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Mr. Parker Delta plus 7

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that is the source of all the animosity in maintenance we HAVE NO REPRESENTATION at the international level. last year taesl announced that they were laying off something like 50 mechanics someone in taesl noticed that if they layeed off one critical shop would be decimated. so one quick phone call to virella and the company was allowed to transfer instead of layoff. since there were openings in dfw the seniority slipped right in. 
dfw gen said:
emailed virella and doyle no answer. tried emailing the iam council but their links are disabled. no one will answer questions. international positions are not voted on they are appointed for life, unless you REALLY FU*K UP reference don v and jim little
Forget Don V and Jim Little. They're off playing golf now. Forget the e-mails. Look online. Find phone numbers. Make calls. You have a right to know what's going on and if the answer you get is reasonable.

Too much Forum bickering and not enough leg work to find out what's happening.

The truth is out there but you guys aren't doing any homework to find it.
dfw gen said:
that is the source of all the animosity in maintenance we HAVE NO REPRESENTATION at the international level. last year taesl announced that they were laying off something like 50 mechanics someone in taesl noticed that if they layeed off one critical shop would be decimated. so one quick phone call to virella and the company was allowed to transfer instead of layoff. since there were openings in dfw the seniority slipped right in.

Why don't you HAVE ANY REPRESENTATION in Maintenace? Ask the "3" Presidents. Ask them the REAL reason why one of them isn't sitting at an ATD desk? Did they ever draw high card to see who gets the chair? (Were any of them ever asked?)

What have you been told?
dfw gen said:
trying. pm me phone numbers happy to call them
Look online man. I'm tired of knowing things because "I" do the legwork and then coming on here only to be wacked by you guys. Start finding out things for yourselves and quit the girly bickering on here.

Jeez. The public can read these pages and must be laughing their asses off at it all.

It's Sunday though. Wait till tomorrow to start calling.
WeAAsles said:
Why don't you HAVE ANY REPRESENTATION in Maintenace? Ask the "3" Presidents. Ask them the REAL reason why one of them isn't sitting at an ATD desk? Did they ever draw high card to see who gets the chair? (We're any of them ever asked?)
What have you been told?
Very simple. We have fleet service people that are APPOINTED by the International to oversee maintenance. VARELA and Doyle. Peterson is 1 president of several. Again it's the Association that is causing the delays. The two sides are at odds on several issues. Seniority is one major one. IAM won't budge and twu won't budge. I asked if the association has put a proposal together yet? Still waiting for an answer. We have 5 holidays, they have 10. We have no double time they have it. We outsource less than them. What's the plan from within the association? Doyle is prenegotiating on the side outside from the negotiating committee with the company. But yet the association has not formerly come up with a proposal. All that should have, done this and that is the reason we are where we are at today. 2018 sounds about right before we get a proposal to vote on.
1AA said:
Very simple. We have fleet service people that are APPOINTED by the International to oversee maintenance. VARELA and Doyle. Peterson is 1 president of several. Again it's the Association that is causing the delays. The two sides are at odds on several issues. Seniority is one major one. IAM won't budge and twu won't budge. I asked if the association has put a proposal together yet? Still waiting for an answer. We have 5 holidays, they have 10. We have no double time they have it. We outsource less than them. What's the plan from within the association? Doyle is prenegotiating on the side outside from the negotiating committee with the company. But yet the association has not formerly come up with a proposal. All that should have, done this and that is the reason we are where we are at today. 2018 sounds about right before we get a proposal to vote on.

You're speculating on about 90% of this comment. Why is Doyle REALLY representing you guys and not one of those "3" Maintenance Presidents?

What do you know about people and their ego's?

BTW What would the Association care about people's occupational seniority? That issue won't change the dues flow one iota. And if it is an issue then why are your negotiators saying they're ready and asking the company for their proposal?

And if there are any issues about seniority and they're both not budging as you say then I'm sorry but you have idiots negotiating for you (not something I believe) Flip a coin already and move on. That option sux but sometimes that's the only way to solve the problem.
WeAAsles said:
Look online man. I'm tired of knowing things because "I" do the legwork and then coming on here only to be wacked by you guys. Start finding out things for yourselves and quit the girly bickering on here.

Jeez. The public can read these pages and must be laughing their asses off at it all.

It's Sunday though. Wait till tomorrow to start calling.
typical twu response! hey when they can virella it could be your turn.
dfw gen said:
typical twu response! hey when they can virella it could be your turn.
I'm a Fleet Service Clerk, period. I've said my name on here multiple times and was the guy who asked Parker about the match in the MIA town hall meeting twice.

It's not my job or role to find out things for you. You guys constantly act like you want to know what's going on but never do the actual legwork to try and find out. I really sometimes am not sure if you want to know the truth? You just banter back and forth on here all day and night. The only thing you're getting from Forums is acid indegestion.

All the phone numbers I ever needed to be informed I got very easily off the net. And surprisingly when I made the first calls had people on the other end willing to talk.

Do you really need me to do this for you? No you don't.
dfw gen said:
typical twu response! hey when they can virella it could be your turn.
Oh and another thing. Dave doesn't come on here at all. He's not a fan of social media and doesn't even have a FB page.

Just thought you should know.  
dfw gen said:
trying. pm me phone numbers happy to call them
Air Transport
Garry Drummond, Director
(817) 282-2544

Could not find Lombards number call Drummond I will to and ask for Lombards number
conehead777 said:
Air Transport
Garry Drummond, Director
(817) 282-2544

Could not find Lombards number call Drummond I will to and ask for Lombards number
ill call him on monday. they do work monday's?
doyle and virella's email i believe on my way to church will try to confirm later.
conehead777 said:
Air Transport
Garry Drummond, Director
(817) 282-2544

Could not find Lombards number call Drummond I will to and ask for Lombards number
Even if you could call Harry why would you? The TWU is autonomous. This is what everyone wanted after the former International leaders were in charge. Many people thought they were too involved in our issues and wanted them to back off. They mostly have (For better or worse?)

And what about the IAM side? You guys do know that there are two groups doing the negotiating and isn't the IAM the one in charge right now? That's what the Association agreement said.

But you really "Should" start with your Local first. If you don't like their answers (Or don't believe them) then you move up the ladder.
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