First off, a 'shout out' to MITT for a class act concession speach.
We here are very use to are fairly close neighbor from Belmont MA. (about 40 miles away). He's Not a Bad Guy, really, and despite his politics, Paul Ryan is not a Bad guy either.
NEVER EVER to be confused with a M F'r like DIRTY DICK Cheney !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(see dell, I refrained from saying EL-CHIMPO. I never really HATED that guy.) !
IMHO, the republican Future is going to be in the hands of a younger man named Marco Rubio.
It will be interesting to see if he follows that FAST DYING ol' Rush Limbaugh Whacko GOP BS conservative line, OR, concentrates on being Fiscally conservative, yet socially Moderate.
I listened to EL-Rushbo a lil' this morning, and he sounded like...what he was (still) selling, NO ONE was interested in Buying.
Rove looked like an ABSOLUTE fool on FOX last night.
Hel, even the FOX talking heads were rolling thier eyes at the FAT Bas-tard.
That EFFEMINATE little man....D I C K...Morris was on @ 7am in BRUTAL denial. The 'Talking heads with him were ALSO 'rolling thier eyes'.
AH, but My PRIZE comes @ 3PM, when the BIGGEST.. C ..Sucker comes on. "SEAN HANNITY the GREAT AMERICAN"
Finally, the BIGGEST FOOL is a dude on radio named Billy Cunningham 'the GREAT AMERICAN' (on the radio up here on late sunday nite). Since Romney got the nomination, B C said..over and over again, that MITT would LOSE. AH, but enter some nit wit (regular) named Wayne Allan Root (Root for America .com) This ASSS Hole, who is a Las Vegas ODDS MAKER..talked ol' Billy into believing B O was toast!
So good ol' Gullible BILLY started parroting W.A.R .
(Again) Mr. ROOT is a Las Vegas ODDS-MAKER. This MF couldn't 'PICK HIS NOSE', let alone NFL games!