Muslim Immigrants identified as BOS bombers

For whatever reason... this board is not allowing me to paste links today, or even to use the return key to make paragraphs... whatever is up with that. There are videos, news reports, etc of muslim anti-terror activities, rallies, writings, etc... easy to find, and lots of them. also easy to find hundreds of examples of Christian terrorism, in this decade, century, and the last. No need to go back to the crusades or inquisition. (yeah, that was E, not you...) You made the statement that militant islam is at war with us. true. absolutely. no question. some militant islam elements --- not all muslims. that is the only reason I ever posted anything on this thread. It ain't all of them , any more than it is all Christians, or all whatever else's. Your posts, and most of everyone's, usually fail to make the distinction, that it is certain militant elements that are the problem, and not the entire group. Sorry for the messed up format... I have no idea why the computer that works fine for everything else will not, today, on this forum.

Never said "It's all Muslims"!
While, say maybe 30% percent of muslims are Anti American, 95% of terreorist acts are committed by !
When is the last time an atheist committed an act of terrorism?

If they did commit such an act, what did they do it "in the name of"?

BTW, I am not an atheist.
Why do you always interject 'Christians'?
R U A H8ter... :p
Christians have nothing to do with the radical Islamic extremists, but that is your justification, isn't it?
Christians did this Christians did that, therefore everyone has a free pass.
I don't think so.
FYI, Muslim extremists don't care whom they kill, even themselves.
B) xUT

Ok, christians, jews-tho there really isnt much goin on there, hindi, shinto, whatever... All of 'em. Including, in the part of the world most here having this discussion are familiar with and care about, christians.

I mention christians because they have as a group quite the history, yet are somehow held up as paragons of virtue and right, and generally viewed as the "us" in the "they hate us" and "us vs them" theme that is so prevalent in this general topic.

I never said anything about a free pass, for anyone.

I said the the radical, extremist, violent element, of whichever religion/nationality/race/whatever is not the whole group.

Why do so many people want to, or choose to, ignore that, and then go on rationalize thier xenophobic, egocentric fear and hate of "those people" based on wild grossly overstated claims of threats of invasion, hate, and delusional fantasies of thier own race/religion/national/etc.'s moral superiority?

Not a hater, just a pragmatic realist, seeking justice, rational thought, and reason over emotion. Sometimes that requires looking in the mirror, individually and collectively.
Ok, christians, jews-tho there really isnt much goin on there, hindi, shinto, whatever... All of 'em. Including, in the part of the world most here having this discussion are familiar with and care about, christians.

I mention christians because they have as a group quite the history, yet are somehow held up as paragons of virtue and right, and generally viewed as the "us" in the "they hate us" and "us vs them" theme that is so prevalent in this general topic.

I never said anything about a free pass, for anyone.

I said the the radical, extremist, violent element, of whichever religion/nationality/race/whatever is not the whole group.

Why do so many people want to, or choose to, ignore that, and then go on rationalize thier xenophobic, egocentric fear and hate of "those people" based on wild grossly overstated claims of threats of invasion, hate, and delusional fantasies of thier own race/religion/national/etc.'s moral superiority?

Not a hater, just a pragmatic realist, seeking justice, rational thought, and reason over emotion. Sometimes that requires looking in the mirror, individually and collectively.
Southwind just said that 30% of all Muslims are anti-American. I wonder how accurate that is.
Not a hater, just a pragmatic realist, seeking justice, rational thought, and reason over emotion. Sometimes that requires looking in the mirror, individually and collectively.

The following doesn't require contemplative staring into any self-loathing, and completely cross-threaded, mea culpa, "we're not worthy!" BS "mirror"...and, by your posting that nonsense; I think we're done here with supposed notions of "rational thought, and reason over emotion". What you're about to view is purely based on physics, coupled with murderous and suicidal insanity.

As long as some people live and breathe they will look for some one to hate.

Oh hardly. I don't even hate poisonous snakes..but I'll not tolerate them on my front doorstep. That seems basic enough to me, and don't dare puff yourself up imagining you're some messenger of peace here. ;)
Oh hardly, and don't dare puff yourself up imagining you're some messenger of peace here. I don't hate poisonous snakes..but I'll not tolerate them on my front doorstep. That seems basic enough to me.

Here's my answer to these messengers. It's a nice addition to my GMC Yukon.

Coexist Parody Bumper Sticker

If you live in a major metropolis, odds are you've seen some sanctimonious libtard driving around in Prius with a "Coexist" bumper sticker. Personally, I keep one in my medicine cabinet in case accidentally ingest poison and there's no ipecac on hand.
In the minds of the unwashed hippie left, the world would be a perfect place if Americans (and especially Christians) were just more tolerant of others. We seem to be the perpetual target for this criticism, which is odd considering that we are far and away the most tolerant people on the planet. And equally odd is that none of their snark is reserved for the illiterate third-world throwbacks who fly planes into buildings. How about we ask them to coexist?
This brilliant parody of the nauseating "Coexist" bumper sticker is a perfect addition to your gas-guzzling truck or SUV. Or, if someone were feeling particularly mischievous, he could put it over an original "Coexist" sticker and see if the driver noticed. Not that I endorse that kind of behavior.


Shoot em. They taste like chicken.
Oh hardly. I don't even hate poisonous snakes..but I'll not tolerate them on my front doorstep. That seems basic enough to me, and don't dare puff yourself up imagining you're some messenger of peace here. ;)

You got snakes on your doorstep?

Stop using windowpane.
The following doesn't require contemplative staring into any self-loathing, and completely cross-threaded, mea culpa, "we're not worthy!" BS "mirror"...and, by your posting that nonsense; I think we're done here with supposed notions of "rational thought, and reason over emotion". What you're about to view is purely based on physics, coupled with murderous and suicidal insanity.

Repeatedly, I have agreed, that obviously there are extremists, of many stripes, engaging in terrorist acts, hate and violence. No one anywhere ever said there weren't.

They are being dealt with, as well as the various professionals involved are able.

No blinders here. Also No self loathing. Nothing cross threaded. No delusions.

It is not rational to blame all members of a society, race, religion, heritage, culture, nationality or whatever other group the extremists are easy to associate with for the beliefs and or actions of a few. That is lazy, delusional, and the cowards way out.

You are hopeless. Thankfully, there are mature, responsible, rational and informed people in this world who offset those whose very being is defined by xenophobic, egocentric fear and hate and informed only by what they choose to see from the emotional safety of thier self-imposed exile from reality. That applies equally to al qaeda, any/all other extremist groups, and those amongst who share those traits.

Enjoy your foxmoment, your fears, your hate, and the comraderie of your fellow extremists. I suppose that you must need them.
Southwind just said that 30% of all Muslims are anti-American. I wonder how accurate that is.
Just an underestimated guesstimate ! Never blamed "ALL" muslims ! Fact 1: The majority of terrorist acts for the last 20 years, are committed in the name of Allah !
Fact 2: No one here has presented any evidence of muslims publicly protesting these terrorist acts, commited in the name of Allah !

The following doesn't require contemplative staring into any self-loathing, and completely cross-threaded, mea culpa, "we're not worthy!" BS "mirror"...and, by your posting that nonsense; I think we're done here with supposed notions of "rational thought, and reason over emotion". What you're about to view is purely based on physics, coupled with murderous and suicidal insanity.

And don't forget, "In the name of Allah"!