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Mr. Parker Delta plus 7

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WeAAsles said:
There, Their and They're was one I used to mess up on quite a bit.

"I before e except after c"
Sí, el idioma Inglés es muy confuso!
Roadking5560 said:
Except for for the word receive which we as TWU members don't see used much!  LOL  
Yes, no one one is perfect 
Does everyone still think we will get delta +7? What is the feeling in the break rooms ? 
I personally think Doug will come through!!!!!
And the union will be pressured to deliver a great contract.
bigjets said:
Does everyone still think we will get delta +7? What is the feeling in the break rooms ? 
I personally think Doug will come through!!!!!
And the union will be pressured to deliver a great contract.
My opinion is that Parker possibly "owes" us Delta +7% when he first made the statement. This letter demanding the increase including the 14.5 % increase is a bad move to be done in public.
This could have been accomplished behind closed doors like every thing else.
The only problem is if they do give us delta plus 7 and the twu does the math we could be at McDonald's wages....
“So as I’ve said our proposal to your work group and the mechanics is going to be, I think, Delta, the higher of Delta or United, plus seven. So yes, you will get it when you get to a joint collective bargaining agreement. The whole point of this was to try and encourage all of us to get the joint collective bargaining agreements. So that’s what it is. So when we get an agreement done, it’s in there. It’s in the 7 percent that I’m talking about. It’s not 4 percent. It’s a lot bigger than 4 percent, because you are already below Delta and we’re going to take you to Delta and add 7 percent so it’s a double-digit increase.”


Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/business/aviation/sky-talk-blog/article36302475.html#storylink=cpy
dfw gen said:
The only problem is if they do give us delta plus 7 and the twu does the math we could be at McDonald's wages....
Can they IAM do the math better? 
We are getting Delta + NOTHING until the ASSociation gets their act together. If they don't agree on their sticking points NOW, they will NEVER agree.  Go to a third party and get these issues arbitrated. 
We have a contract until 2018. UsAir has a contract as well. There is labor peace as seen from outsiders. As far as getting a jcba? Look at UAL/CAL. 5 years and counting. Who is rattling the pots and pans over a jcba? It's like watching a soap opera. If parker wants to give us Delta plus 7 he can do so outside of negotiations. But he wants something in return. The association knows this. If it was that easy they would have been negotiating by now. Instead there are big things coming and it will probably involve loss of jobs or should I say loss of union dues. I would not place all or some of the blame on Parker. The union is going to loss members and union dues. Remember the NMB filing? Association said we will vote. But all the negativity about the association made them think if the association fails with a vote someone is out a large sum of money. 9 months later which cost us the 4% the NMB was convinced to rubber stamp the association. No vote and the dues continue. We lost money and the union saved money. Here we are 5 months since certification of the association we still have nothing. Union dues keep flowing and that is being threatened by loss of jobs through outsourcing. Parker wants no part of MRO work and wants to out source overhaul. He said this numerous times. Yet we keep hearing how both sides are waiting for each other and both sides are ready. Very dysfunctional way to negotiate. The company would like a jcba but there is labor peace because we have signed agreements. The only labor unrest is between the association and the members. Something is going to happen soon. The union knows it but won't say. It will involve loss of jobs and possibly shutting down stations. I hope the association does not peddle that vote Yes to save jobs crap again. I can just see it now, company says we want to give you your money but not with x number of employees and the union will say we can't let the company lay off your fellow brothers and sisters over a pay raise. The reality is union dues. The association will do what ever it takes to protect the cash cow. Wake up people and take some time to look at the facts and the future of our industry. The longer the association sits back on its A$$ the more money we will lose everyday that is unrecoverable.
"For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"


Many of you guys wanted the Association to RUSH to the table to get a deal. Now had that happened and we had agreed to terms, every Union group would have been locked in to whatever agreement they signed.  Probably the original Delta plus 7%

How many of you think that Parker would have came in after the fact and been kind enough to increase his labor costs by another 14.5%? Do you think the BOD would have went along with that cutting into their profits?
It does say the highest BASE hourly rates, benefits, and work rules. What does that mean? That means what it always has. We may not have the highest all-in rates but we have the most overhaul. We have to direct our representatives as to what we want, not their interpretation of what we want.
Also, be prepared for an uphill battle. The TWU has been battling SWA for many years now and they have been consistently profitable unlike AA. Now is the time to stop the concession machine at AA, can the Association do it? The group is untested together and separately they have been pummeled in the last ten years.
WeAAsles said:
"For fools rush in where angels fear to tread"


Many of you guys wanted the Association to RUSH to the table to get a deal. Now had that happened and we had agreed to terms, every Union group would have been locked in to whatever agreement they signed.  Probably the original Delta plus 7%

How many of you think that Parker would have came in after the fact and been kind enough to increase his labor costs by another 14.5%? Do you think the BOD would have went along with that cutting into their profits?
Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it.  Like the Association had any idea Dick Anderson over at Delta was gonna push in Dougie's stool.
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