Muslim Immigrants identified as BOS bombers

You both missed it. There is no differnce except,..

The Mississippi guy looks like you.

Ah! I see now. You're "right". There's no difference whatsoever...I must just be an unknowing "racist"...right? Seriously here: What planet do you really live on? ;) You did, at least, answer my question = Has "political correctness" finally and truly become THAT hopelessly INSANE?

Still waiting for some/ANY links showing mass demonstrations of muslims against jihadist terrorism. Got ANY...even ONE to show us? ;)

Kev: "It happens all the time. These "protests" (to use your term) aren't hard to find" us then....? How are all these "protests" that supposedly "happen all the time" so cleverly and completely hidden from view, especially in this age where virtually everyone has at least a phone cam/video capability.....?

Finding joyous celebrations of mass murder takes no one any effort at all. Surely you guys can show us all their opposites....especially since they "happen all the time"...No? Why not?
How many people have the Westboro nutjobs killed?

Please, continue to go out of your way to list the number of killers who claimed to be Christian. Go back centuries to bring up the Inquisition and the Crusades if you must.

The fact still remains if you look at modern day since the Iranian revolution in 1979, it's a very short list when compared to the overwhelming number of incidents that have happened where killing innocent civilians for the greater glory of Allah was the main motivation of the killers.

How about .. I R A Q ?
What percentage of US forces that were in Iraq from start to finish were Muslims ? ......JEWS ?... CHRISTIANS ???????????

Doesn't 'YOUR' Bible say emphatically....'Thou shall NOT KILL' ????????

Thanx for your USELESS response to my SPECIFIC questions.

I told you were INCAPABLE of ...'Teaching us ANYTHING' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Civilians killed by US-led coalition
US forces killed far more Iraqi civilians than any other members of the US-led coalition, including various Iraqi military forces acting with or independently of them.3 The data on US forces killings show:

Total deaths from coalition forces:
14,906 (13%) of all documented civilian deaths were reported as being directly caused by the US-led coalition.

Children killed by coalition forces:
Of the 4,040 civilian victims of US-led coalition forces for whom age data was available, 1,201 (29%) were children.

We have a name for the act of killing innocent civilians in order to further ones' ideological goals, as in effecting regime change, or as in promoting/establishing a particular political system. (Democracy, in this instance...)

Anyone remember what we call it when they do it?

What do we call it when we do it?

That took two minutes

No, i am not one

Religion is the root of all evil

In the beginning, man created god. Must have needed it.

Soon after, evil men created religion. Didnt need that.
That took two minutes

...And included not so much as even one video of any mass demonstrations against jihadist murders. We were just peviously assured that such demonstrations "happen all the time", yet you could find no evidence of even one? Thanks for illustrating my point so very well.

Within even your linked material: Perhaps you just willfully chose to miss an observation of a cleric who's evidently opposed to terrorism? "Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, an Islamic scholar with a gift for rhetorical flourishes and what he describes as a message of love for mankind........The majority have always been against extremism and terrorism, but unfortunately they have always been silent."

Shall we revisit that last? = "The majority.......but unfortunately they have always been silent."...?

Why isn't this supposed "majority" exerting ANY real, or even slightly apparent pressure to put an end to the jihadist's merry little murdering thousands of people on 9-11, or placing bombs to kill as many innocent and defenseless "infidels" as possible in Boston? "...but unfortunately they have always been silent." Is not silence construed to be consent in the eyes of at least western law?
Earth, where we all are are more alike than different.

No argument there, yet all "civilized" nations find ready need for maintaining massive military machines. Similarity's hardly a viable argument in favor of any inherent ability to lovingly get along, even to the smallest degree. Quite the contrary, in fact. I would wish things otherwise, but unlike such as yourself, must reasonably accept the reality of the human condition...such being that throughout all of history; war, conquest, slaughter and attempted domination have flourished among mankind's sadly favorite pastimes, and no magical cure exists for that today. Even from recent hstory; we need only look to the previous century to observe that gigantic conflicts were becoming more , rather than less frequent. Only the threat of suicidally mutual obliteration by nuclear weapons slowed that least for the moment. Any particular nation/tribe/religion/sect/culture whatever has always had enemies. To pretend otherwise is currently just a foolish game for imaginative young children. Perhaps we'll one day evolve past such savagery. Today's hardly that magical day, and wistfully wishing enemies away, by way of imagining them as other than they are, does nothing to change that.

