WeAAsles said:
Ok I'm putting you in charge. Tell me what YOU are going to do and how it will work? What's the strategy for success and should you televise that publicly for all eyes?
If you play chess (I know the response will be checkers, so beat you to it) do you tell your opponent what piece you plan on moving out next so he can counteract your move before you even make it?
I know this was directed at someone else, but I'd like to play.
First, any convention that was previously scheduled can be missed by anybody on the negotiating committee, because it's more important to get the JCBA than to put another notch in your convention attendance belt.
Second, the first meeting of the two unions would not have been a "meet and greet", it would have been meat and potatoes, they can get to know each other later.From the the very first meeting between the two unions, I would have employed an arbitrator to go down the list of issues there is disagreement and decide which way we will go and both sides would be bound to it. Same thing the FA's did.
There are a couple of pretty big issues they are deciding , crew chief seniority and the Title II issue. I would entertain putting those two issue to a membership vote on which way to go.
The arbitrator could help them decide the rest, but they would have remained engaged in meetings until the two sides reached common ground on all the relevant issues needed to go to the table with.
It's amazing what happens when you sequester a jury, things get done.
This would be no different.
What's that? You like your 6 figure salary and all the trappings from the International? Then you stay engaged until you are ready to get to the table with the company, period.
We have lost thousands because of the union comfort schedule.
The Drummond letter makes it clear, "the union premium" will be very evident.
To me that means Retro pay back to when the pilots got theirs, along with DL+7 after the Dec1 raise and a DL+7 review clause that kicks in automatically if they get a raise that makes ours less than DL +7 , and the clause remains in place until a new contract is ratified.
Drummond talks a decent game, now deliver the goods, we are waiting.