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MSM-Obamascare a Disaster

Does this have anything to do with BaRack-O-Care?

"Top 4 Obamacare complaints!"

Complaint #3: The costs are too high
Some people trolling for insurance on the exchanges are questioning why Obamacare is called the "Affordable" Care Act.
Many who were uninsured before are feeling forced to buy pricey insurance they don't want. Others who had bare-bones individual plans are seeing the premium prices soar because the Obamacare plans are more comprehensive.
One North Carolina reader was upset to learn her current $267 a month plan was being canceled and the cheapest option on the exchange would cost her family $750 a month. They don't qualify for a subsidy.
"Obamacare is a nightmare for my family," she wrote.
Others were surprised to see how high the deductibles and out-of-pocket costs were in some plans. Deductibles for bronze plans, which carry the cheapest monthly charges, can run $5,000 to $6,000.
"This is like a catastrophic plan, said Deb Hornbacher of Colorado. "I am totally shocked and taken aback at how little it did provide at the level I could afford."


All this, from the Communist News Network !
And you peeps don't think this will piss off voters.................Brahahaw.....
What does that have to do with the lie about ACA dictating the number of mammograms?
I told you what someone told me ................period !

Now, what does my previous post, "BaRack-O-Care forcing people to pay far more for coverage" have to do with this topic?

The bottom line is that the recomendation regarding a mammogram every two years has nothing to do with the ACA. Insurance companies like it because it cost them less and doctors dont like it because they lose money.
No. The insurance companies nor doctors loss money. You made that up! The bottom line is that the HHS (who manages Obamacareless) will take the recommendations of the "experts" they hired, to hell with the recommendation of the American Cancer Society. The Democrats continue their war on women.
If you will review your post tou will see that when I told you the statement was lie you said "I only deal in facts". Your 'fact' that ACA was the reqson that the step mom could only get a mammogram every other year as per her doctor was a lie.

Stating that the cost for some will increase has nothing to do with your previous statement and was just you dodging the fact that you got busted yet again for posting BS and not verifyjng it.
No. The insurance companies nor doctors loss money. You made that up! The bottom line is that the HHS (who manages Obamacareless) will take the recommendations of the "experts" they hired, to hell with the recommendation of the American Cancer Society. The Democrats continue their war on women.

Made it up? What do you think happens when a procedure is not ordered? Insurance company does not pay for it and a doctor is not needed to for the consultation with the patient. Seems pretty straight forward.

Dem war on women. Now thats funny.
Yeah...............We need a healthcare system like Canada.............right Tree ?

"Canada Has Death Panels!"

"Last week Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that doctors could not unilaterally ignore a Toronto family’s decision to keep their near-dead husband and father on life support. In the same breath, however, the court also confirmed that, under the laws of Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, a group of government-appointed adjudicators could yet overrule the family’s choice. That tribunal, not the family or the doctors, has the ultimate power to pull the plug.

In other words: Canada has death panels."

And for the Libtards viewing pleasure....................

Made it up? What do you think happens when a procedure is not ordered? Insurance company does not pay for it and a doctor is not needed to for the consultation with the patient. Seems pretty straight forward.

Dem war on women. Now thats funny.
What cost to the insurance company when a delayed mammogram reveals stage 2 breast cancer? It's called preventative health maintenance and highly encouraged by the likes of the real experts at the American Cancer Society. If a doctor recommends an annual mammogram for a women who is this HHS asshat to deny coverage? Democrat war on women . . spot on!
Yeah...............We need a healthcare system like Canada.............right Tree ?

"Canada Has Death Panels!"

"Last week Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that doctors could not unilaterally ignore a Toronto family’s decision to keep their near-dead husband and father on life support. In the same breath, however, the court also confirmed that, under the laws of Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, a group of government-appointed adjudicators could yet overrule the family’s choice. That tribunal, not the family or the doctors, has the ultimate power to pull the plug.

In other words: Canada has death panels."

So what does this have to do with the supposed fact that you posted which ended up being a lie which you still have not acknowledged?

Resources are limited. Life and death decisions are made every day. Do a search (Don't worry, I know you never will) on denied care by insurance companies.

I know someone who works hospice. Her biggest complaint is families who are not able or willing to let go. People are selfish. They are more concerned about their happiness, not the person laying in the bed. When she gets them they are end of life. Some are still walking and talking. Some are still eating or react to stimuli. They are all dying. None leave alive. We had to make that decision for my mother. Not an easy day.

If I'm a working stiff (and I am) and not loaded like Buffet or Gates I'll take CA's system over ours. I'd rather not have to worry about medical care if I'm unemployed, disabled or other wise uninsured.
What cost to the insurance company when a delayed mammogram reveals stage 2 breast cancer? It's called preventative health maintenance and highly encouraged by the likes of the real experts at the American Cancer Society. If a doctor recommends an annual mammogram for a women who is this HHS asshat to deny coverage? Democrat war on women . . spot on!

How about the cost and mental anguish of false positives?
Found this:

Near the bottom of page TWO, you will read the following of Chief Justice Roberts written opinion;
Read it for yourselves, http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/11-393c3a2.pdf
concluded in part III-A that the INDIVIDUAL MANDATE IS NOT A VALID EXERCISE of congress’s power under the commerce clause and the necessary and proper clause!
Did you get that??
The supreme court of the united states declared the individual mandate IS AN INVALID EXERCISE OF CONGRESS’S POWER.
THAT MEANS ITS UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Although they never told us this in the mainstream news, did they!?!?! No! They rely on you being too lazy to bother reading what the court said!!!
The penalty had to be magically “UNCONSTITUTIONALLY” changed into a tax but if you read Justice Roberts opinion on the tax/penalty, the tax too will probably be declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL once it’s challenged in court
U.S. v Mersky (1960) 361 U.S. 431 a statute that regulates without constitutional authority is a nullity even though it be published in the books, recognized by the police and lowers courts, and even though it be unchallenged for decades.
“Anyone entering into an arrangement with the government takes the risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the government stays within the bounds of his authority, even though the agent himself may be unaware of limitations upon his authority.” Supreme Court, Federal Crop Ins. Corp v. M
So what does this have to do with the supposed fact that you posted which ended up being a lie which you still have not acknowledged?

Resources are limited. Life and death decisions are made every day. Do a search (Don't worry, I know you never will) on denied care by insurance companies.

I know someone who works hospice. Her biggest complaint is families who are not able or willing to let go. People are selfish. They are more concerned about their happiness, not the person laying in the bed. When she gets them they are end of life. Some are still walking and talking. Some are still eating or react to stimuli. They are all dying. None leave alive. We had to make that decision for my mother. Not an easy day.

If I'm a working stiff (and I am) and not loaded like Buffet or Gates I'll take CA's system over ours. I'd rather not have to worry about medical care if I'm unemployed, disabled or other wise uninsured.

Would rather an insurance company make the decision about life or death vs. BaRack, Reid or Pelosi !

And all I did was tell you what I heard, concerning mammograms every 2 years instead of one.

NOW! When are you going to address the fiasco called ObamaCare?
Would rather an insurance company make the decision about life or death vs. BaRack, Reid or Pelosi !

And all I did was tell you what I heard, concerning mammograms every 2 years instead of one.

NOW! When are you going to address the fiasco called ObamaCare?

What would be the difference other than the fact that you hate Obama? Then there is the fact that ACA has nothing in it regarding end of life decisions.

You said you deal in facts. Your statement was not factual. See the problem?

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