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AA executive bonus!

When will all you working class pukes stop whining? Don't you listen to Garfield or former moderAAtor?
The CEOs and other corporate elite deserve what they get, it is their BIRTHRIGHT!
You on the other hand are here to be fleeced by the corporate/government industrial complex. Go back to the TV and further dull your senses with sports and sitcoms, get back on your bar stool and inibriate yourselves. Don't forget to have many children so they may be used as cannon fodder to protect the business interest of the corporate empire!
Oh yes ...don't forget to vote for your favorite Republicrat candidate. :down:

Keep up the DNC talking points while your jobs keep going outside the Country.

Carter aand Kennedy were the Champions of Airline Degregulation while both prevented the Airline Worker Retraining Act from being funded.

With Domestic US Aviation, within the US accounting for 15-17% of total US GDP and the US Market accounting for some 60% of the total Global RSAM, we are the target of every nation that wants our revenue in their pockets.
When you have less aircraft, less mechanics due to layoffs and retirements, and then massive concessions....result??? FAR LOWER MAINTENANCE COSTS

The only thing going up by an insane rate is.....

ManAAgement Costs!!!!

Its not being compared to 2001, its being compared to the 2006 budget.
More than likely, the new "MSG 3" maintenance program is starting to show its flaws. Expect a spin on the explaination.

It's looking more and more like operating on the ragged edge of profitability is where this company prefers to be. It serves them well in controlling employee costs. This situation has no effect on executive pay or bonuses - they still get it.

The situation is bleek at best, with no light at the end of the tunnel. You can expect no help from the TWU, and forget about management giving any incentives. Yes, you've got a job - sure your: pay, vacation, sick time, holidays, overtime, shift differential, and medical insurance have all been gutted - you should be able to look past that - get over it.

The company will hire a new consulting group and use the employees to screw themselves some more.

"What just happened Davey?" I'll tell you what happened - we just got screwed again Goliath!" :angry:

Keep up the DNC talking points while your jobs keep going outside the Country.

Carter aand Kennedy were the Champions of Airline Degregulation while both prevented the Airline Worker Retraining Act from being funded.

With Domestic US Aviation, within the US accounting for 15-17% of total US GDP and the US Market accounting for some 60% of the total Global RSAM, we are the target of every nation that wants our revenue in their pockets.

I see that wit, satire and sarcasm are lost on this thread, so let me break it down for you. Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
F%#K the DNC, the RNC and the whole fake left/right paradigm. Republican/Democrat two sides one coin, hence
R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-R-A-T or if you prefer
D-E-M-O-C-A-N. Its heads they win tails you lose. The only ones that win are the bankers(foreign and U.S), foreign lobbyists and business interests that are the real power behind the whole political charade. It is they who control both political parties. Heres another news flash for you. The same people that ran Wall Street where the same ones that funded the Bolshevik (Communist) revolution in Russia in 1917 :shock: :shock: .
:down: :down:
I see that wit, satire and sarcasm are lost on this thread, so let me break it down for you. Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
F%#K the DNC, the RNC and the whole fake left/right paradigm. Republican/Democrat two sides one coin, hence
R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-R-A-T or if you prefer
D-E-M-O-C-A-N. Its heads they win tails you lose. The only ones that win are the bankers(foreign and U.S), foreign lobbyists and business interests that are the real power behind the whole political charade. It is they who control both political parties. Heres another news flash for you. The same people that ran Wall Street where the same ones that funded the Bolshevik (Communist) revolution in Russia in 1917 :shock: :shock: .
:down: :down:
I saw the 5th season of the X-Files on sale the other day, maybe you should go pick up a copy.
Answer this question. In our constitutional republic (note I didn't say democracy) is the government supposed to be your servant or your master?
At times, both and neither.

With building roads they are servant.

Selective Service they are the master.

When it comes to how I spend a saturday afternoon, they are neither.

With regards to AMT pay, I would say that government had far more say in AMT pay before deregulation. That artificially boosted pay, after deregulation they have little or no so and pay rates have decreased primarily do to economic, demographic, and technological factors outside of the average AMTs control. Most AMTs on this board refuses to accept this and instead blame their problems on "upper-management", the governments, other AMTs that do not hold their same views, the customer, or other labor unions.
At times, both and neither.

With building roads they are servant.

Selective Service they are the master.

When it comes to how I spend a saturday afternoon, they are neither.

