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MSM-Obamascare a Disaster

Notice how many have already lost insurance due to mandated changes via ACA?
Now with Obamascare imploding on a daily level.....these people can not get insurance via the 'market place' as was previously required.

So now the only option is getting individual insurance outside the marketplace without a gov't handout subsidy.....at a much higher cost....so much for the monthly budget.

And what of the ones who had insurance but its gone now?

Don't worry though, in the end the insurance companies won't have any problem dealing with the 22,000 pages of regulations.

What a splendid venture into socialized healthcare........LOL

Somebody tell the Tree Obamascare is a false positive....
(CBS News) CBS News has uncovered a serious pricing problem with HealthCare.gov. It stems from the Obama administration's efforts to improve its health care website. A new online feature can dramatically underestimate the cost of insurance.
The administration announced it would provide a new "shop and browse" feature Sunday, but it's not giving consumers the real picture. In some cases, people could end up paying double of what they see on the website, CBS News' Jan Crawford reported Wednesday on "CBS This Morning."
If you ever have the misfortune of experiencing it you will understand.
Oh, I have! Unlike the fear of actually having cancer, the false positive fear lasted a few weeks. BTW, you don't hold the patent on real life experiences. . . get over yourself!
Never said I did.

Right after you stop being a douche. I won't hold my breath.
Never said I did.

Right after you stop being a douche. I won't hold my breath.
It's not that I don't believe you . . . It is that I don't believe you. Stop crying, I really don't care what you think of me . . you're not importantl!
Funny that the faithful Obamacare supporters on this site haven't reported their experiences with Healthcare.gov. I'd be interested in hearing their stories, wouldn't you?
(CBS News) CBS News has uncovered a serious pricing problem with HealthCare.gov. It stems from the Obama administration's efforts to improve its health care website. A new online feature can dramatically underestimate the cost of insurance.
The administration announced it would provide a new "shop and browse" feature Sunday, but it's not giving consumers the real picture. In some cases, people could end up paying double of what they see on the website, CBS News' Jan Crawford reported Wednesday on "CBS This Morning."
What we need here is a little postmortem "technology surge" dude!
Funny that the faithful Obamacare supporters on this site haven't reported their experiences with Healthcare.gov. I'd be interested in hearing their stories, wouldn't you?
I posted such a item on another thread last week concerning a friend who finally got to the price section. It was double what he is currently paying. Not a single ACA supporter commented on it, pretended it was not there and continued to spit out the party line. Once the small companies start dumping coverage in mass to the exchanges and paying the fine...err I mean tax instead it is going to be a bloodbath.
Funny that the faithful Obamacare supporters on this site haven't reported their experiences with Healthcare.gov. I'd be interested in hearing their stories, wouldn't you?

Here's the first:
Suprise! Just like our President said, I'm keeping my same plan as last year.

Suprise! My rates for the same coverage are going up about the same percent as they have annually over the last 10 years.

Suprise! My doctor is still accepting me and my same coverage.

Suprise! My doctor is not quiting to do something else.

Wow, after all the constant rhetoric, I was expecting a big change....
Here's the first:
Suprise! Just like our President said, I'm keeping my same plan as last year.

Suprise! My rates for the same coverage are going up about the same percent as they have annually over the last 10 years.

Suprise! My doctor is still accepting me and my same coverage.

Suprise! My doctor is not quiting to do something else.

Wow, after all the constant rhetoric, I was expecting a big change....

I forgot, it's not all about me, sorry.

I should add. I have a nephew with a terrible illness, enough to keep him out of college at the moment. It will be a lifetime thing. But, thankfully, the ACA (Obamacare) allows him to stay on his parents insurance, with no restriction on pre-existing conditions he can get his own insurance and healthcare after 26 and with no lifetime cap on benefits. My sister and her family will not have to go bankrupt to finance his care.

Thank you to all who trully care for their fellow Americans. Not so much those who only pay lip service to patriotism.
So, who's footing his BaRack-O-Care bill or does he get a voucher?

And as far as you keeping your insurance, it won't last long as BaRack-O-Care was designed to force everyone to a single payer.............and although your plan didn't go up and if the company you work for provides insurance and is like mine, why the hell are they having to fork over money to BaRack-O-Care?
I forgot, it's not all about me, sorry.

I should add. I have a nephew with a terrible illness, enough to keep him out of college at the moment. It will be a lifetime thing. But, thankfully, the ACA (Obamacare) allows him to stay on his parents insurance, with no restriction on pre-existing conditions he can get his own insurance and healthcare after 26 and with no lifetime cap on benefits. My sister and her family will not have to go bankrupt to finance his care.

Thank you to all who trully care for their fellow Americans. Not so much those who only pay lip service to patriotism.

So what your saying is as long as it doesn't hit "YOU" in the pocket...........it's all good !

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