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New Card Drive Started @ AA--Mechanic and Related

been Gone some 8 years: same tired AMT’S arguing with tired guys self-identified as being from some other work groups that identifiy as benefitting from keeping the AMT’S down.

Just an look-in from afar.

been Gone some 8 years: same tired AMT’S arguing with tired guys self-identified as being from some other work groups that identifiy as benefitting from keeping the AMT’S down.

Just an look-in from afar.

Down? We got the best contract in the industry since you left. Enjoy retirement.
I've been hearing some good progress in the card collection at AA for the new card drive to get an AMFA election. Keep up the good work.
So in order to keep you all in the loop it was just announced by NMB that the Mechanic and Related at Spirit will go forward with their election for AMFA representation. Card count for them will be on 8-15-22. If all goes well with Spirit and merger with either airline this will make the 5th airline to try and obtain AMFA to represent the Class and Craft Mechanics. AMFA is in a very strong growth period this year, in hopes you guys can keep that moving in the same direction (just may not be this year is all). Good luck to all and keep those cards coming in like you are...

For you guys following the elections it's R-7587 for the Spirit/AMFA Election:

I've been hearing some good progress in the card collection at AA for the new card drive to get an AMFA election. Keep up the good work.
So in order to keep you all in the loop it was just announced by NMB that the Mechanic and Related at Spirit will go forward with their election for AMFA representation. Card count for them will be on 8-15-22. If all goes well with Spirit and merger with either airline this will make the 5th airline to try and obtain AMFA to represent the Class and Craft Mechanics. AMFA is in a very strong growth period this year, in hopes you guys can keep that moving in the same direction (just may not be this year is all). Good luck to all and keep those cards coming in like you are...

For you guys following the elections it's R-7587 for the Spirit/AMFA Election:

There is no card drive at AA for a replacement of any Union. The only card drive to replace a sitting Union that I’m aware of is at SWA for the mechanics to rid themselves of SCAMFA.
I've been hearing some good progress in the card collection at AA for the new card drive to get an AMFA election. Keep up the good work.
So in order to keep you all in the loop it was just announced by NMB that the Mechanic and Related at Spirit will go forward with their election for AMFA representation. Card count for them will be on 8-15-22. If all goes well with Spirit and merger with either airline this will make the 5th airline to try and obtain AMFA to represent the Class and Craft Mechanics. AMFA is in a very strong growth period this year, in hopes you guys can keep that moving in the same direction (just may not be this year is all). Good luck to all and keep those cards coming in like you are...

For you guys following the elections it's R-7587 for the Spirit/AMFA Election:

After further checking dates and announcements I see that any card count for you AA'ers for any AMFA election, more than likely will not be in 2021, as the date for the "New Card Drive" actually started mid Nov of 2021 as per the announcement below by AMFA National. Of course the asso will extend and extend for as long as they possibly can to avoid getting fired from representing the Mechanics at AA and it would move any card count into the new year of 2023. Pus just with the mere size and number of Mechanics and now even larger per NMB classifying even more. But I still cannot believe they didn't call for an election having the 50% plus that they had even after NMB added to it. You guys just need to show them a huge eye opener and get 2/3's and more...

National Vice President Announces New Card Drive at American Airlines
November 12, 2021 -- We are excited to announce that a new card drive to replace the so-called “Association” has begun. The outcome of the previous drive was suspicious, to say the least, and your union along with the National Mediation Board (NMB) did everything they could to once again thwart your right to choose your representation. This outcome, and the outrage so many of you have expressed, has reenergized the movement and its organizers to pursue fairness and democratic ideals once again.
Referencing Spirit airlines, talked to a member of management who worked for them but recently left for AA. Spirit is hell bent over to keep unions off the property. He also said they want no part of Jetblue. Jetblue is unionized. That explains why the long delay and post poned shareholders/board members vote or decision. Jetblue keeps upping the offer. The board has a fiduciary obligation to get the best deal for the shareholders by law. Jetblue knows this. Spirit can only fight so long. They definitely want no part of unions. We will see what happens over time.
After further checking dates and announcements I see that any card count for you AA'ers for any AMFA election, more than likely will not be in 2021, as the date for the "New Card Drive" actually started mid Nov of 2021 as per the announcement below by AMFA National. Of course the asso will extend and extend for as long as they possibly can to avoid getting fired from representing the Mechanics at AA and it would move any card count into the new year of 2023. Pus just with the mere size and number of Mechanics and now even larger per NMB classifying even more. But I still cannot believe they didn't call for an election having the 50% plus that they had even after NMB added to it. You guys just need to show them a huge eye opener and get 2/3's and more...

