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Need Some Clarification

TWAnr said:
Kirkpatrick filled in the gaps.

However, I wanted to add that to me it would appear that the company is intimidating flight attendants on overage leave into returning early from OVL in order to complete the recurrent training before the official end of their leaves on July 1.

The only ones who, I believe, may lose bidding seniority are the flight attendants who require to undergo the 2 ½ week LOA training and who will not be qualified to fly until the third week of July unless they enroll in the June 14 class.
In this case, I don't think the company is trying to intimidate anyone. It is understood on OVLs that if your quals expire during the leave period--say, for instance, your EPT month was February and you're not returning until 01JUL, or you were off for the full 12 months--you have to re-qual BEFORE the end of the OVL in order to be legal to bid for July.

Also, for those ovls who have been off for more than 3 months, remember they have to be re-fingerprinted and a new background check done. As I understand it, if your quals are "current"--i.e., re-qualed in June--there is a grace period where you can fly while they do the background check. If you go QI (qualifications Insufficient), you are grounded until the background check is completed.

In both cases you lose bidding seniority until all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed. Seems to me the company was doing everyone a favor by reminding them that they needed to re-qual in order to bid in July.

You wait and see, there will be at least one flight attendant who wants to be off with his/her family on 04JUL who is scheduled for training that week because they didn't bother to pick up the phone and schedule their own training. They will be screaming about maltreatment from the company and demanding that APFA file a grievance for them. Betcha! Betcha!
TWAnr said:
No MiAAmi, it is not a stretch. You posts, for as long as I have been reading them, have been sending the distinct message of "AA and APFA, love them or leave them", originally to the TWAers and now to the dissident nAAtives as well.

I admire those who have the resilience to fight to reform this union and to change the company for the better.
No one is forcing anyone to work here. Believe me there are plenty of people who #### and moan here. If your miserable here then why stay? I don't love AA, but I do like it. I like what I do and I like 99% of the people I work with. Everyone has the power to make their lives better. By staying or in this case returning to a place where you distrust your employer or don't respect the union that handles your contracts your essentially are not taking care of yourself. I'm all for participating in change for the better. Yes APFA needs some improvements and so does the company, but isnt it possible that a change in attitude could be on the menu for people who deliberately put themselves in a bad enviornment?
MiAAmi said:
No one is forcing anyone to work here...
Did it ever occur to you that the work environment was involuntarily changed after some of these employees invested years in their careers?

Some, like you, believe in appeasement at all costs, others are courageous enough to fight for a change for the better instead of cowardly giving up and quitting.
TWAnr said:
Did it ever occur to you that the work environment was involuntarily changed after some of these employees invested years in their careers?
I'm not sure what your trying to say here, but I'm guessing your talking about the TW buyout. It would be stupid of me not to think that down the road more changes are not on their way, whether good or bad. Its more about preparing yourself for what may come. As for the folks from TW I'm sure it was difficult to have things change so drastically in 2001 and then again in 2003. However, we saw how the TW vote in our last election really showed what a significance their voice means to the future of APFA. In the future there will be changes at AA and more importantly APFA and the folks from TW will have their concerns heard. Employees all over the country have these same concerns with there careers, it should be noted that airline employees are not alone with these worries.
TWAnr said:
Some, like you, believe in appeasement at all costs, others are courageous enough to fight for a change for the better instead of cowardly giving up and quitting.
TWAnr, I never said that I believed in "appeasment at all costs". I wouldn't belong to a union if I believed that. I don't think you know me well enough to be posting my beliefs for me.
MiAAmi said:
I'm not sure what your trying to say here, but I'm guessing your talking about the TW buyout.
How about the nAAtives who had the RPA shoved down their throats after it was voted down by the membership?

However, we saw how the TW vote in our last election really showed what a significance their voice means to the future of APFA. In the future there will be changes at AA and more importantly APFA and the folks from TW will have their concerns heard.

Is that why the BOD has passed amendments to the by-laws, soon to be submitted for a vote of the APFA membership, whose sole purpose is to disenfranchise the TWAers?

Employees all over the country have these same concerns with there careers, it should be noted that airline employees are not alone with these worries.

Fortunately for most of them, they have unions that fight FOR them, not AGAINST them.

I don't think you know me well enough to be posting my beliefs for me.

Having read hundreds of your posts, it is not hard to decipher your beliefs and have a good idea of what you stand for. Enough said.
How about the nAAtives who had the RPA shoved down their throats after it was voted down by the membership?

Your right about it being a mess last year but do you really think we would be better off in BK?

Is that why the BOD has passed amendments to the by-laws, soon to be submitted for a vote of the APFA membership, whose sole purpose is to disenfranchise the TWAers?

The TW's will have a say in this with their vote just as they did with the last election.

Fortunately for most of them, they have unions that fight FOR them, not AGAINST them.

Most of America is non-union. I will have to disagree with you about APFA fighting against its members. I have seen time and time again APFA getting peoples jobs back, filing greivences etc etc etc. Just because the handling of the RPA was bad doesnt make everything about them bad.

Having read hundreds of your posts, it is not hard to decipher your beliefs and have a good idea of what you stand for. Enough said.

If you have read hundreds of my posts then I am flattered. Thank you TWAnr!
MiAAmi said:
If you have read hundreds of my posts then I am flattered. Thank you TWAnr!
Don't delude yourself. It does not make me a fan. It is called being prepared. In my profession, information is power. Knowing my adversaries and their histories helps me prevail in trials.
TWAnr said:
Don't delude yourself. It does not make me a fan. It is called being prepared. In my profession, information is power. Knowing my adversaries and their histories helps me prevail in trials.
Thats all well and good but maybe you should save all that for your profession. Remember this is just a forum for aviation enthusiasts. We all have our opinions and I'm sure you would agree that they will not always be the same.

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