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Mgt Demands Retroactive Paycut For Pilots

The Pilots Only website has a disclaimer asking members not to share confiedncial info with the public. Memebers only are who allowed asscess to this info.

This is the reason in the past this kind of info was not available to the pilots...

TheLarkAscending said:
What is to say this poster is not a pilot, too, as well as the wife of an aviator? Others have "come over here and discussed their surfing", and you've not questioned or taken them to task. Wives and Husbands often ask each other to check on things when they're not able to access a computer. Wives and Husbands actually talk to one another and share information and concerns about their futures, I think they can even share bank accounts now, too. Wow, we've come a long way baby....... :up:

Use, Technically you are correct, but I cannot see a pilot not sharing this info with their spouse. Besides, Lark can do NO wrong as far as this poster is concerned. Savy
jimntx said:
No, but what I do know is that all things considered, the Retirement System of Alabama is one of the best (if not THE best) managed retirement systems in the nation. What could the RSA possibly gain from "raiding" US Airways? In the total RSA picture, the US Airways investment is negligible (less than 1% of total assets). Destroying US Airways would only guarantee that the RSA would lose its entire investment.

Personally, I think Dr. Bronner made two mistakes. First, the fact that he invested at all in a failing business--not being tacky, just looking at the facts. Second, he deferred to the "airline professionals" as far as the on-going management of the company.

I agree that he probably doesn't understand that the airline business is, in fact, a different sort of animal, and that he assumed that an airline can be run like any other company. But, he wouldn't be the first to make that mistake now would he?

Given the management that US Airways has and has had over the past 5-10 years, can you honestly say that things would be different today whether the $240 million had come from the RSA, the PTA, or the BSA?

If not, tell me exactly what the RSA has done in the time since they invested in US Airways (less than 2 years IIRC) that has brought your airline to its current state. Not what Siegel, or Lakefield or any of the other CCY denizens has done. What has RSA done?
First, he kept Siegel and the inept team he hired WAY TOO LONG.
Second, in several efforts to negotiate in the media, Bronner has used terms like "pull the plug" and liquidate; both times eliciting damage control remarks from the CEO. His statements ALONE are likely responsible for costing UAIR several hundred million dollars in revenue.
Third, his "team" continues to follow the "path of the 400 rjs". Everyone involved can see that this is purely a technique to break the unions on the property. Successful management teams work WITH the labor groups, NOT against them at all cost.

oldiebutgoody said:

You have no dispute from me on that point. Still do not believe that you can fault RS for all the problems, though.
To: use your head.

The only reason I stated I went to the ALPA site was to verify weather the rumor being stated on this thread was true or not. If in fact the TA proposal reflected a give back of salary to 5/1/04. It really is not clear on that point. And that is why we are on page seven of this topic. (and various other related points) After much point counter point on this issue the final answer is most likey, NOT. That it is only to due with pay rates and not the return of money. But since management has a nasty track record, who is to say what the intent is vs the reality of implementation. time will tell.

It was not to disclose confidential information. So I am truly sorry if I offended you for actually stating I looked at the actual document that was being discussed on this board.

So in the future I will refrain from stating where the information came from so that you do not continue to get your panties in a bunch. I got your point from the first time you were not pleased that someone had acess to the ALPA board. And I will not make that mistake again. So please, let it go.

Thank you for your consideration.

Oh, you may also note that luvthe9, and woodbird stated what page on the document to go to...So I am not the only one on this board who read the document and made a public comment on it. So I can only assume that it bothered you becasue my sign in name is av8orwife. I will neither confirm nor deny my emplyment status, as that is not of any value to this topic.

The topic of course was if the pilots had to give back salary already paid from May to whenever their is an agreement.

And it appears the final answer is most likely they will not have to pay it back.
USA320Pilot said:
The AFA E-line is 9 days old, which is a long time ago with the current state of negotiations.

There is reason to believe ALPA, AFA, and the CWA will have new agreements before bankruptcy. The only labor groups that will not are those represented by the TWU and IAM, who according to ALPA's advisor's are going to get "hammered" in court, which is the union's choice.

What are these reasons to believe, and is that the same ALPA advisor whose services are paid for by the Company?

The union's Counsel will have to argue why the union employees deserve higher pay and benefits for a failed company than LCC employees whose company is profitable.

The last few LUV contracts, particularly for the FAs and mechs, are going to make that a really, really easy sell.

And it really matters not, since if any S1113/1114 motions are actually granted, it's goodbye company. Self-help, and all.
ktflyhome said:
Willylomen: Isn't that the name from A Death of A Saleman????? I enjoy your posts and you are so true...thanks for your input.
Yes, ktfly: Willy Loman is from Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. I chose it because it is appropriate to our situation at USAir. When Willy is fired by Howard, his boss Willy responds: "...I put thirty-four years into this firm, Howard, and now I can't pay my insurance! You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away--a man is not a piece of fruit!

av8orwife said:
... It really is not clear on that point. ... management has a nasty track record... time will tell....it appears the final answer is most likely they will not have to pay it back.

Oh Ok. I feal better now. Sign me up then. :lol:

With over 300 grievencs for contract violations that are clearly written, is there any doubt that mgt will not drive a truck through this new ambiguous language? There are many intelligent people who see that this is a paycut.

However, as pointed out by Wily, the real diamond in the rough is the transferance of Mainline jobs to the new slave labor camp called MDA. What ever happened to a good tar and feather?
willyloman said:
Yes, ktfly: Willy Loman is from Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. I chose it because it is appropriate to our situation at USAir. When Willy is fired by Howard, his boss Willy responds: "...I put thirty-four years into this firm, Howard, and now I can't pay my insurance! You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away--a man is not a piece of fruit!

And a peice of fruit, if left out and gone unoticed, drivels up, sour, rots and then the gnats take over.

I did over 20 years of theater prior to this job. I have really missed that part of my life. I directed, choreographed, acted in every kind if theater, make-up, costumes, the whole nine yards. I did the lead in "Chicago" last spring on a VF. I have even been given "the best acting award". Now that I am moving on, I look forward to pursuing that creative part of myself once again. Death of a Saleaman is a poignant and tell-telling aspect of our society today.
Dilligas said:
Everything happens for a reason, right? You'll be happier pursuing your love and passion.

Break a leg! :up:
Thank You very much, Dilligas. 🙂

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