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The Most Sickening Obama Ad.............To Date !

According to the last US census that I could find dealing with this (2000) over half the US population lives in cities of 200,000 or more. Only 60 million lived in cities of 200,000 or less.

The cost of catching up will always be far more expensive than the cost of keeping up. It is cheaper to moderize existing infrustructure than to build from scratch.

In my opinion we can either bite thr bullet and start pumping what I believe will be a little money now (in comparison to what we will need to spend when we have nno choice) or we can spend far more money to play catch up when the 'choice' smacks us in the face and we are left with no alternative.

We need to start spending money wisely. I am guessing like in most cities that $50 million a mile light rail could have been built far less expensive had not not made it as fancy as they proabbly did and really made people bid for the actual cost of building a more basic system.

This is a new bridge in Dallas. Is it nice? Sure. Could we have built a more basic bridge to do the same job? Yes. Could that basic bridge have been built at a lower cost? What do you think?


The same idiots who built and supported this bridge are the same people who buy a 60" flat screen and finace it. Very few in this country seem to look at the future. Everyone is worried about to day. The problem I see with that is that decisions you make today will affect what happens down the line.

We need to get the governement involved in a smart way (incentives, competitions ...) to start coming up with solutions for the future. Trying to come up with a way to keep the Titanic affloat after it hit the ice berg is futile and stupid. Trying to prevent the ship from hiting the ice berg in the first place is less costly and a far better investment in my opinion.

On paragraph one, again who is going to pay for this? By your numbers and idea 50% of the population of this country will be paying ultra high "use" taxes and regular taxes so the other 50% can catch a train to work? What happens when the 50% that do all the farming and provide the food this nation eats among other things goes flat broke and ceases to produce?

On paragraph 2, most of what you are talking about is not modernizing existing infrastructure, it is creating completly new infrastructure.

On 3 4 and 5 when has government EVER spent wisely in the modern age? Having government mandating and controlling said bridges, rail and other wont be any better.

On the last points, The idiots that built and supported that bridge are the same ones that you want to have mandating the public transportation, the truck lg conversions and the tax rates to pay for all of it.

There is NO way to get government involved in a smart way. The last 4 years should make that perfectly clear. Everything they have touched has been a disaster, not that the crowd from the previous 40 years has been much better. the only thing the government is good at is passing laws that THEY don't live under (obamacare etc) and spending money that THEY don't have.

The country got to be a superpower based on the free market and hard work. What we have now is a government that does nothing but foster lazy bums and entitlement generations all financed off the backs of the soon to be miniority of americans that finance them. I really had to laugh after Steve jobs passed away how all these folks were saying how he created all those ipods and ipads and computers to better mankind....B.S. he created all that to get rich...Period.

You take away the ability to get rich and do well due to your own hard work and you have the Soviet Union all over again.....nobody bothers to be creative and do the hard work because there is no gain from it.

Government intervention has never created anything. The Tomas Edisons, Bill Gates and Steve jobs of this country all did what they did for one reason....make money. When some creative thinker comes up with the way to make an alternative fuel car that actually makes money and can compete with fossil fuels we will see fossil fuels go by the wayside.....trying to government mandate that creative thinker to do that is a dead end, or the chevy volt.
You just uncovered Barracks secret Marxist plan !

Everyone will live in the same type of house, own 1 xbox, have a 32" flat screen, use Obamacare, drive the same piece o crap car, make the same amount of money, whether your a Doctor or a trash collector and you will like it or else !

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need ! Karl Marx 1875

There is no need to strive for excellence any longer , as it will not improve your station in life...............Comrade !
We pay for it. We have been paying for our ignorance and short sightedness for decades. We will pay for the infrastructure now or later. What we have now does not work and to think it will work better in the future is foolish in my opinion. What you should be asking is do you want to pay for it now or do you want to pay more for it later?

I understand that and perhaps I was not clear. Had we invested in infrastructure over the past 30 plus years after the first gas crunch we would be ahead of the game. So unfortunately we cannot update infrastructure we have to build it from scratch which costs more.

We are the government and we better find a way to do it better.

No I want the people to get involved and say no, we do not need a fancy bridge when a simple one will do.

No idea what Jobs thought about anything. Never spoke with him nor read anything about him.

I don't recall saying anything about taking away the ability to do well for ones self.

