Muslim Immigrants identified as BOS bombers

For whatever reason... this board is not allowing me to paste links today, or even to use the return key to make paragraphs... whatever is up with that. There are videos, news reports, etc of muslim anti-terror activities, rallies, writings, etc... easy to find, and lots of them. also easy to find hundreds of examples of Christian terrorism, in this decade, century, and the last. No need to go back to the crusades or inquisition. (yeah, that was E, not you...) You made the statement that militant islam is at war with us. true. absolutely. no question. some militant islam elements --- not all muslims. that is the only reason I ever posted anything on this thread. It ain't all of them , any more than it is all Christians, or all whatever else's. Your posts, and most of everyone's, usually fail to make the distinction, that it is certain militant elements that are the problem, and not the entire group. Sorry for the messed up format... I have no idea why the computer that works fine for everything else will not, today, on this forum.
Do you know what an invasion is? Not all Muslims are militants, but ALL Muslims are invading. Just look at how they popped-out after 9/11, and go to Eurabia and see what Europe has become. The ultimate goal of terrorism is to decimate nationals while increasing their own. Muslims call for 5 children per woman.
Do you know what an invasion is? Not all Muslims are militants, but ALL Muslims are invading. Just look at how they popped-out after 9/11, and go to Eurabia and see what Europe has become. The ultimate goal of terrorism is to decimate nationals while increasing their own. Muslims call for 5 children per woman.
Muslims are about 1.6% of the U.S. population... even at 5 children per mother... this is going to be one slooooow invasion. Militant Islam is some number smaller than that. Be afraid, be very afraid. this 1.6% is about to displace/convert/outnumber/kill the 77% who consider themselves Christian. OMG!!!! Seriously??? Some invasion... BTW, this country was founded on the idea that all should be free to worship as they choose--or not at all--by the mostly non-Christian founders, in consideration of the natural rights and the roughly 17% of the colonial population who were church members. Plenty to be worried about. this muslim "invasion" ain't it. What it is, is nothing but old-fashioned religion/race/appearance based fear and hate. Period.
Muslims are about 1.6% of the U.S. population... even at 5 children per mother... this is going to be one slooooow invasion.
............What it is, is nothing but old-fashioned religion/race/appearance based fear and hate. Period.

Modern "invasions" can come in many forms. Hey! Here's an idea! Use airplanes as weapons and crash 'em into huge buildings.

"What it is, is nothing but old-fashioned religion/race/appearance based fear and hate. Period." Uh...Yeah. Sure thing. After's not like there've actually been any attacks launched against American people here...Right? I must wonder now: What was life like before your lobotomy? ;)
Enough sense not to look for reasons to live in fear.

I see, but must note it seems more a case of your having supposedly enough "sense" not to look for reason itself, or reasons of ANY kind. You may now curl back up into your comfortable little ball of complete oblivion. :)
Enough sense not to look for reasons to live in fear.

I always think of the possibility of an engine failure during takeoff and have a plan in case something goes wrong. That's not living in fear.

Being aware of people with bad intentions on my aircraft and having training to deal with such a threat is not living in fear.

Not being prepared for such events shows a lack of judgement.

Modern "invasions" can come in many forms. Hey! Here's an idea! Use airplanes as weapons and crash 'em into huge buildings.

"What it is, is nothing but old-fashioned religion/race/appearance based fear and hate. Period." Uh...Yeah. Sure thing. After's not like there've actually been any attacks launched against American people here...Right? I must wonder now: What was life like before your lobotomy? ;)
Again. it is not all Muslims, any more than it is all Christians, or all whatever else's. Your posts, and most of this sort, fail to make the distinction that it is certain militant elements that are the problem, and not the entire group... I absolutely agreed that obviously there are some radical militant elements and individuals and groups that engage in terrorism, violence, mass demonstrations, etc. They are being dealt with. We will not find all of them before they act. Eliminating all the Muslims would not eliminate all the violence or terrorism. Further, the terrorism and violence is not all perpetrated by muslims... still can't post links, but if you simply google Christian terrorism, you will find plenty. You smugly state that you and those like you have to deal with reality, for those who hide from it. That is reality too. Deal with it. Or, hide in your fear and hate of "those people", who are "not like us". Since you brought up invasions, a full on military conquest of a sovereign nation, waging war with WMD and in the process killing thousands of innocent civilians in order to "effect regime change" and / or "establish democracy in a critical part of the world", simply because "we" (no longer...) like the leader we put in charge, armed and supported, is only different in scale and means. So, we, as a predominately white, Christian, country, are not innocent.
Again. it is not all Muslims, any more than it is all Christians, or all whatever else's. Your posts, and most of this sort, fail to make the distinction that it is certain militant elements that are the problem, and not the entire group... I absolutely agreed that obviously there are some radical militant elements and individuals and groups that engage in terrorism, violence, mass demonstrations, etc. They are being dealt with. We will not find all of them before they act. Eliminating all the Muslims would not eliminate all the violence or terrorism. Further, the terrorism and violence is not all perpetrated by muslims... still can't post links, but if you simply google Christian terrorism, you will find plenty. You smugly state that you and those like you have to deal with reality, for those who hide from it. That is reality too. Deal with it. Or, hide in your fear and hate of "those people", who are "not like us". Since you brought up invasions, a full on military conquest of a sovereign nation, waging war with WMD and in the process killing thousands of innocent civilians in order to "effect regime change" and / or "establish democracy in a critical part of the world", simply because "we" (no longer...) like the leader we put in charge, armed and supported, is only different in scale and means. So, we, as a predominately white, Christian, country, are not innocent.
Why do you always interject 'Christians'?
R U A H8ter... :p
Christians have nothing to do with the radical Islamic extremists, but that is your justification, isn't it?
Christians did this Christians did that, therefore everyone has a free pass.
I don't think so.
FYI, Muslim extremists don't care whom they kill, even themselves.
B) xUT