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Dilemma(s) for John McCain ?

both of these clowns are not fit to be president...

ron paul is the only answer you have
BTW : I doubt , very seriously, that McCain will get "RAILROADED" by his VP, like Bush did and Nobama will ! :shock:

Where do you get the idea that Bush was "railroaded" by Chaney? Maybe Bush was capable of doing everything he did without the help of his VP.
In my view, there have been 3 "Home Runs" belted out of the DNC convention center during day 1 + 2. First by Sen. Kennedy,-second by Michele Obama, and a "Grand Slam" by Sen. Clinton !
I feel that "No How, No Way, No McCain" was quite the catchy phrase that I feel a Lot of Hillary Clinton "undecided" supporters can put their arms around !

With Joe Biden-President Clinton, and Barack Obama still to go, there exists the "chance" that a few more baseballs "will leave the Yard" !
In my view, there have been 3 "Home Runs" belted out of the DNC convention center during day 1 + 2. First by Sen. Kennedy,-second by Michele Obama, and a "Grand Slam" by Sen. Clinton !
I feel that "No How, No Way, No McCain" was quite the catchy phrase that I feel a Lot of Hillary Clinton "undecided" supporters can put their arms around !

With Joe Biden-President Clinton, and Barack Obama still to go, there exists the "chance" that a few more baseballs "will leave the Yard" !

DNCC preamble.....

We the Changlings of the United Changers, in order to form a more perfect Change, establish Change, insure domestic Change, provide for the common defense, promote the general Change, and secure the Blessings of Change to ourselves and our Change, do ordain and establish this Change for the United States of Change.
In my view, there have been 3 "Home Runs" belted out of the DNC convention center during day 1 + 2. First by Sen. Kennedy,-second by Michele Obama, and a "Grand Slam" by Sen. Clinton !
I feel that "No How, No Way, No McCain" was quite the catchy phrase that I feel a Lot of Hillary Clinton "undecided" supporters can put their arms around !

With Joe Biden-President Clinton, and Barack Obama still to go, there exists the "chance" that a few more baseballs "will leave the Yard" !

I think maybe you're getting a little bit caught up in the moment
I think maybe you're getting a little bit caught up in the moment

(With a bit of reflection) Mr. Garfield,
Perhaps your correct. I'd suggest that an examination of the 3(so far) speech's could be looked upon this way, suggesting that Sen. Kennedys speech was "fertile ground" for one getting caught up in the moment".
Conversely, Mrs. Obama's speech as well as Sen. Clintons speech had(in my opinion) zero room for error(given their respective associations to Sen. Obama)

I'm not suggesting for a moment that(particularly) Michele Obama's speech, nor Sen. Clintons speech were scripted(again in my opinion), but rather two speech's that came "straight from the heart")
I think maybe you're getting a little bit caught up in the moment

Ya think?...

Hey Pain, how much time has the convention dedicated to discussing the topic behind your screen name?

Nada. They're afraid to mention energy policy because they have no frickin' clue.

The fact that there was zero bump in Obama's polling numbers after the Biden nomination tells me that only the Obots are excited about Biden.

The rest of us are looking at his comments about Dunkin Donuts & 7-11, or what he's said about Obama during the previous year.

For what it's worth, the rhetoric between Mitt & McCain was issues based and somewhat civil. Biden did a lot of shooting from the hip. Clinton had a lot of good questions with substance behind them.

Personally, I'm looking for Lieberman to be McCain's running mate. Lieberman was backed and vetted already, which could be an interesting dilemma for Clinton supporters who still aren't happy that their candidate came in with 40-48% of the vote....
I think maybe you're getting a little bit caught up in the moment

Ya think?...

Pain, you're a fool if you don't think that just about every moment on the podium is scripted....

There might be some ad-libbing here and there, but The One has already proven to be inept when he doesn't have a script, so his handlers aren't leaving anything to chance this week.

Hey Pain, how much time has the convention dedicated to discussing the topic behind your screen name?

Nada. They're afraid to mention energy policy because they have no frickin' clue.

The fact that there was zero bump in Obama's polling numbers after the Biden nomination tells me that only the Obots are excited about Biden.

The rest of us are looking at his comments about Dunkin Donuts & 7-11, or what he's said about Obama during the previous year.

For what it's worth, the rhetoric between Mitt & McCain was issues based and somewhat civil. Biden did a lot of shooting from the hip. Clinton had a lot of good questions with substance behind them.

Personally, I'm looking for Lieberman to be McCain's running mate. Lieberman was backed and vetted already, which could be an interesting dilemma for Clinton supporters who still aren't happy that their candidate came in with 40-48% of the vote....
Mr. eolesen,

With all due respect, Sen. Joe Lieberman would be a wonderful addition to the McCain team.
(Mr. Lieberman and myself share a lot of common ground) !

However, the Evangelical(radical in my opinion)(separation of church and state) faction of the Gop have unequivocally Stated, that they would "Walk Out" of the convention hall, should a pro-choice candidate be chosen.

In my view, thats why Tom Ridge who I believe John McCain favors more than JL, hasn't been named VP already.

McCain finds himself in a very constrained position as he ponders VP choices.

Rudy("A noun, a verb and 9/11" pro-choicer) ?, I'd be very surprised !
Romney. a flip flopper(on abortion)(think Governor of Massachusetts), Mormon, who John McCain frankly is not fond of, again I'd be surprised.

Governor Pawlenty(Minnesota) a Pro-Lifer is my "safe-bet" choice, who just happens to be in the state of the gop convention site.= Mn. goes "Red"(then again, Va. may go Blue)

We've all heard of the old adage that goes like this,"it's Not easy to be xxxx-xxxxxx"
(in this case it's clear that xxxx-xxxxxx can read "John-McCain")

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