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Mgt Demands Retroactive Paycut For Pilots

careerfurloughee said:
When you distill all of his posts down to thier essense that is what is left, sadly.

Eau de Skunk
USA320Pilot said:
MEC reports indicate the NC seems to be working hard today to get a deal that might be acceptable to the company. .

Shouldn't they be concerned with getting something that is acceptable to their members?

It now appears the NC believes ALPA would have been a lot better off taking the company's first proposal than what the pilots will likely end up having, whether it's agreed upon or imposed.
If the company were honest or trustworthy, their first proposal should still be available.

but there has been not much movement with and of the TWU or IAM units. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the company will file S.1113e and S.1114 motions against these units immediately following the September 12 bankruptcy filing, unless something changes.

There should be no movement with the IAM.. And your anticipated motions is just your opinion and carries no truth whatsoever. :down:
Have a drink on me!! :shock:


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Funny, I did not see such an uproar from other labor groups when the IAM mechanic and related members were forced to pay back money to the company during round one.
savyinvestor said:
The point is you said you were not a pilot. I rather be Mr. Magoo than a liar. Thats my point. Got it? Honesty says alot about a person IMHO. Savy
You're scraping there aren't ya bud? I still don't see what your point is. I think it's known on this forum what I do. Who cares if you think I am a liar...geeze.
Management's proposal does not "demand a retroactive paycut for pilots."

The pilot group received a 1% pay raise on May 1, 2004, which is the current pay rate. The Transformation Plan Term Sheet proposes "freezing current rates effective 5/01/04 through 12/31/09 and reducing rates as frozen by 21.0%." This is not a retroactive pay cut.

Thus, the proposal is to reduce the May 1, 2004 pay rates by 21% effective on the implementation date that will likely be October 1, 2004.

In regard to CWA and AFA progress, the information was provided by a senior corporate officer who is involved in negotiations who provided the information to a MEC Rep yesterday.


Happy Labor day from "Frances" too. Lost power, battery weak. Bye Bye.
Funny acording to the CWA there are NO TALKS taking place and have not for a couple of weeks.

More misinformation from you know who.

And the AFA has yet to recieve a counter proposal.

More misinformation from you know who.

Keep up the good work.
CWA'ers meet on Wednesday, August 11, with management to respond to their last proposal and to hear details of their proposed profit sharing plan...
Present for the company were ECLAT consultant Doug McKeen, Vice President of Reservations Kerry Carstairs, Vice President of Customer Service Donna Paladini, management from the labor relations, operations, and benefits departments, attorneys and contracted analysts.
Present for the union were Local presidents, CWA analysts, staff and attorneys.
CWA'ers presented our response to management's last proposal. We began with a review of the process so far by presenting this preamble:

This, CWA's third written cost-reduction offer (6/22, 7/13, 8/11), is a continuation of our effort to respond to management's stated need to reduce costs to avoid bankruptcy, become more competitive, and put the business on a more sound footing. These proposals describe substantial changes to the CWA Passenger Service Employees collective bargaining contract designed to save millions of dollars in annual costs.

More specifically, this cost-reduction offer addresses management's July 27 proposal, attempting to accommodate many of management's concerns about our earlier offers, and drawing management's attention to major parts of our earlier offers to which they have not responded.

Finally, this cost-reduction offer reflects the CWA stance, stated at the bargaining table and at subsequent meetings, that management's July 27 proposal was not a good-faith response to our earlier offers. That proposal incorporated all the cost savings of those CWA offers, but did not reduce in any way the company's long-standing demand to radically reduce or eliminate employee income and benefits to conform to an imaginary contract composed of the worst (from the employee's point of view) of the working conditions at America West and/or Jet Blue. Management's proposals would, among other things, cut employee take-home pay by about 50 percent.

CWA'ers then presented a revised Early Out program designed to reduce cost by reducing seniority, and a revised voluntary Work At Home Res proposal designed to reduce cost by eliminating overhead as well as lower pay grade.
We also drew management's attention to the part of our Early Out program that called for those filling buyout vacancies to be placed on the X Scale (the Southwest Airlines scale) which is, itself, a cost saving feature that management did not acknowledge or respond to in their last proposal.
We also presented several proposed Scope modifications that would cover work not currently covered by the contract and provide additional job security for our members. These changes are warranted by the fact that our contract is fully competitive in terms of salaries and productivity with competitors doing similar work.
Management asked for a meeting of our analysts for Friday (that we agreed to) and also asked to have a meeting early next week to reply to our proposal, which we will set up as soon as they name some dates.
Management then reviewed their profit sharing proposal, which is posted at our website www.cwa.net. These are the primary points they made:

The profit sharing plan is part of the overall package of pay and benefit cuts presented on July 27;
The plan will not be offered if the company again goes bankrupt;
If the company's profit margin is in the range of 0% - 5%, the plan will provide for an annual pool of 10% of all pre-tax profits to be shared by all employees on the basis of your W2 annual earnings (i.e. your percent share of the pool would be the same as your percent share of all employees earnings combined).
If the company's profit margin is above 5%, the pool would also include 25% of all pre-tax profits above 5%.
They estimate that the profit share for a person at top of scale for our group for the year 2005 would be about $1,013 (based on a top rate of pay of $13.10), and by 2011 that would go to $2,977. (These are estimates, because nobody can predict how profitable the company will actually be in those years).

CWA'ers ended the meeting by presenting copies of our petition (see your stewards for details) signed by over 2,000 agents and reps in the last two days. We will continue to collect signatures and present the additional amounts at our next meeting.
We'll keep you informed as we have further meetings with management.
AFA US Airways MEC E-Line for August 28x, 2004

In this E-Line
Accessing The Hub
AFA Local Numbers


The AFA Negotiating Committee continues to meet to develop a counter-proposal. Our financial advisor has been working with the Company, but we have not yet received a full costing of the Company's August 18th proposal. Once we have received all that information from the Company, our financial advisor will then be able to fully analyze and determine if the Company's numbers are correct. Until that time, we cannot provide the Company with a
counter-proposal as we would be doing so blindly having no true idea of the value of items in our counter-proposal.

As soon as more information is available, we will update you via the e-line and website.

Perry Hayes
MEC President
Association of Flight Attendants - CWA, AFL-CIO
Hmm so who is right?

The CWA's web page or a certain pilot who is not a member of the CWA?

Who is right?

The AFA MEC Chairman or a certain pilot who is not an AFA member?

You make the call!
Of couse you will be in the parade. I'm sure you have walked with your brethern who have worked so hard for you in the past.

Funny you should mention other labor groups....

I don't remember seeing an uproar or even an acknowledgment from other labor groups when Res and Cust Svc had their pensions FROZEN..BYE-BYE..CAPUT.. over 10 years ago!!

Willylomen: Isn't that the name from A Death of A Saleman????? I enjoy your posts and you are so true...thanks for your input.
that is because you were non-union.

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