Muslim Immigrants identified as BOS bombers

Some people choose to live in peace, and don't go seeking enemies.

You choose your world of fear and loathing, it has no effect on me.

Bottom line,

Some people choose to live under a rock.

Some people have their heads buried in the sand.

Some people run around with their fingers in their ears.

Therefore, that very enemy you don't recognize is planting a bomb at your feet.
.... merely rhetoric intended to support the conclusion you have already reached and the message of religion based prejudice you are spreading.

I'm all ears here. DO be so kind as to note anywhere, ever, that I've posited any supposed primacy or exceptional worthiness for any particular religion? I'm a firm believer in all having the freedom to enjoy their personal beliefs. I'm just not so much a great fan of psychotic, murderous maniacs, hell bent on forcibly inflicting their virulent insanity on all others, whatever their persuasion.

Tell you what. In all fairness: How about just work on convincing us all that Islam's truly a religion of "peace" and that there's no reason whatsoever to doubt that? I'm wide open to any/all reasonable thoughts on the subject. :)
Do your own research, if you are willing to deal with the truth. Ther have been plenty.

And just magically can't manage to post much anything of the sort, as in massive anti-terrorist demonstrations by muslims, to this thread? Call me a bit of a skeptic, but I'm starting to think you really just can't find any. ;)
Bottom line,

Some people choose to live under a rock.

Some people have their heads buried in the sand.

Some people run around with their fingers in their ears.

Therefore, that very enemy you don't recognize is planting a bomb at your feet.

Pretty much Snap. Fully agreed here really...and the conditions noted above never cease to amaze.
Pretty much Snap. Fully agreed here really...and the conditions noted above never cease to amaze.

Some people don't recognize radical Islam is at war with US. You and I have been trained to recognize and deal with the threat.

Others are passing around the bong.
Some people don't recognize radical Islam is at war with US. You and I have been trained to recognize and deal with the threat.

Others are passing around the bong.

I can only hope it's just a bong, the effects of which I'd think pass in time, and not indicative of an overall lack of awareness within this "Brave New World" of the politically "correct" and the mindless, self-censorship that's so impaired rational thought, discourse and debate for so many of it's victims. ;)
Shared Paranoia.

Definately "Wonder", after all...we know this never happened, and the recent little harmless "pranks" at Boston didn't either....?

This never happened either...right?

Without requiring the least bit of "paranoia", and in the honest hope of rational discourse; all wishing to discuss the religion of "peace" are cordially invited to defend behavior such as THIS!:

or this:

Why is it so easy to find material like this, no, actually unavoidable to NOT encounter?.....And just where again are all the videos of mass demonstrations by muslims against such atrocities to be found?....Anyone?.....Even a hint of where we could look for those? After all, they "happen all the time"...Umm...Don't they?
I have not been able to locate much information on this but I imagine that the number of protests may have a correlation to the governments in the countries where most Muslims live. They are totalitarian governments that do not support dissent . Look at Syria. The rebels have been lighting for a year and a half now. Look at the "rallies" in North Korea. They are staged. I have read many articles regarding the "protests" in many middle eastern countries that claim most/many are staged for the cameras.

I do not believe that the number or lack of protests are necessarily a reflection of the sentiments of the people.
What training are to referring to?

East, would you care to explain?


‘(5) CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—Notwithstanding section 552 of title 5 but subject to section 40119 of this title, information developed under paragraph (3)(E) shall not be disclosed.
East, would you care to explain?


'(5) CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.—Notwithstanding section 552 of title 5 but subject to section 40119 of this title, information developed under paragraph (3)(E) shall not be disclosed.

Ain't touchin' that Snap. ;) I always took any/all aspects of Intell stuff, and the required self discipline attendant, pretty seriously. After all...those guys were actually right every so often, and ya' just never knew. :) Seriously though...Need-To-Know was often set to an overkill level, but, etc.
You both missed it. There is no differnce except,..

The Mississippi guy looks like you.

The difference is the guy that looks like me is commiting acts of terrorism in the U.S. and is usually flying solo and wants to make statement, while , on the other hand the Jihadist's have declared "WAR" on America and want to annihalate us and perform therir acts of terrorism, based on religion, all over the world!
So take your polically correct, anti race profiling bullsh! t and shove it where the sun doesn't!

And again, will one of you libtards, please post links to all the videos and articles you profess are out there, showing muslims protesting Islamic acts of terrorism!

Btw.....the demorat dude, sending ricin, that looks like me...........Waterboard Baby!

Anxiously awaiting your one sentence reply!
And just magically can't manage to post much anything of the sort, as in massive anti-terrorist demonstrations by muslims, to this thread? Call me a bit of a skeptic, but I'm starting to think you really just can't find any. ;)
For whatever reason... this board is not allowing me to paste links today, or even to use the return key to make paragraphs... whatever is up with that. There are videos, news reports, etc of muslim anti-terror activities, rallies, writings, etc... easy to find, and lots of them. also easy to find hundreds of examples of Christian terrorism, in this decade, century, and the last. No need to go back to the crusades or inquisition. (yeah, that was E, not you...) You made the statement that militant islam is at war with us. true. absolutely. no question. some militant islam elements --- not all muslims. that is the only reason I ever posted anything on this thread. It ain't all of them , any more than it is all Christians, or all whatever else's. Your posts, and most of everyone's, usually fail to make the distinction, that it is certain militant elements that are the problem, and not the entire group. Sorry for the messed up format... I have no idea why the computer that works fine for everything else will not, today, on this forum.