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MSM-Obamascare a Disaster

Ya' just gotta' love it. "The federal health care exchange was built using 10-year-old technology that may require constant fixes and updates for the next six months...". And so it begins.
So, in closing, what you are saying is, Blue states are the ones who want more "Free Stuff"...............got it !

Uhh, no, blue states you get more "choices"..... What part of that was not understandable to you?
I can't bear the thought.
Didn't say anything about SSI did I?
Obama did make cuts to medicare to pay for obamscare......hope your parents don't find out where.

You tell me, did you say anything about SSi?
#41 delldude Posted 14 October 2013 - 10:13 AM

Registered Member

18425 posts
im back..!!, on 14 October 2013 - 12:10 AM, said:
So, am I to assume, you will not be signing up for Medicare when you qualify?
Because if you do, your signing up for what you just described as not good...

So which is it?

Obama robbed Medicare to pay for your HC......duh.

You can not sign up for Medicare either, unless you don't file for SSI.....where you get your facts?
Your failure to be informed does not make me a wacko
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You tell me, did you say anything about SSi?
#41 delldude Posted 14 October 2013 - 10:13 AM

Registered Member

18425 posts
im back..!!, on 14 October 2013 - 12:10 AM, said:
So, am I to assume, you will not be signing up for Medicare when you qualify?
Because if you do, your signing up for what you just described as not good...

So which is it?

Obama robbed Medicare to pay for your HC......duh.

You can not sign up for Medicare either, unless you don't file for SSI.....where you get your facts?
Your failure to be informed does not make me a wacko
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You missed the boat dude.....you asked another poster if he wasn't going to take medicare......if he doesn't take medicare....does that tell you something?

You should learn how to use the quote function.....
I do. And you should read more than one post before coming to a conclusion.

My appologies, I've followed you and your other homophobe friends for sometime. You should read your past posts before you attempt a denial.
Only the BaRack peeps would hire the same people, to run the BaRack-O-Care website, that Canada fired for screwing sh!t up !
What a bunch of f-ing morons!
You missed the boat dude.....you asked another poster if he wasn't going to take medicare......if he doesn't take medicare....does that tell you something?

You should learn how to use the quote function.....

You should learn to read your own posts....
Everyone who has medicare (government run healthcare for the over 65 set) is a hippocrite if they opose healthcare exchanges for the rest of us.
Is that simple enough for you to understand?
You should learn to read your own posts....
Everyone who has medicare (government run healthcare for the over 65 set) is a hippocrite if they opose healthcare exchanges for the rest of us.
Is that simple enough for you to understand?

The part you missed was you said for him to not take medicare.....I said you can't refuse medicare if...............

And they are paying for your healthcare coverage by robbing the elderly of medicare coverages under ACA.
You tell me, did you say anything about SSi?
#41 delldude Posted 14 October 2013 - 10:13 AM

Registered Member

18425 posts
im back..!!, on 14 October 2013 - 12:10 AM, said:
So, am I to assume, you will not be signing up for Medicare when you qualify?
Because if you do, your signing up for what you just described as not good...

So which is it?

Obama robbed Medicare to pay for your HC......duh.

You can not sign up for Medicare either, unless you don't file for SSI.....where you get your facts?
Your failure to be informed does not make me a wacko
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I'll be signing up for whatever "I'VE" paid for, over the last 30 plus years................recoup some of my losses !

Was the IRS ever involved, if you declined Medicare?
Were talking healthcare dude, not retirement.

So, do you get medicare? Government run healthcare?

Or do you "pull up your bootstraps" like a real conservative man, and pony up the cash you got a job and worked for?

Which is it?.... Like you keep asking others, "answer the question"

Lets make it so easy a liberal from NH can understand.....medicare and retirement...can't have one without the other.
How about this KC....same as above and Obama hasn't got a budget passed and the debt ceiling is falling and Obama's going shutdown....look at all the stupid crap he did to inflict pain and blame on the GOP.
Hope you got a DNC certified appendix.
BaRack wouldn't intentionally f@&k with people, just to make a political point...............would he?

How so? Do you drive on public roads? Use public schools .. never mind ... that question answers it's self.

Besides, like a socialist health care system is so bad. Quite a few of the countries who have such health care rank far above the US. Not as if our capitalist system is so great.

So other than the fact that it is a talking point word for the conservative right what is so bad about the health care system in Germany, Canada, Sweden, and countless other nations. They all rank above the US in terms of quality of care. How are there systems bad and ours good?
You tell me why Canadians come to the U.S. for medical attention, (ahem i.e. Prime Minister) and I'll answer your question !

No, just entitled to what I pay into.
Some people don't understand the difference between taking from what you paid into and just plain taking !

That's probably illegal.......wonder if the states will go after the ones who took advantage?
Figures the government would force Walmart to take the blame, by telling them they should have limited the moocher class to $50 bucks but, then again, the government would not have been the ones to contend with the ensuing riots !

Got any original thoughts?
Pot meet Kettle!

Uhh, no, blue states you get more "choices"..... What part of that was not understandable to you?
In Blue states, the government makes the choice for you !
"Obama Inc. Gave Failed ObamaCare Website Company a Sweetheart Deal!"

"CGI Federal is a subsidiary of Montreal-based CGI Group. With offices in Fairfax, Va., the subsidiary has been a darling of the Obama administration, which since 2009 has bestowed it with $1.4 billion in federal contracts, according to USAspending.gov.
In comparison, in 2008, under President George W. Bush, CGI contracts totaled only $16.5 million for all federal departments and agencies."

"CGI Federal’s parent company, Montreal-based CGI Group, was officially terminated in September 2012 by an Ontario government health agency after the firm missed three years of deadlines and failed to deliver the province’s flagship online medical registry."

Like I said.............BaRack administration = F-ing Morons !
BaRack wouldn't intentionally f@&k with people, just to make a political point...............would he?

You tell me why Canadians come to the U.S. for medical attention, (ahem i.e. Prime Minister) and I'll answer your question !

Some people don't understand the difference between taking from what you paid into and just plain taking !

Figures the government would force Walmart to take the blame, by telling them they should have limited the moocher class to $50 bucks but, then again, the government would not have been the ones to contend with the ensuing riots !

Pot meet Kettle!

In Blue states, the government makes the choice for you !

Because they can afford it unlike the people who travel out of the US to other countries for care because they cannot afford the US care. I see you still have not bothered to look into the medical vation industry.

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