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Mr. Parker Delta plus 7

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Vortilon said:
Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it.  Like the Association had any idea Dick Anderson over at Delta was gonna push in Dougie's stool.
Ok yea. Well how do you know that at least someone in that Association didn't have an idea what the road ahead was going to look like and put on the breaks to rushing forward into the wind?

If they had listened to many of you guys on here we ALL would have been locked in. That's a fact even if you keep wanting to sell the notion that both Unions are being run by a bunch of putz's.

And that IAM Union drive over there is what got Dickie to throw this big wad at his workers to try and stop the momentum.

Maybe you might want to give a shout out to them and say thanks?
WeAAsles said:
Ok yea. Well how do you know that at least someone in that Association didn't have an idea what the road ahead was going to look like and put on the breaks to rushing forward into the wind?
If they had listened to many of you guys on here we ALL would have been locked in. That's a fact even if you keep wanting to sell the notion that both Unions are being run by a bunch of putz's.
And that IAM Union drive over there is what got Dickie to throw this big wad at his workers to try and stop the momentum.
Maybe you might want to give a shout out to them and say thanks?
Well, from the Union wAAges and benefits these days you would think Dickie would be rolling out the Red Carpet!
2ndGENAMT said:
Well, from the Union wAAges and benefits these days you would think Dickie would be rolling out the Red Carpet!
Well its rolled out now. And I really don't give a damn if someone walks down the thing first or not. I'm going down that carpet either way.
It seems Dougie is good at working merger deals, not so hot at running an airline. At least so far...
700UW said:

It's good to hear this from union leadership. At a time of record profits we should get this with both our union and CEO saying the same thing.

As opposed to the loud mouth know nothing's demanding this kind of raise during the darkest period for the airlines.
Overspeed said:
It does say the highest BASE hourly rates, benefits, and work rules. What does that mean? That means what it always has. We may not have the highest all-in rates but we have the most overhaul. We have to direct our representatives as to what we want, not their interpretation of what we want.
Also, be prepared for an uphill battle. The TWU has been battling SWA for many years now and they have been consistently profitable unlike AA. Now is the time to stop the concession machine at AA, can the Association do it? The group is untested together and separately they have been pummeled in the last ten years.
The TWU has been battling SWA, you mean the FA's there?  I am quite sure that that the majority of the membership at both AA and US and the TWU and IAM at the new AA could care less. You can stop the most overhaul line, I believe at least when we are discussing in-house Overhaul we can still count the airlines, AA and USAir as separate since we do not have a JCBA, WN has the most heavy overhauls. At AA it varies but most of the time there are 2-3 lines open. A large number of the  mechanics have been directing the representatives and are being ignored, even with the creation of the debacle called the Association. In the mean time you, 700 and the Weasel are the Association cheerleaders and the membership?? We are the one who are losing out on the pay increases or even an JCBA. Pehaps it is time to direct my dues toward the only person offering money, Doug Parker.....
bigjets said:
It's good to hear this from union leadership. At a time of record profits we should get this with both our union and CEO saying the same thing.
As opposed to the loud mouth know nothing's demanding this kind of raise during the darkest period for the airlines.
they lie with the statement we have a vote. Where was the vote for the asso and during those dark day management got there big bounces and we got nothing so the loud mouths your talking about did not let the bounces go un noticed like you twu troll
Overspeed said:
While it may look like DL is "giving" their employees better comp because they are generous I strongly believe this is more to screw with Parker and the new AA. DL has fought the merged AA/US on many things. Look at the APFA TA, right after they got a TA that Parker and Glading touted as better than DL, DL raised their pay. APFA was turned down but forced through by arbitration. Parker had to increase rates beyond the orginal TA. Now the wage adjustment language kicks in and DL ups the comp after the date plus ups the ante on the DL+7 offer. Parker is backed in to place he may not want to be. Talk of being like SW's Herb and wanting to be liked by his employees is at risk as well as his desire to put labior unrest behind him from the US days. Looks like that won't be as easy as he thought.
not as much to screw with AA but because your CEO thinks you don't deserve profit sharing wall street is putting pressure on the airlines that have it to cut profit sharing back. Take a look at the investor calls over the last few years, someone will almost always ask about cutting profit sharing back. A large amount of the raise is just converting 10% of PS into base pay. 
It just happens to be a side benefit that it also screws with the other airlines.   
Buck said:
The TWU has been battling SWA, you mean the FA's there?  I am quite sure that that the majority of the membership at both AA and US and the TWU and IAM at the new AA could care less. You can stop the most overhaul line, I believe at least when we are discussing in-house Overhaul we can still count the airlines, AA and USAir as separate since we do not have a JCBA, WN has the most heavy overhauls. At AA it varies but most of the time there are 2-3 lines open. A large number of the  mechanics have been directing the representatives and are being ignored, even with the creation of the debacle called the Association. In the mean time you, 700 and the Weasel are the Association cheerleaders and the membership?? We are the one who are losing out on the pay increases or even an JCBA. Pehaps it is time to direct my dues toward the only person offering money, Doug Parker.....
even with WN having 4 lines of overhaul in house you guys do a hell of a lot more total work in-house than WN does. Engines and components make up the difference.   
WeAAsles said:
“So as I’ve said our proposal to your work group and the mechanics is going to be, I think, Delta, the higher of Delta or United, plus seven. So yes, you will get it when you get to a joint collective bargaining agreement. The whole point of this was to try and encourage all of us to get the joint collective bargaining agreements. So that’s what it is. So when we get an agreement done, it’s in there. It’s in the 7 percent that I’m talking about. It’s not 4 percent. It’s a lot bigger than 4 percent, because you are already below Delta and we’re going to take you to Delta and add 7 percent so it’s a double-digit increase.”


Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/business/aviation/sky-talk-blog/article36302475.html#storylink=cpy
 Quote was before the new DL rates. Maybe if  Parkers signature was on the bottom it would mean something but its not.
700UW said:
This carries the same amount of weight as your "restore and more" and will have the same results. The company is going to come back and say you want those DL wages give me DL workrules and scope. Even if you were willing the ASS wouldnt go for it. The A$$ bites
WeAAsles said:
Ok yea. Well how do you know that at least someone in that Association didn't have an idea what the road ahead was going to look like and put on the breaks to rushing forward into the wind?
If they had listened to many of you guys on here we ALL would have been locked in. That's a fact even if you keep wanting to sell the notion that both Unions are being run by a bunch of putz's.
And that IAM Union drive over there is what got Dickie to throw this big wad at his workers to try and stop the momentum.
Maybe you might want to give a shout out to them and say thanks?
First of all, "if they would have listened to all of us" there wouldn't even be an Association.
The TWU should have been the union, being the larger of the two, same as the flight crews.

Secondly, I can't believe how soft some have become thinking all they can do is negotiate a raise and not back it up with a review clause if another airline jumps our raises.

A simple review clause that would have kicked in with any raises that make our pay less than DL+7 would suffice.
Traymark said:
First of all, "if they would have listened to all of us" there wouldn't even be an Association.
The TWU should have been the union, being the larger of the two, same as the flight crews.
Secondly, I can't believe how soft some have become thinking all they can do is negotiate a raise and not back it up with a review clause if another airline jumps our raises.
A simple review clause that would have kicked in with any raises that make our pay less than DL+7 would suffice.
That pretty much sums up the TWU.
Delta Flight Attendant Wage Increases
Recently, Delta management announced significant changes to compensation for Flight Attendants and ground workers. Effective December 1, these employees will receive a 14.5% increase to base wages. This raise brings Delta’s Flight Attendant pay to a level that meets the final year of APFA’s contract. In the same announcement, Delta management explained that profit sharing will be scaled back for Flight Attendants and ground workers going forward. This is the latest example of the industry’s trend away from profit sharing. In fact, Delta’s unionized pilots recently rejected a T/A with nearly identical terms.


Some Delta Flight Attendants that APFA has been in contact with are disappointed with the announcement overall. They cite calculations that the wage increases are significantly diminished by the cuts in profit sharing. However, APFA’s position is that Delta’s announcement represents a change in the industry’s leading pay rates. As such, we are pushing for American to meet this new standard.
APFA National President Laura Glading and American CEO Doug Parker have already met and discussed the Delta increases. The APFA contract began at a rate 7 percent higher than Delta. The new rates leapfrog ours, providing a target for future negotiations.
It is also important to remember that the APFA contract includes a re-opening clause, which requires an adjustment following the United/Continental joint contract. While we do not know when negotiations at United/Continental will continue or conclude, we can expect Delta’s announcement to bring up the baseline for those talks.
Unfortunately, APFA is not in Section 6 bargaining at this time, which limits our ability to change our existing contract. Some other work groups at American are in Section 6, however, including ground workers represented by TWU/IAM and CWA and IBT Customer Service Agents. The Delta announcement affects these negotiations as well, and APFA stands with our brothers and sisters in these work groups as they strive to achieve the best possible contract. By standing together, American’s employees can continue to set the industry standard for compensation.
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