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Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty.

I have yet to figure out why people vote against their self interests. Why would women vote for republicans? Same for any minorities. Makes no sense.

As for the political musical chairs, I think it done to preserve a job. They know their party will not re-erect them so they swap. It has happened with members of both parties. Its a matter of business.
He and Ben Carson wake up the sleeping Black masses....you and Hilary are toast.

to your point,......Dr. Carson IS a legitimate threat as you say.

But the ol' Dude,.....probably still thinks....segregated Baptist Churches (down there) is OK / the norm !

Hence my (very) CORRECT diagnosis of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME !
The only way Carson or Guilory become a threat of any kind is if the GOP all of a sudden becomes willing to elect a minority in a primary. Right now I still think that is not very likely. They are still a party of the white male.

As for people doing things for political purposes, Murkowski just came out in favor of same sex marriages. Now she may pr may not believe it. I think she probably does as do quite a few other republicans who cannot say anything because they will lose their job. The decision from the SCOTUS is going to come down soon and I think we all know what is going to happen. She wants to be on the winning side of the argument because she is guessing that she lives in a more moderate state and she needs to be closer to the center to win. It's politics as usual. Guillory is trying to keep his job.
to your point,......Dr. Carson IS a legitimate threat as you say.

But the ol' Dude,.....probably still thinks....segregated Baptist Churches (down there) is OK / the norm !

Hence my (very) CORRECT diagnosis of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME !

Show me a segregated Baptist church down here...........BIGOT !

BTW, got a video for ya' ! Pay attention to the "Southern Man don't need him around " part..........Bigot !

Show me a segregated Baptist church down here...........BIGOT !

BTW, got a video for ya' ! Pay attention to the "Southern Man don't need him around " part..........Bigot !


H-T-F...Listens to SH!T KICKIN Music,......except..S H ! T......K I C K E R S ??????

And Futhermore,

CUT the SH1T...southwind !

If YOU'RE in a "50-50" Georgia Baptist church, in the Choir singing Gospel songs by the.....5 Blind Boys of Alabama,Them ...I'm GEORGE WALLACE !

We're talking G E O R G I A....here, (you F'n YO-YO).....Not Vermont !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your dude in the video looks kinda' Important. Maybe an.......assistant GRAND..WIZARD ?

"Sweet Home ALABAMA"
"Where the skys are Blue"

"Where Lynchin's And CHURCH..BOMBINGS", .......
"......... CONTINUE, ............It's NUTHIN' NEW " !!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet Home ALABAMA...M Y....A S S S !
H-T-F...Listens to SH!T KICKIN Music,......except..S H ! T......K I C K E R S ??????

And Futhermore,

CUT the SH1T...southwind !

If YOU'RE in a "50-50" Georgia Baptist church, in the Choir singing Gospel songs by the.....5 Blind Boys of Alabama,Them ...I'm GEORGE WALLACE !

We're talking G E O R G I A....here, (you F'n YO-YO).....Not Vermont !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your dude in the video looks kinda' Important. Maybe an.......assistant GRAND..WIZARD ?

"Sweet Home ALABAMA"
"Where the skys are Blue"

"Where Lynchin's And CHURCH..BOMBINGS", .......
"......... CONTINUE, ............It's NUTHIN' NEW " !!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet Home ALABAMA...M Y....A S S S !

what a fking idiot are you this clueless in person as well?

I am willing to bet that blacks (when you can find one) face many of the same prejudices in the Boston and N.H area as they do in Ga.

your constant stereotyping just makes you look ignorant.
what a fking idiot are you this clueless in person as well?

I am willing to bet that blacks (when you can find one) face many of the same prejudices in the Boston and N.H area as they do in Ga.

your constant stereotyping just makes you look ignorant.

Ahh....back in the day in Southie:


Bring back fond memories, eh Bear?

Ahh....back in the day in Southie:


Bring back fond memories, eh Bear?


Dude was a major 'Dust' dealer from Charlestown. (Think the Ben Affleck flic'....The Town )

Whitey B. was taking care of things in 'southie !

Not Ever cool to confuse 'southie and Charlestown. C-town is only 1 mile square, but home to the most successful 'citizens' specializing in BANK and Armored Car 'stick-ups'. A LOT of .....'do-ra-mi'..... funneled from C-town (and 'southie) to Belfast N. Ireland.
Some real SERIOUS 'heavy-hitters' !!

dell, you missed your 'calling'.
You would have made a killer REPORTER for the BOS Herald and BOS Globe.
I think PAUL REVERE took a piss in that alley way ! 🙂
I vividly recall the late George C Wallace commenting on forced busing to achieve racial integration.

To paraphrase, "Wait until it hits Boston and we'll see who is racist"

Boston residents anticipate trouble. Less than a mile apart, the black community of Roxbury and the white community of South Boston (Louise Day Hicks' stronghold) are slated to integrate their schools. City politicians make matters worse by promising white residents they will seek to overturn the decision. SenatorEdward Kennedy, once a favorite son of the city's Irish community, is threatened by a mob during a demonstration at the federal building. In September, buses carrying black students are met by white crowds in South Boston, yelling slurs and threatening violence. White parents stage a boycott, pulling their children from the schools. The violence persists inside and outside the schools, and white resistance continues for years. Not until Louise Day Hicks is unseated and a black school committee member is elected in 1977 will the situation start to stabilize.
Ahh....back in the day in Southie:


Bring back fond memories, eh Bear?


In Barry-O's little bitty brain, these pictures were taken yesterday !

Why don't you and Tree start a reparations fund ! You, because, well, your just stupid and Tree because of all the guilt he, apparently lugs around !

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