Most Americans have no idea what they are in for?

Rich people are bad!! Obama promised to spread the weath around! Where is my money?!! All I've seen is prices of goods, gas, ect rise and now my paycheck has shrunk by 2% starting this year.
Got the straight poop ! Their Tax adviser told them he knew where they could get insurance for $180 per month and that if they showed up next year, sans insurance, they will be penalized no less than $675.00, which would probably mean they owe !
Anyways, my apology's for the misunderstanding, but doesn't change what's coming next year !
Got the straight poop ! Their Tax adviser told them he knew where they could get insurance for $180 per month and that if they showed up next year, sans insurance, they will be penalized no less than $675.00, which would probably mean they owe !
Anyways, my apology's for the misunderstanding, but doesn't change what's coming next year !

So pay $180 a month to avoid a $675 penalty that won't kick in unless they are uninsured next year?.

Is it possible the tax preparer and the insurance company are in cahoots?
Brother-in-law and his wife went to get their taxes done the other day. He drives a lumber truck, for next to nothing and she cleans houses and they have no insurance. Needless to say, they were jolted to reality when the tax dude told them they probably wouldn't get anything back, thanks to the "ObamaCare Fine" that was imposed this year, for people with no insurance !
Way to be there for the little guy.............Barrack !

Can't wait to hear more stories like this one, after 4/15/13 !

Pay $2160 or at least $675 for health insurance? And they have zero insurance now? Mathematically, they should keep the 180 and pAy at the end of rhe year. Politically, they should say thank you. $675 for healthcareis great. Even if it covers the basics.
Rather them use it, than illegal aliens !

And speaking of Illeagal Aliens................This country if now, officially FUBAR !

Last time I had my license renewed, I was finger-printed!

"Illinois to Issue Driver's Licenses to Illegal Immigrants!"

"Illinois will not require applicants to be fingerprinted, for fear that would discourage immigrants from applying!"
Is it better that they remain uninsured and use the ER when they need it and I have to pay for it?
[font=Arial']If you can’t afford the insurance premiums then it’s perfectly legal to just pay the penalty of $95 (in 2014). The penalty was not intended to be a criminal fine, because those who choose to pay it, rather than honor the mandate to obtain health insurance, would be in full compliance with the law.[/font][font=Arial'] [/font]
Rather them use it, than illegal aliens !

Instead of putting a SPIN on 'Tree's question, be a MAN, and ANSWER the F'n question as it was put to you (by 'Tree)
That being;

Is it OK for your brother-in-law/and his Mrs's..To MOOCH off of a hospital ER when they get Sick ????????

Why is the B-I-L...making 'peanuts ' to begin with ?
Oh, thats right, I forgot. Georgia is a " RIGHT to WORK " (FOR PEANUTS) State !

Remember what FOREST said. " STUPID IS, AS STUPID DOES " !!

(Are you still trying to Figure out why the CSA got thier Red-Neck ASSS kicked in the 1860's) ??

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