. Just ask Tempe, they will give you the spin. The meals they are advertising are the equivalent to meals on short hauls for other carriers. Yet AA will give you warm nuts, hot towels, decent wine, GLASSWARE, and mints. Combined, with the devaluation of the Chairman's level now with the fake executive level and paid memberships, why fly US? I took DL's Comair to BOS this week and they offer a snack basket in Y better than US's snack basket. Some insiders at Tempe say that the place is going to hell in a handbasket. It is obvious they have no clue.
I just received the press release email about upgrades to first class meals. I noticed two things...one thanks to jimntx...they say you'll be craving seconds...probably because the meals are inadequate. And, they refer to it as upgrades. They don't go overboard in their description so even they know this really a baby step towards becoming competitive. Oh, and a third and fourth thing...no mention of glassware or better wines. It is really pathetic how much they suck.
What a bunch of maroons...nyuck nyuck nyuck...certainly...so, we have parker, kirby. and christ as larry, moe and curly...shambles is shemp
Here's a taste of what HP used to offer:

(multiple posts due to 3 img / post limit)



And their brilliant BOB test:

I am just trying to understand how its an upgrade.

Lets look at what USairways used to serve on a Transcon (and NO, these aren't Envoy)

Exactly my question as well. It is just amazing that these bozos in charge drive the service lower than anyone ever thought it could go - and then this little change is marketed as this big improvement.

It is quite amusing to watch actually.

My only dissapointment is that since I no longer fly on US I am going to miss out on these wonderful new first class meal selections and will have to suffer through the meal service on United with warm nuts, hot towels, good wines and ice cream sundaes for dessert. The worst part is I have never had a slice of that Four Points pie.

Oh well - had I know that these fantastic new meals on US FC were coming I guess I would have stayed on as a customer!
It is quite funny that it is big news when US changes their menus - like they are the first airline to invent new food in First Class? Why is this news anyway - you don't see other airlines making a big deal out it when they change the menu! Now if it was a major upgrade in service like UA and the new flat business class seats - that is news. But a new menu? It is amazing that this is viewed as a big new enhancement by the yahoo's in Tempe. Now if they were going back to the old Transcon service with the salad cart and ice cream sundaes - that might be news - but from the pictures it doesn't look like big news to me.
AMEN MAN! This is big news for the losers in Tempe who are not accostomed to any service worth speaking of. This Is OLD SCHOOL service for those of us that are accostomed to a higher level of fare. I don't think these idots in Tempe could possibly come up with a product that was superior to the product we offered our customers prior to AWA taking control. And to think they had to waste the time to survey 3000 FF to come up with this. What joke.
Actually UA, DL and AA have had press releases on their new menus in the past.
Be thankful it's a change. I am completely amazed at how 12 hours into this, there are posts from a handful of the same old people, doing the same old bashing. You guys need to take a break.

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