National Vice President Announces New Card Drive at American Airlines
November 12, 2021 -- We are excited to announce that a new card drive to replace the so-called “Association” has begun. The outcome of the previous drive was suspicious, to say the least, and your union along with the National Mediation Board (NMB) did everything they could to once again thwart your right to choose your representation. This outcome, and the outrage so many of you have expressed, has reenergized the movement and its organizers to pursue fairness and democratic ideals once again.
You would actually have to have a card drive and not an outdated statement from someone no longer affiliated with Scamfa, Genius.
Referencing Spirit airlines, talked to a member of management who worked for them but recently left for AA. Spirit is hell bent over to keep unions off the property. He also said they want no part of Jetblue. Jetblue is unionized. That explains why the long delay and post poned shareholders/board members vote or decision. Jetblue keeps upping the offer. The board has a fiduciary obligation to get the best deal for the shareholders by law. Jetblue knows this. Spirit can only fight so long. They definitely want no part of unions. We will see what happens over time.
Ahhh, good to know. Yea, now Frontier is asking for the 4th postponement so they can gather further support for the Frontier/Spirit hook up. I fully understand Spirit's concern over buying a unionized airline, but, most all of them are now days. Plus, with the recent announcement from the NMB on Spirit's Mechanics voting for representation as well as JetBlue's Mechanics also doing card drives for Mechanics and MC. Talked with AMFA's National Director and he said the card drive at Spirit was so overwhelming that they collected enough cards for even the combination of both Spirit and Frontier so Spirit just needs to get over their concerns about unionized airlines, otherwise their distractions might hurt the shareholders worse and get themselves in a huge lawsuit. According to several upper AMFA National leaders, it's a matter of time once Spirit votes AMFA in, that even the "other" merged airline that does get to purchase Spirit will also become fully represented by AMFA as well.
It will be interesting to see how the shareholders will vote. Just hope all Mechanics groups involved will get union representation prior to a merger being completed so they will have a voice in all integrations of seniority list.
If Frontier wins merger vote then there will be, yet another, AMFA vs teamsters representational vote, but it will go to AMFA hands down as they all do when up against the teamsters crooked representation.
The shareholders probably do not even realize how close that Spirit is from getting more unionized as well as JetBlue and Frontier's Mechanics. Card count for Spirit/AMFA vote will be 8-25 per NMB site.
So, would you say that Spirit is as hell bent as Delta on trying to stay non-union???
After further checking dates and announcements I see that any card count for you AA'ers for any AMFA election, more than likely will not be in 2021, as the date for the "New Card Drive" actually started mid Nov of 2021 as per the announcement below by AMFA National. Of course the asso will extend and extend for as long as they possibly can to avoid getting fired from representing the Mechanics at AA and it would move any card count into the new year of 2023. Pus just with the mere size and number of Mechanics and now even larger per NMB classifying even more. But I still cannot believe they didn't call for an election having the 50% plus that they had even after NMB added to it. You guys just need to show them a huge eye opener and get 2/3's and more...

National Vice President Announces New Card Drive at American Airlines
November 12, 2021 -- We are excited to announce that a new card drive to replace the so-called “Association” has begun. The outcome of the previous drive was suspicious, to say the least, and your union along with the National Mediation Board (NMB) did everything they could to once again thwart your right to choose your representation. This outcome, and the outrage so many of you have expressed, has reenergized the movement and its organizers to pursue fairness and democratic ideals once again.

Well swamp at least you admit that the Association has way way way way more members than AMFA does at SWA. It’s going to be much easier for the TWU to get 50% + 1 at SWA than it could ever take AMFA to get even remotely close at AA.
Maybe if they didn’t work their day jobs they’d actually have the time to spend on their membership and deliver something? 19 years at SWA and they’re still trying to blame the Teamsters for their lack of being able to add jobs. Incompetence doesn’t win prizes.
TWU has been at AA for how long? They have outsourced more work in those 19 years then AMFA has at Southwest......

