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MSM-Obamascare a Disaster

I'll be signing up for whatever "I'VE" paid for, over the last 30 plus years................recoup some of my losses !

Was the IRS ever involved, if you declined Medicare?

I didnt realize medicare was a mandatory entitlement, i stand corrected.

Should seniors have the freedom to opt out of Medicare?

By Dean Clancy on February 25, 2012
Problem: Seniors Aren't Free

In February 2012, a federal appeals court ruled that Medicare is a “mandatory entitlement,” which means that if a senior citizen doesn't want to be part of Medicare, the senior will lose his or her Social Security benefits. According to this ruling, in order to receive Social Security benefits, the elderly MUST also be enrolled in Medicare (specifically, Medicare Part A hospital insurance).

Our representatives in Congress never voted to tie Medicare and Social Security together in this way. Unelected bureaucrats in the Clinton administration made this regulation in 1993, and the Bush administration continued the policy.

The Clinton-Bush regulation is incompatible with a free society. Seniors are being forced to accept inferior-quality health insurance in order to receive their Social Security benefits. They’re trapped. In a free society, seniors would be able to choose between Medicare and private health insurance without penalty.

Solution: Retirement Freedom Act

To solve this problem, I urge you to contact your congressional representatives and ask them to cosponsor the Retirement Freedom Act. Introduced in the Senate by Sen. DeMint of South Carolina and in the House by Congressman Sam Johnson of Texas, the bill would allow individuals to choose to opt out of Medicare. (The bill numbers are S. 1317 in the Senate and H.R. 2435 in the House.)

The Retirement Freedom Act will restore seniors’ personal liberty to maintain a health care plan of their choice and save taxpayer dollars in the process.

The bill would eliminate the link between senior’s Social Security benefits and Medicare. This means that a senior could opt out of Medicare and still receive their Social Security benefits.

For more information, contact me dclancy@freedomworks.org.

Act Now!

This issue boils down to a simple question: In a free society, who should make personal health care decisions? You, or the government?

Individuals must be given the freedom to opt out of Medicare.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your Congressmen and Senators to cosponsor the DeMint-Johnson Retirement Freedom Act.

Dean Clancy is FreedomWorks' Legislative Counsel and Vice President, Health Care Policy


Trapped in Medicare

Tags:Health Care Reform Medicare Medicare Medicare Part A Retirement Freedom Act Sen. DeMint Social Security C3
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monty wonoOh please, give it up for gawd sake. Obamacare is going to lower the cost of healthcare for everyone and start to make healthcare affordable. Even republicans were for pretty much the same as Obamacare before Obama did it. The arguments for argument sake are old and tired now. Obamacare is a reality that's here to stay. America will be better for it and so will the taxpayers.
1 year 33 weeks ago

monty wonoFreedom works! Freedom from the expense of paying for the health care of useless louts who won't buy insurance will also work. Celebrate it and forget that it doesn't suit your politics. It suits your pocketbook!
1 year 33 weeks ago

James TapellaWhen it comes to MY healthcare, I will make decisions for myself, not the FEDERAL government. What part of this Constitutional approach to healthcare do objectors to opting out of Medicare don't understand?
1 year 33 weeks ago

monty wonoIt's not a lack of understanding James, it's an understanding of what the consequences would be for people without healthcare. And of course it's an understanding of how other taxpayers have to foot the bill for those who don't buy insurance. It becomes a simple matter of those concerns trumping the imagined violation of people's constitutional rights. That's why your dogmatic approach fails James.
1 year 33 weeks ago

Dennis JonesBehind door #3 Monty....glad to see your concern for taxpayers when it comes to people exercising their rights to not purchase healthcare, but it obviously goes out the window when it comes to taking the money I sweat for and giving it to second and third generation welfare recipients. Government can do it better with my money, since the Great Depression, followed by failure after failure = DOGMA
1 year 33 weeks ago

monty wonoDennis, your misunderstanding, as with others who think like you do, is in thinking that all the money you make is yours. It's not Dennis. If it was then there would be no money for building roads, etc. No Dennis, you haven't thought it through yet. The capitalist system is not all about you making money off the sweat of other's labor, it's about all people sharing the sweat of their labors to make a system work. And it can work Dennis! Also Dennis, if you think I support people's rights to not buy healthcare insurance then you have it wrong. The whole point is that if people are allowed to take a chance and then sponge off of other taxpayers when they fall ill, then the system will continue to fail. And Dennis, there's no doubt the US heatlhcare system is failing. Not to mention that it's costing people like you who want to keep all their money a lot of 'their' money.
1 year 33 weeks ago

Joshua BurgessI think people should be able to opt out of social security, too. Just my honest opinion. 🙂
1 year 33 weeks ago

monty wonoIt's good to be honest Joshua but it's not good to form opinions based on nothing but political ideology and rightwing propaganda. There are very good reasons why all citizens have to be coerced into playing their part in a capitalist system. Learn about that Joshua and your opinion may change.
1 year 33 weeks ago
Our representatives in Congress never voted to tie Medicare and Social Security together in this way. Unelected bureaucrats in the Clinton administration made this regulation in 1993, and the Bush administration continued the policy.

So why has this been done for quite some time?
So why has this been done for quite some time?

that is an excellent question. it shoud have been a priority as soon as clinton was out of office. It is just as much of an infringement on liberties to force someone to utilize Medicare as it is forcing them to get healthcare now.
Because they can afford it unlike the people who travel out of the US to other countries for care because they cannot afford the US care. I see you still have not bothered to look into the medical vation industry.

