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The Most Sickening Obama Ad.............To Date !

How 'bout focusing on all the closed GM and Chrysler dealerships? Interview some of the 20,000 non-union employees of GM and Delphi who got screwed on their pensions while the unions were made whole. Maybe head over to Elkhart, IN and talk with some former RV assembly workers, since gas jumping from $1.85 to $3.50 a gallon has more or less killed off the middle-class segment of RV sales...

Maybe find some people employed in any of those three groups who were foreclosed on, and have no more hope of ever owning a home again...

We don't want to talk about real issues.....just sling mud !
OK, a few clarifications. First off a vehicle that is only on the road for 14 days or what ever limited use you want to specify are registered and insured differently than a daily driver already and there is no reason to change that. I am addressing daily use vehicles.

A high HP vehicle will waste fuel just as a speeding vehicle does. A heavier vehicle causes more road damage than a lighter vehicle.

I would suggest an exemption for tractor/trailers and large cargo type vehicles.

I do not know that the fed/state needs to get involved in insurance rates it is just something I would like to see as a disincentive for people to get the over sized boats that people are driving around. Moving toward smaller fuel efficient transportation will helkp reduce our oil dependance and all the costs associated with it.

Are taxes the only answer you libtards have or are you terminally infected with wealth envy ?
So what's your plan to reduce fuel consumption? OH I forgot, republicans don't have ideas, they prefer ignorance and burying ones head in the sand.
How do we conserve fuel? Hmmm

I have an idea. Tell those knuckleheads in Charlotte who run a faux union called USAPA it's safe to taxi on one engine and that the trust produced by an APU won't get you to the gate.
So what's your plan to reduce fuel consumption? OH I forgot, republicans don't have ideas, they prefer ignorance and burying ones head in the sand.

It sure as hell isn't Solyndra !

Drill now and drill deep, baby !
I bet you say that to all the guys.

And the mentality of a 9th grader to boot !
No wonder your only capable of writing one sentence reply's !
Bet there are no trophy's on your shelves either and now , on top of wealth envy, you have trophy envy. Did you ever even when a ribbon Dog ?
So what's your plan to reduce fuel consumption? OH I forgot, republicans don't have ideas, they prefer ignorance and burying ones head in the sand.

Well the Picken's plan is a good place to start. If anyone is actually serious they know you can't transition to so called "Clean or Green" that is technologically viable but not economically viable. Right now Wind, Solar & Hydrogen fuel cells the numbers don't work without subsidies and frankly neither does ethanol.

IMO all of the above can become viable over time IF the government gets out of the crony capitalism business and allows the market to work. Welfare is a problem more on the corporate side then individual side. It has to stop.

In the mean time we need to drill, mine, frack, build nuke plants, hydro and geo-thermal plants and allow the best most cost effective technolgy dominate.
So no solution to eliminate the need only a way to continue the addiction.

I believe in alternative energy, "WHEN" they become viable options. Until we reach that point, as Sparrow mentioned, drill, frack and nuke plants are the "ONLY" viable solution to ween us off of foreign dependency.

Oh and as Barrack did, when Bin Laden was taken out, the government needs to do concerning energy.................gtf out of the way !
Well the Picken's plan is a good place to start. If anyone is actually serious they know you can't transition to so called "Clean or Green" that is technologically viable but not economically viable. Right now Wind, Solar & Hydrogen fuel cells the numbers don't work without subsidies and frankly neither does ethanol.

IMO all of the above can become viable over time IF the government gets out of the crony capitalism business and allows the market to work. Welfare is a problem more on the corporate side then individual side. It has to stop.

In the mean time we need to drill, mine, frack, build nuke plants, hydro and geo-thermal plants and allow the best most cost effective technolgy dominate.

Your knowledge of the internal combustion engine seems to be limited. All things being equal, a smaller displacement engine will produce less horse power than a larger displacement engine. A larger displacement engine will always consume more fuel than a smaller one. Same engine with more power will use more fuel than the same engine with less power. It's physics, pure and simple.

I found this info on a British web site for Audi since the Europeans offer far more engines than the US. They have a 1.8l @170hp A4 mated to a multi-tronic gear box which makes 48.7 MPG (imperial). The same car with a 2.0l @ 211hp makes 47.1mpg (imperial). This is just one example. You can go through their engine specs one by one and even in cases where the engine displacement is identical, more power equals a drop in mileage. They have a 2.0l @136hp which makes 65.7 mpg (imperial) compared to a 2.0l @ 163hp which makes 64.2 mpg (imperial).

I love Pickens idea. Converting all tractor trailers to NG would take a substantial bite out of our fuel consumption.

I do not agree that this is a problem that the economy can work out. The economy is reactive, not proactive. There is no corporate money in being proactive unless you make a gamble and produce something just before it is needed or you can figure out how to create that need. Fuel prices in the US are artificially low compared to the rest of the US? If the price of oil spikes it will not be a gradual thing where the market can keep up. This is a market where we need to figure out how to get ahead of the market. Yes it costs money but I believe it is far better to spend a little now rather than a fortune when it is too late.

The only way I would support drilling and all the other crap is if there is a mandate to start expanding public transportation with in cities and rail between cities. We need to break our dependency on fossil fuels before it is too late.

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