But you don't know what you are talking about so you don't get that your **** union is one of the reasons mechanics at airlines struggle so hard to bring more work in-house.
TWU has been at AA for how long? They have outsourced more work in those 19 years then AMFA has at Southwest......

But you don't know what you are talking about so you don't get that your **** union is one of the reasons mechanics at airlines struggle so hard to bring more work in-house.

Don’t come back here and waste time. After Airline Deregulation all the Major Legacy Airlines went through Bankruptcies and concessions having to fend off low cost entrants like SWA that undercut the market lowering prices for flying. To that end though (here we have to go again) AMFA lost ALL their Mechanics that they represented at NWA. They couldn’t even hold on to that representation when Delta merged with NWA. Total complete loss and utter devastation to all except those who actually felt the need to SCAB their own and cross the picket line having understandably no confidence in AMFA as an entity. In hindsight at the time they made the right move since AMFA extinguished their certification and just faded away.

As a matter of fact I’ve never even heard of AMFA ever trying to gain/regain representation at Delta. Long term lingering bad taste I guess.

SWA is a young Airline by comparison of the time. It only gained certification in 1971. American Airlines was founded in 1926. So yes during their 2003 concessions brought on by Deregulation TWU did lose work. Absolutely agreed. Anything else prior to that was voted on by the membership. Hopefully you’re someone who accepts the will of your coworkers.

Now why don’t you start comparing the amount of work between the two airlines today? There is no competition when it comes to Scope. And SWA never filed for Bankruptcy or asked their employees for concessions. So what’s the excuse?
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TWU has been at AA for how long? They have outsourced more work in those 19 years then AMFA has at Southwest......

But you don't know what you are talking about so you don't get that your **** union is one of the reasons mechanics at airlines struggle so hard to bring more work in-house.
That statement is so true. I know most the Mechanics already know that. I also just read where our employee numbers are now set at pre-pandemic levels again after huge hiring sprees, and we have also been told the Mechanic ranks (as well as other work groups) are still hiring to meet better demands needed to get back a better staffing level for the flights currently required.
On a side note; both AMFA and SWA are still working on bringing in new and expanding maintenance at approx 6 out stations that are or just had the grand openings of the new hangars just built or being built. A huge increase in Houston with new international hangars that were built, and the Denver hangars are still getting staffed and expanded to this day.
Talked with one of our recruiters for the Mechanics, inspectors and sups for maint and he said there is a shortage of "experienced" Lic Mechanics out there right now so it's taking a bit longer than expected. And I believe that SWA and AMFA worked out another agreement to expand the Apprentice program to allow larger number of new hires to come thru that program too.
2nd note; Also let us not forget that the asso (TWU) also agreed with the company to reduce headcount and positions at AA where AMFA fought every single time the co wanted to reduce and won all of them during the pandemic phases...
That statement is so true. I know most the Mechanics already know that. I also just read where our employee numbers are now set at pre-pandemic levels again after huge hiring sprees, and we have also been told the Mechanic ranks (as well as other work groups) are still hiring to meet better demands needed to get back a better staffing level for the flights currently required.
On a side note; both AMFA and SWA are still working on bringing in new and expanding maintenance at approx 6 out stations that are or just had the grand openings of the new hangars just built or being built. A huge increase in Houston with new international hangars that were built, and the Denver hangars are still getting staffed and expanded to this day.
Talked with one of our recruiters for the Mechanics, inspectors and sups for maint and he said there is a shortage of "experienced" Lic Mechanics out there right now so it's taking a bit longer than expected. And I believe that SWA and AMFA worked out another agreement to expand the Apprentice program to allow larger number of new hires to come thru that program too.
2nd note; Also let us not forget that the asso (TWU) also agreed with the company to reduce headcount and positions at AA where AMFA fought every single time the co wanted to reduce and won all of them during the pandemic phases...

You have 2.3 Mechanics per Aircraft according to the Airline Data Project and you also agreed with SWA Management that they could go as low as 2.3 Mechanics per Aircraft in your Contract.

That’s in YOUR CONTRACT!!!! You guys agreed to that. You voted that in. There is NO fighting what YOU AGREED TO. Do you even read your own contract?