Do I believe all followers of Islam are murderously insane foes? Most certainly not. Do I necessarily accept that an immense and well organized threat to what we (if sometimes only laughably) refer to as western civilization issues forth from that religion of "peace"? Well...anyone with eyes, ears and even the smallest ability to observe must note it so...unless any choose to willfully dismiss all logic, history, and empirical observation.
Some people choose to live in peace, and don't go seeking enemies.

Some people, only when and if fortunate circumstances continue to permit them, willfully live their lives inside Fantasyland, just wishfully pretending that real enemies don't exist, whether they "go seeking" them or not...which in no way, shape or form ever makes foes magically vanish. ;)

The only reason you've ever been afforded the chance to personally live in peace is that many others fight, kill, and too often die for you....Period. No glowing spiritual aura, pretentiously presumed level of "enlightenment" or absurdly inflated sense of self worth changes that tragic fact in the slightest.
Some people choose to live in peace, and don't go seeking enemies.

Would you consider those who murder their own family members, known as honor killings as living in peace? You are such a naive puppy, it's scary.

Honor Killings In Buffalo and Arizona? Two Trials Prove This Is Happening Here.
By Phyllis Chesler
Published January 24, 2011

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America has a long, proud history of immigrants who came to America to escape persecution. They arrived here both with high hopes of retaining their ethnic and religious identities but also of becoming something new: Americans.
However, something new is now afoot among some of these new American immigrants and citizens. Although it is hotly denied, Americans, like Europeans, are now experiencing a new kind of immigrant, one for whom tribal, cultural, or ethnic loyalty trumps his allegiance to American law and to western concepts of individual human rights.
Today, two men are standing trial for having honor murdered a female relative in Buffalo, New York and in Tucson, Arizona. The perpetrators are both Muslims—as are their victims.
An honor killing is usually a family conspiracy to commit murder against either a young daughter or against an older, married mother.
According to my research, in the West, honor killings are mainly Muslim-on-Muslim crimes; Hindus, who do commit honor murders (and whom the American mainstream media incessantly profiles), do so almost exclusively in India. Hindu and Sikh immigrants to the West do not often travel with this particular cultural baggage.
On October 20, 2009, near Phoenix, Arizona, Noor Almaleki’s father, Iraqi-born Faleh Hassan Almaleki, ran over his 20-year-old daughter with a two-ton jeep. He struck down her female companion and protector as well. His daughter died.
Although she was seriously wounded, Amal Edan Khalaf, the other woman, survived. Just like Yaser Said, who fled Dallas after honor murdering his two daughters in 2008 (and who has not yet been found), Almaleki also fled, first to Mexico, and then to England. However, he was captured, extradited back to Arizona, and charged with first-degree murder. His wife and son helped him escape, but they have not been charged.
Although the prosecutor claims that he has admitted to committing the murder, Almaleki is still pleading “not guilty.” His latest story is that he “lost control” of the vehicle and that it was “kind of an accident.” However, in his view, the “shame” his daughter brought on his family by refusing an arranged marriage and by living with an Iraqi woman protector with whose son Noor may or may not have been involved, constituted grounds for stalking, death threats, and ultimately, murder. Almaleki equated Noor with “a small fire” which had to be extinguished in order to keep the family home from burning down.
This doesn’t sound like the language that precedes an accident.
On February 12, 2009, after savagely battering and psychologically tormenting his third wife, Aasiya, Pakistani-born Muzzammil Hassan (who weighed twice as much as his wife), beheaded her in Buffalo; he also stabbed Aasiya sixty times. Although he acted alone, and not as part of a family conspiracy, the ferocious “overkill” is precisely what characterizes a classic honor killing.
Aasiya’s crime? She dared obtain a legal order of protection, sued for divorce, and had Muzzammil ejected from their home. He beheaded her six days later; forensic evidence suggests that Aasiya was still conscious while he did so. Hassan is arguing that he is the “battered spouse,” the real victim. He has already demanded the right to cross-examine the children, whom he also abused and who witnessed years of his violence towards Aasiya.
Had he done so in Pakistan, charges would probably not have been brought; the sentence, if any, would have been symbolic. In Pakistan, an “alarming increase” in the honor murders of women has been reported. Just today, the police determined that a young woman had been “electrocuted” by her own family for having rejected an arranged marriage and eloped with a man of her choosing.
Both Aasiya Hassan and Noor Almaleki were brutally murdered because they had dared to act like American, Western women. Neither victim wore hijab or traditional Islamic clothing. Aasiya no longer believed she had to take the kind of extreme abuse that Pakistani women in Pakistan know they must absorb without complaint; if they initiate divorce, they know they will be honor murdered. One such woman, Samia Sarwar, was literally honor murdered in her divorce lawyer’s office in 1999 in Lahore, Pakistan.
Poor Noor Almaleki believed that she, not her father, not her family, had the right to choose whom she would marry. Aasiya, Noor, and the young Sarah and Amina Said were all honor murdered because they dared act in ways that are considered perfectly normal in America but “too American” for anti-American immigrants—even those who have chosen to live in America.
Understandably, Muslim apologists point out that honor killings are a tribal custom that preceded Islam. This is true. However, both Judaism and Christianity have eliminated such tribal customs. Islam has not.
Feminist anti-racists point out that domestic violence exists everywhere and that to focus on honor killings as a Muslim phenomenon will stigmatize a large group of otherwise innocent people. This might be true.
However, as I have documented in two studies in Middle East Quarterly, western-style domestic violence is not the same as an honor killing. If we do not quickly understand what the differences are, we will not understand how to protect or shelter those immigrants and asylum seekers who wish to live like Americans in America; nor will we be able to prosecute their murderers effectively. The blood of girls and women like Noor Almaleki, Aasiya Zubair Hassan, and Sarah and Amina Said, will be on American hands.
Phyllis Chesler, Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to Fox News Opinion. She is the author of thirteen books, including "Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman" and "The New Anti-Semitism," and may be reached at her website
Phyllis Chesler, Ph.D. is an emerita professor of Psychology and the author of fourteen books, including "Women and Madness" and "Woman's Inhumanity to Woman." She may be reached through her website at:

