Muslim Immigrants identified as BOS bombers

Ahhhh.............the peaceful religion of Islam, strikes again !

In your own/unique IDIOTIC Way, you've lumped all muslims into one pot.

Without further adieu,...take ALL the time you need to explain the following, so that we can LEARN something from YOU.
('thats' impossible of course, but we'll patiently await your effort)
WESTBORO BAPTIST Church / Abortion doctor shot and killed in his living room in Amherst NY / A doctor shot dead in CHURCH will taking up a collection / Eric Rudolph in G E O R G I A .......during the Olympics !

You should file for SS DISABILITY, because your a sure-bet to get approved on the first attempt !

F'n IMBECILE !!!!!!!!!!
Lets see who can answer this, I know the answer, lets see if others do.

What was the first religion to kill in the name of God?
Lets see who can answer this, I know the answer, lets see if others do.

What was the first religion to kill in the name of God?

although I don't know I'd guess a christian did since I figure you wouldn't have posted it otherwise.

maybe in your spare time you could call up those parents of the 8 yr old and explain to them how islam is the religion of peace and how a christian first killed in the name of God.
It was the Catholic Church, guess you forgot about a thing called the Crusades?

Maybe you can call all the children that were molested by priests and see how they think about how the Catholic Church covered up all of it.
It was the Catholic Church, guess you forgot about a thing called the Crusades?

Maybe you can call all the children that were molested by priests and see how they think about how the Catholic Church covered up all of it.

sorry I'm not Catholic maybe your friend Bear could do it ?
Dint the Greeks and Romans predate Christianity? I am pretty sure there are other religions that predated Christianity s well. Man is abfew hundred thousand year old and Christianity is only 2,000 years old.
It was the Catholic Church, guess you forgot about a thing called the Crusades?

Maybe you can call all the children that were molested by priests and see how they think about how the Catholic Church covered up all of it.

Didn't Joshua do a lil sumpin sumpin in Jericho?
Also, you counting mythological gods as well?
Didn't the greeks kill in the name of zeus?

B) xUT
Dint the Greeks and Romans predate Christianity? I am pretty sure there are other religions that predated Christianity s well. Man is abfew hundred thousand year old and Christianity is only 2,000 years old.

You're "pretty sure there are other religions that predated Christianity.."? Ya' think!? Really!? Wow! You truly are at least a Rhodes Scholar! :) "Dint the Greeks and Romans predate Christianity?" Hmm...let me think about that: Romans crucified Yeshua Bar Notzri, aka Jesus Christ of yeah...there's some evidence Romans predated christianity. ;) Heck!..Since the major pantheon of Roman "gods/goddesses" was taken from the conquered Greek's culture; there's even some hints available that the Greek beliefs also predated it.

Perhaps it'd be more rational here to stick to just which "religion of peace" is currently bent on world domination and cheerfully, no, actually gleefully murders any amount of innocent "infidels" to try and get their way, and who's followers literally dance in the streets at the deaths of thousands. Now then; which religion would that be? Hint = 9/11/01.