You have a very very very long way to go to get to the TWU/IAM Associations last reported numbers of 21.7 Mechanics per Aircraft.

People can read your fluff if they want but the numbers don’t lie and neither does the reality that AMFA as a Union really does stink.
Don’t come back here and waste time. After Airline Deregulation all the Major Legacy Airlines went through Bankruptcies and concessions having to fend off low cost entrants like SWA that undercut the market lowering prices for flying. To that end though (here we have to go again) AMFA lost ALL their Mechanics that they represented at NWA. They couldn’t even hold on to that representation when Delta merged with NWA. Total complete loss and utter devastation to all except those who actually felt the need to SCAB their own and cross the picket line having understandably no confidence in AMFA as an entity. In hindsight at the time they made the right move since AMFA extinguished their certification and just faded away.

As a matter of fact I’ve never even heard of AMFA ever trying to gain/regain representation at Delta. Long term lingering bad taste I guess.

SWA is a young Airline by comparison of the time. It only gained certification in 1971. American Airlines was founded in 1926. So yes during their 2003 concessions brought on by Deregulation TWU did lose work. Absolutely agreed. Anything else prior to that was voted on by the membership. Hopefully you’re someone who accepts the will of your coworkers.

Now why don’t you start comparing the amount of work between the two airlines today? There is no competition when it comes to Scope. And SWA never filed for Bankruptcy or asked their employees for concessions. So what’s the excuse?
*heavy sigh* its good to see you still don't know a single thing about the AMFA strike. Let me make it really clear for you, AMFA at NWA is why you have a job. AMFA at NWA is why I have a job. AMFA at NWA is why every mechanic working for a major US airline outside of the top 1,500 or so of their seniority lists have jobs. If they would have pulled a TWU and just rolled and signed the contract NWA was offering it would have effectively ended any kind of airline maintenance in this country outside of line maintenance at the hubs and maybe some larger cities. You really should post less and research more because its painfully clear you are so ignorant to this industry it isn't funny. Hehe Haha Its really funny those guys at NWA lost everything to make sure the airlines could force that abomination of a contract on everyone else via the bankruptcy judge, but im guessing you don't even know how any of that works either.
Oh and yes, Delta has over the years had a few AMFA card drives and if I remember right a vote right around bankruptcy time. Fact is, after NWAMFA no union has shown Delta's mechanics any reason to go union. Everything at Delta is either comparable or better than the union peps. As far as outsourcing or insourcing goes, Delta is the only US airline that is doing any kind of meaningful investing in the business to make sure they continue to do work on Delta and customer airplanes well into the future and on the next generation of airplanes.
Delta is the only US airline to have engine agreements for 3 out of the 6 next generation engines coming on to the market and is working on a fourth. (Pratt GTF, Trent 1000/7000, Trent XWB are already in, sounds like CFM LEAP at least 1B but i expect them to do 1As as well)
American outsources all of that.
United outsources all of that.
Not to mention all the other things Delta has been working on insourcing across Technical Operations/service group. Why would I want your union? so they can outsource all of it? thats what would probably happen. Hell they would probably scab again if they company asked them too.

Second part, yet again showing you have no idea what you are talking about, your 2003 deal isn't what caused you large jump in outsourcing. Matter of fact you were fairly flat for a long time after 2003. Your big outsourcing came around 2013-2014 and have been a rocket ship since then. I was going back as far as I did to help you out. Your union, not United. Not Southwest. Not UPS. Not non-unions of Delta and Fedex.....no YOUR UNION has been the trail blazers for outsourcing in this decade. Starting with the roll over in bankruptcy and the absolute god awful contract you voted yes on for your JCBA during the US airway merger.

And we can compare today, Southwest is about ~10 points more outsourced than you. Again, they are tracking down and have slowly but surely clawing back work. I fully expect once the full consequences of your last contract come to full realization, American will be quite close, if not outsourcing more, than Southwest. I also expect you will pass United as well making you the most outsourced carrier why AMFA and the IBT (lol) has been slowly bringing in work.
And I personally hope I am around to see the mental gymnastics when you try to justify it on here and what you and the worthless unions new statistic will be to attempt to make fun of AMFA.
Wrong. WN outsources 80% of maintenance AA only outsources 40%.

let’s see
80% - 40%=40%.

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