With regards to AMT pay, I would say that government had far more say in AMT pay before deregulation. That artificially boosted pay, after deregulation they have little or no so and pay rates have decreased primarily do to economic, demographic, and technological factors outside of the average AMTs control. Most AMTs on this board refuses to accept this and instead blame their problems on "upper-management", the governments, other AMTs that do not hold their same views, the customer, or other labor unions.
Your premise is wrong, if you believe what is in the constitution. Government gets its power from the consent of the governed. We are its masters, period.
All these economic, demographic and technological factors that you mentioned are the tools that the crooks behind globalization have used to lower the American standard of living, not just the AMT. If you think globalization is some X-File conspiracy theory then I suggest you do some research on your own. Start here www.infowars.com. The truth shall set you free, or it may terrify you.
Your premise is wrong, if you believe what is in the constitution. Government gets its power from the consent of the governed. We are its masters, period.
All these economic, demographic and technological factors that you mentioned are the tools that the crooks behind globalization have used to lower the American standard of living, not just the AMT. If you think globalization is some X-File conspiracy theory then I suggest you do some research on your own. Start here www.infowars.com. The truth shall set you free, or it may terrify you.

Maybe you should read, "The World is Flat" or "China, Inc.", I understand globalization quite well, thanks.

Its hard to argue with someone that is undereducated, ignorant, and refuses to believe anything that might undermine their own opinion.
Of course it can be from increased labor costs. If the planes break down more then more time is spent fixing them. More mechanic hours = higher costs.

The "MSG3" maintenance program was designed to REDUCE costs. I remember writing letters to Greg Hall way back when telling him that the "new" maintenance program was not going to work. From day one in AA's maintenance department I was told to look at oil, hydraulic, fuel, oxygen, interiors and lights. THEN I was told we no longer had to look at these items on a nightly basis. At one point we did not even LOOK at certain aircraft.

I was talked to by management. It seems as if I told the Emporer he had no clothes. The maintenance program has been "teeked" a bit but it still falls short of our old, second to none maintenance program.

I guess taking delays for leaks and servicing that could have been prevented opened a few eyes.

ANY maintenance costs that are more than expected are NOT caused by the skilled, AMT. That fault lies right at the feet of management.
The "MSG3" maintenance program was designed to REDUCE costs. I remember writing letters to Greg Hall way back when telling him that the "new" maintenance program was not going to work. From day one in AA's maintenance department I was told to look at oil, hydraulic, fuel, oxygen, interiors and lights. THEN I was told we no longer had to look at these items on a nightly basis. At one point we did not even LOOK at certain aircraft.

I was talked to by management. It seems as if I told the Emporer he had no clothes. The maintenance program has been "teeked" a bit but it still falls short of our old, second to none maintenance program.

I guess taking delays for leaks and servicing that could have been prevented opened a few eyes.

ANY maintenance costs that are more than expected are NOT caused by the skilled, AMT. That fault lies right at the feet of management.

Funny how you guys have all the answers, but don't have the balls to actually do anything about it. Sounds like a lot of monday morning quarterbacking to me. Just because I play fantasy football doesn't make me qualified to be an NFL head coach.
Funny how you guys have all the answers, but don't have the balls to actually do anything about it. Sounds like a lot of monday morning quarterbacking to me. Just because I play fantasy football doesn't make me qualified to be an NFL head coach.

Funny how you guys have all the answers, but don't have the balls to actually do anything about it. Sounds like a lot of monday morning quarterbacking to me. Just because I play fantasy football doesn't make me qualified to be an NFL head coach.
Oneflyer you are truely an ass!!! Your destiny is a smoking hole in the ground!!!!!!!!! CYA But hey you got a really good price on the ticket that got you non stop to that hole in the ground!!! Get what ya pay for..........pay me now or pay later!! <_< <_< <_<
Funny how you guys have all the answers, but don't have the balls to actually do anything about it. Sounds like a lot of monday morning quarterbacking to me. Just because I play fantasy football doesn't make me qualified to be an NFL head coach.

Funny you should make such an ignorant comment. I have personally told Danny Martinez that the MSG3 program is a failure from the line perspective - we see the short comings daily. We were told that the items that the line deals with really don't have an adverse effect on the operation. Our retired manager as much as predicted this would happen. These guys will never learn from the past.

You see, nobody will do anything about it until it hits em in the pocket book. Things are actually right on track. It's just too bad it has to come to this for reality to set in. 😉