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Board won't let me paste...Google "Muslims rally against terrorism". If that was an honest question. When you are done, then google "non muslims rally against terrorism". Don't bother if you post was merely rhetoric intended to support the conclusion you have already reached and the message of religion based prejudice you are spreading. BTW, regarding spreading religion based intolerance, that makes you different from them, how? Return key isn't working in reply window either... weird... I know it wasn't you, but just this week I had a good conservative christian strongly suggest that the answer to the muslim problem was just to kill them all... yes... he meant it. I asked him. Of course, he probably won't do it himself, but he would have no problem sending other people's kids to do it. yes, he said so. No, he is not the only one. How many times a day do you really suppose comments like this are made in the U.S. and rest of the western world? Especially at church gatherings and July 4th picnics? Seriously.
This might get your attention, Dog.

Global Post /CBS News/ October 12, 2011, 12:19 PM
"Honor killings" target Turkey's LGBT community


Demonstrators tried to raise awareness of the 2008 murder of Ahmet Yildiz ("Get the Murderers" is written above the victim's photo) during a gay pride march in Istanbul on June 26, 2011. / Jodi Hilton/GlobalPost
You choose your world of fear and loathing, it has no effect on me.

By no means. I find this world an amazing and wonderful place to experience. The human race is neither to be universally despised or embraced. It all depends on the individual people around one. :) I simply accept the harsher realities contained in living here....and again; the only reason you can afford yourself such a smugly pretentious and utterly assinine viewpoint, is that other people do fight and sometimes die, so you haven't had to.
How many people have the Westboro nutjobs killed?

Please, continue to go out of your way to list the number of killers who claimed to be Christian. Go back centuries to bring up the Inquisition and the Crusades if you must.

The fact still remains if you look at modern day since the Iranian revolution in 1979, it's a very short list when compared to the overwhelming number of incidents that have happened where killing innocent civilians for the greater glory of Allah was the main motivation of the killers.
Do your own research, if you are willing to deal with the truth. Ther have been plenty.