Interstate freeway system and the moon program come to mind. US military is another that comes to mind. Not the most efficient but the job got done and with out the money behind the government it never would have happened. Is the government the best possibility? Not by a long shot. Not sure how else you want to get mass transit built. Private enterprise sure is not going to do it. By it's very nature that is a government function. Private companies can build it but I am not aware of a single mass transit system that was built and run by a corporation. There may be one or even a few but the over whelming number of them are run by the cities or state.

A creative thinker may or may not come up with the idea in time. I'm not interested in gambling on that. I want the government to put it's full weight behind getting us out of this mess. I know you want to to just happen on it's own when it happens and I do not agree with that premise. I know the government is not the best answer but I think the alternative is worse.
I understand that and perhaps I was not clear. Had we invested in infrastructure over the past 30 plus years after the first gas crunch we would be ahead of the game. So unfortunately we cannot update infrastructure we have to build it from scratch which costs more.

We are the government and we better find a way to do it better.

No I want the people to get involved and say no, we do not need a fancy bridge when a simple one will do.


Not sure how else you want to get mass transit built. Private enterprise sure is not going to do it.

Invest in what technology in the past 30 years? So you are saying that in 1982 we should have been pouring money into infrastructure.........what infrastructure? What technology? In 1982 ATM's were an experiment, cell phones were rare car phones, a desktop computer did less than a calculator does now. There were no hybrid cards, natural gas powered busses, lithium batteies, and fuel injection was just making its first appearance in production automobiles, and not very well. So now 30 years later we have these things and we have about a dozen "potential" future power options.....so unless you have a crystal ball, which one of those dozen maybes do we pour trillions into building infrastructure for? Or do we dump trillions into making infrastructure for all the potentials?

We are the government.....well whip out your checkbook because right now every man woman and child in this country all 314+ million of us owe $50,525 each. Every trillion more we throw away on a "maybe" thats the right one adds to that number.

In my city the people voted down a new arena 2 times.......guess what they built the thing anyway....ooo its a fancy one too. You are insane if you think politicians give a crap what you think. Take our current stooge in the big chair....he will do and say anything to stay there and depending on who he is talking to is what he is promising. The system is broken and we are left with 2 options, Vote out EVERY single member of congress, and the executive branch en mass and start over....or do it the old fashioned way that it seems egypt, libya etc did. Right now there are too many idiot party following sheep in the country to do option 1, which means the terrifying prospect is that option 2 might be something we see in our lifetime or our childrens life time.

In the 1800's the railways were built by private firms for profit.....mass transit
In the 1800's and 1900's the shipping lines were bult by private firms for profit.....mass transit
in the 1900's the airline industry was built by private firms for profit....mass transit

The evil gas powered automobile was built for profit by private firms, the government built infrastructure in roads and such FOR the automobile after it became clear that was going to be the "technology" people wanted. The government has never created, at best they have reacted to and supported the technology that private firms or people developed.

Government in the creation process like you want is a disaster in the making and at best all you will do is piss away trillions on dead end technologies while some smart college drop out builds the next engine that runs on air or something in his garage.

The volt is a nice example of government intervention, subsidies for it etc etc........NOBODY will buy it! It is a massive overpriced flop that nobody can afford, and you want to do things like that on a massive scale?
Here's an appropriate slogan for the Volt.

Be a dolt and buy a Volt
We have been sitting on our butts for 30 years. No mass transit, nothing. Not sure what the next thing is. At some point I think we might just have to pick the most viable and pull the trigger. Sitting here doing nothing is not a good answer. Why is it I can get around nearly everywhere in Europe with out even touching a car yet I can not get from my house to the air port in DFW without touching a car? We are so far behind.

Sure, vote out all the current idiots and vote in new idiots. Great idea. Until you fix the system one idiot is as good as the next. Get money out of it. Get big business out of politics.

The one thing all your mass transit examples have in common is that they were not designed with the purpose of transporting people. People are an extra. Airlines make their money on cargo, same with trains and shipping lines (with the exception of cruise lines but look at the cost of just transporting people). There is not much money in transporting people short distances in a city. That's why you have no example of city mass transits built and operated by private companies.

We can go back and forth all day long. As far as I am concerned the reality is that what we are doing now is not working. The markets are being manipulated for profit and we the consumers are getting screwed. I have a 15 yr old full size sedan that makes 30 -34 mpg. That same car made by the same manufacture with the same size (3.0l) engine and a turbo which mine does not have makes 21-30 mpg. What's wrong with that picture?