So your saying U.S. Healthcare "WAS" far superior to the single-payer fiasco Canada has............you just have to be rich ! Got it !
Nope. Never said that.

Good health care entails more than just the best possible care. It also involves access to care. If the cure for xx exists but it is unafordable for a majority of the people then it really does not matter if the cure exists, at least not for the people who cant gain access to it.

Thats the reason medical vacations (which you obviously still have not researched) exist. Thats the reason my father went to Germany for his back surgery and not here in the US and my dad has health insurance.

By the way. If the Canadian helath care systrm is such a fiasco, what is the mortality rate for CA compared to the US? I am sure you have numbers showing that people are dying while waiting for critical care.
Nope. Never said that.

Good health care entails more than just the best possible care. It also involves access to care. If the cure for xx exists but it is unafordable for a majority of the people then it really does not matter if the cure exists, at least not for the people who cant gain access to it.

Thats the reason medical vacations (which you obviously still have not researched) exist. Thats the reason my father went to Germany for his back surgery and not here in the US and my dad has health insurance.

By the way. If the Canadian helath care systrm is such a fiasco, what is the mortality rate for CA compared to the US? I am sure you have numbers showing that people are dying while waiting for critical care.

Not sure, but I deal with facts. Spoke with my sister's mother-in-law ( in her 70's),at a family get together, who recently saw her doctor and has her own insurance. Her doctor said, because of BaRack-O-Care, she can only receive a mamogram, every other year ! Sounds to me like BaRack and the Dems are already deciding whay kind of healthcare you will receive, whether or not you have you own plan !

BUT................if you like your plan, you can keep it................only problem, BaRack will change the fine print in "YOUR" plan !

If the Canadian healthcare system is so great, why are private doctors opening practices that accept cash only and by-passes the Supreme Canadian healthcare system ??
Political Theater at it's finest ! What a f#^kin joke !

[background=#ffffff]"The moment Obama catches pregnant woman as she faints behind him during healthcare speech!"[/background]

[background=#ffffff][background=#ffffff]'I got you. You're OK,' Mr Obama told her. The woman was escorted away for medical assistance as the crowd applauded Mr Obama's quick reaction

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2iP8OX2Qz
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook[/background]

[background=#ffffff][background=#ffffff]Later, they actually found out the woman was suffering from weeks of trying to log onto BaRack-O-Care.com![/background][/background]

Not sure, but I deal with facts.
If only that were true, we could avoid so many arguments.
Spoke with my sister's mother-in-law ( in her 70's),at a family get together, who recently saw her doctor and has her own insurance. Her doctor said, because of BaRack-O-Care, she can only receive a mamogram, every other year ! Sounds to me like BaRack and the Dems are already deciding whay kind of healthcare you will receive, whether or not you have you own plan !

Assuming that the event even took place I would suggest that you tell her to get a different doctor because the doctor lied. Had you actually looked into how the recommendation came about you might have come to the same conclusion.

BUT................if you like your plan, you can keep it................only problem, BaRack will change the fine print in "YOUR" plan !

If the Canadian healthcare system is so great, why are private doctors opening practices that accept cash only and by-passes the Supreme Canadian healthcare system ??

There is actually a lot more to that but I'm not going to bother. You did not bother to look up where the mammogram policy came from so why look this up.
If only that were true, we could avoid so many arguments.

Assuming that the event even took place I would suggest that you tell her to get a different doctor because the doctor lied. Had you actually looked into how the recommendation came about you might have come to the same conclusion.

There is actually a lot more to that but I'm not going to bother. You did not bother to look up where the mammogram policy came from so why look this up.

Oh, so your saying my Sisters 70 year old mother in law is lying then, just because you want to believe BaRack-O-Care is sooooooooooooo perfect !

Or maybe her doctor lied to her !

Or maybe you've read all 20,000 pages of BaRack-O-Care !

Or maybe yet, your a Doctor and know all rules and regs. concerning BaRack-O-Care !
Oh, so your saying my Sisters 70 year old mother in law is lying then, just because you want to believe BaRack-O-Care is sooooooooooooo perfect !

Or maybe her doctor lied to her !

Or maybe you've read all 20,000 pages of BaRack-O-Care !

Or maybe yet, your a Doctor and know all rules and regs. concerning BaRack-O-Care !

Well someone is lying. You pick.

Never said it was perfect. Far from it in fact. Just saying that had you done a few seconds of research you would have discovered that the recommendation regarding mammograms every 2 years has nothing to do ACA.

Here's a hint. Pull up a search engine and put something in the little search box that might point you in the direction of mammogram recommendations. May be you'll get lucky and find something.
Here's a hint. Pull up a search engine and put something in the little search box that might point you in the direction of mammogram recommendations. May be you'll get lucky and find something.
Here's what my search results were:

It was the USPSTF (health experts convened by the HHS) that recommended mammography every 2 years. The American Cancer Society still recommends annual mammography beginning at age 40.

As for paying for those mammograms, the USPSTF recommendations are influential in guiding policy, but the group doesn't make specific recommendations about reimbursement. American Cancer Society national volunteer president Elizabeth T.H. Fontham, MD, says there is a good chance that Medicare and private insurers will stop paying for annual mammogram screenings and screening for women in their 40s and over 74.


Fine job, that Obamacare!!
The bottom line is that the recomendation regarding a mammogram every two years has nothing to do with the ACA. Insurance companies like it because it cost them less and doctors dont like it because they lose money.

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