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AA executive bonus!

. I have personally told Danny Martinez that the MSG3 program is a failure from the line perspective -

DM has a real aversion to listening to anyone beneath him. Not just mechs. He is also deaf when one of his borrowed ideas is cast in a dim light. He is good only for telling those above him what he thinks will please them. He is nothing more than a glib, fast-talking used-car salesman. He also feels the need to couch much of what he says in a threat.
Maybe you should read, "The World is Flat" or "China, Inc.", I understand globalization quite well, thanks.

Its hard to argue with someone that is undereducated, ignorant, and refuses to believe anything that might undermine their own opinion.
Try reading a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,or 1984 by Orwell. These works are quite prophetic. The Iron Heel By Jack London is pretty good too. Maybe between Fox news channel, NASCAR and Noam(phony liberal)Chomsky you should read The People's history of the United States by Howard Zinn. If you really want to blow your mind, try The Creature from Jeckyll Island by G. Edward Griffith.
Never mind, go back to sleep you jack arse! :lol:
Funny how you guys have all the answers, but don't have the balls to actually do anything about it. Sounds like a lot of monday morning quarterbacking to me. Just because I play fantasy football doesn't make me qualified to be an NFL head coach.

You poor, poor ignorant fool. I did say what needed to be done. I said to keep our maintenance program intact. But Mike DiStefano, who was the West Coast manager I believe told me to my face, "We (AA) over inspect our aircraft."

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Don't listen to the men and women on the front lines of aviation safety/maintenance. We only know what we are talking about. And it seems as if we are the LAST people to be listened to seriously.

Oh, wait! There is the jlt. 😉
Funny how you guys have all the answers, but don't have the balls to actually do anything about it. Sounds like a lot of monday morning quarterbacking to me. Just because I play fantasy football doesn't make me qualified to be an NFL head coach.

I wouldn't admit to playing fantasy football if I was hoping to ever get another date.
I wouldn't admit to playing fantasy football if I was hoping to ever get another date.

Hey, admitting to playing dungeons and dragons didn't stop Ben Baldanza from becoming CEO at Spirit...
When you have less aircraft, less mechanics due to layoffs and retirements, and then massive concessions....result??? FAR LOWER MAINTENANCE COSTS

The only thing going up by an insane rate is.....

ManAAgement Costs!!!!

Well I think its good that their costs are going up despite the fact that they cut pay, it reinforces the arguement that pay cuts do not lower costs over the long haul.

With an enthusiastic workforce they could have not only lowered their maint costs but increased their operating revenue, the smoke and mirrors of PLI, JLT or whatever other scams they push just dont seem to be working. Look for costs to skyrocket once the lid is blown off PLI next month. Remember what Gordon Bethune wrote in his book about unhappy mechanics.

Millions for the executives after paycuts for the workers only proves that I was right when I said that our paycuts wont save the compnay, they will simply make the rich richer.

Keep up the DNC talking points while your jobs keep going outside the Country.

Carter aand Kennedy were the Champions of Airline Degregulation while both prevented the Airline Worker Retraining Act from being funded.

How many Republicans opposed Airline Deregulation or moved to provide funding for the Airline Worker Retraining Act?

The fact is that the Republicans have overwhelmingly supported every anti-labor bill that ever passed. Pro-Republican supporters then try to spin blame to the Democrats when a minority of Democrats "cross the isle" and allow a Republican victory. Airline Deregultaion was started during Nixon, Republicans blocked funding for the Airline Worker Retraining Act which I believe that Kennedy introduced. Kennedy also later expressed public regret for supporting Deregultion and its negative effects on airline workers, despite the fact that Alfred Kahn made it clear that deregultion would be an attack on airline workers, who he claimed were reaping all the benifits of the the technology driven productivity improvements.

The fact is the Republicrats have played good cop bad cop with the working people of this country. They both have the same objectives, just different tactics, and dont ever be fooled into thinking they arent working together. To unconditionally side with the Democrats is misguided but to side with the Republicans is suicide. Make no mistake, the Democrats have and will continue to sell us out but the Republican party as a whole is the enemy of working people.

With Domestic US Aviation, within the US accounting for 15-17% of total US GDP and the US Market accounting for some 60% of the total Global RSAM, we are the target of every nation that wants our revenue in their pockets.

And with multinational corporations owning both political parties through campaign financing(although they give the Republicans much more than the Democrats) they will get it.