So we can continue on the path that we have been on, stay addicted to oil, continue to send young boys and girls to die protecting our right to drive what we want or we can chose another path. Mass transit for cities would be the easiest first step but we won't even do that. The funny thing is when fuel hit $4-$5 a few years ago ridership on mass transit went through the roof. I think it would be a good idea to increase fuel tax by about $0.10 a year and have it dedicated toward mass transit.
We have been sitting on our butts for 30 years. No mass transit, nothing. Not sure what the next thing is. At some point I think we might just have to pick the most viable and pull the trigger. Sitting here doing nothing is not a good answer. Why is it I can get around nearly everywhere in Europe with out even touching a car yet I can not get from my house to the air port in DFW without touching a car? We are so far behind.

Sure, vote out all the current idiots and vote in new idiots. Great idea. Until you fix the system one idiot is as good as the next. Get money out of it. Get big business out of politics.

The one thing all your mass transit examples have in common is that they were not designed with the purpose of transporting people. People are an extra. Airlines make their money on cargo, same with trains and shipping lines (with the exception of cruise lines but look at the cost of just transporting people). There is not much money in transporting people short distances in a city. That's why you have no example of city mass transits built and operated by private companies.

So we can continue on the path that we have been on, stay addicted to oil, continue to send young boys and girls to die protecting our right to drive what we want or we can chose another path. Mass transit for cities would be the easiest first step but we won't even do that. The funny thing is when fuel hit $4-$5 a few years ago ridership on mass transit went through the roof. I think it would be a good idea to increase fuel tax by about $0.10 a year and have it dedicated toward mass transit.

1. No we are a very different country than europe is. the reason we will never be able to afford the mass transit that europe has is because your state alone is roughly the size of all of eurpoe. For that system to work here and allow you to not touch a car to go to DFW and every other person in the country to do the same would make our current 15 trillion debt look like pocket change

2. My thinking is we need to get government out of business....not the other way around. Geez the Gov't had just as much to do with the lending crises as the banks did. Gov't mandates that every lazy tom dick and harry should be able to own a 200k house regardless of what he made is a huge factor in it. Of course it was not worded that way but the end result is the same. Then when surprise surprise they could not may the mortgage the gov't says the lenders cannot forclose on them!

3. not true, when trains were developed they were split between people and cargo, same with shipping and airlines. Trains and shipping fell by the wayside because cars and airplanes did it faster. build all the mass transit you want and spend trillions....if the population does not want to ride it, it will fail. Take your city of dallas for example....do you really think there is any way in hades that you could ever get enough people to ride mass transit to pay for it on the scale you are talking about? not a chance If your idea was true there should be no traffic in NYC, The subway was established long before the car came into its own, Coast to coast trains existed 60 or 70 years before the car and roughly 100 years before the Eisenhower interstate system. If it would work it would have worked then.

4. .10 cent a gallon tax devoted to mass transit.....managed by the same gov't that manages the Social security that is devoted to only that, the same orginization that takes in billions and billions of dollars a year in taxes yet cannot stop themselves from spending 5 times that...in a good year. the same gov't that has moron house speakers that stand on the congressional floor and says that "we have to pass this bill to find out whats in it" or the dimwit that stands up on the campaign trail and tells every business owner that he "didn't make that business, that gov't did" So you feel its a great idea to make every american that is struggling to feed his/her family in the worst economy since the 30's pay yet another .10 cent a gallon to an orginization that has PROVEN that they cannot manage money and would be fired from every private firm in the world if they performed the same quality work as an employee? All so we can have another 500million 10 miles of track built in another gang and drug infested neighborhood that serves no purpose except to let the drug dealers and thieves have easy access to better parts of the city to ply their trade? At least in my city the 500 mill 10 miles of track that was paid for by the 50% that actually pay taxes......cannot ride the train they built...it does not go to where they live, so they get in their cars everyday and drive to work.
Fine. Lets just keep doing the same old crap. Its working so well for us.
Brilliant , other than it needed to touch on his most famous quote !

"Paying taxes is your Patriotic duty !"

Does this Dolt have any idea what the American revolution was about ? And I feel the "Moocher Class" has more representation in DC right now , than does Joe-Taxpayer !

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