The position of officer is a lonely, hard, and thankless job. Not coming out on the floor because people will voice their frustrations is wrong. As far as my local president I can say this, he is easily antagonized and does not handle criticism. He bristles when confronted with what he percieves to be personal attacks but he is wrong. It isn't that we want to beat him or anyone else up, we want them to hear us, and come up with solutions based on our direction as members. Tell us the facts not what they think will calm us down, don't deflect and lay blame on another, do something. We are adults and can make decisions.
The officers need to come out and not just my local officers but ATD as well. Virella cutting the ribbon with Parker was very bad optics. No TWU officer should be doing any PR opportunites while the membership is slipping back on pay and benefits in comparison to the rest of the industry. Parker and company stand to make record profits and we will get what? My guess is that Parker will throw another goodwill bone (a special raise or bonus) to the working class but exempt those that do not have a JCBA (read the Association). So now add the 4% from 2014, DL+7%, and now the DL+7% with the new DL sclae increases that we will still not have until when? Summer 2016? Winter 2016? 2018? Because the committees are meeting and reconciling so hang on brothers and sisters, we feel your pain...???
I think we have a right as members to say not good enough and they should understand that not bristle at the criticism.