because they do less work than your airline or my airline does in house. because unlike our airlines who have been burning money for the last 10 to 15 years and BKs and concessions after concessions they have been profitable.(more the second one than the first)
welcome to 2015. It sucks but most the MROs you are competing with for work are 100% unlicensed workers. They just have A&Ps (a lot of the time from the airline who is doing the outsourcing) to pencil whip the paper work.
We have shops at Delta that are nothing but ASMs(your OSM) (other than the leads). You know what happens to those shops if they are AMT only? They go to a MRO or the OEM. Wheel and brake is a good example, all ASM shop. If they started putting mechanics in there then Goodrich gets another customer and more jobs go out the door at Delta.
every airline that has shops does that. Part of the game, if you want to live the back shop life you have to be willing to (sometimes) only get paid for an A or P. Don't like it hit the hangar floor or the line.
You guys probably have mechanics that get a line premium too, same deal, if you want the extra 75 cents head out to the line.