What you are missing in this thread is the latest offer’s reference to LOA 9l. Management wants the CJR800s and the EMB190-195s to be placed at MDA. Everything else in the offer is a distraction. Figure it out for yourselves what the ramifications are for the narrowbody fleet at U and its employees. As the large “small†jets arrive on the tarmac, those mainline aircraft will go. It means whatever we vote for most likely will eventually end up at MDA. Management intends to do this whether we have an agreement or not. They will do it in Chapter 11 nonetheless. It’s been the plan eve since DS arrive at U, and you can thank the 75% ALPA pilots who have enabled management to do this.
I am not angry at management; I am angry at the cowardly 75% ALPA members (give or take one or two percent) who have always voted yes to every contract put in front of them; these yes voters have enabled bad management to exist, these yes voters have enabled the outsourcing of our jobs to MDA (paid for by the employees), and the yes voters have enabled management to come roaring back for more because they know that the yes voters will squeal like stuck pigs and beg, as they are doing now, to allow another ratification of this new and improved travesty of a contract proposal. H.ll, I’d do the same if I were management. We can all thank the 75% of ALPA yes voters for decimating the careers of the 28,000 employees at USAirways.
Avi8tor Wife: You state you’ve advocated ALPA vote yes (two times, I believe), not for you, yourself , but for the 28,000 employees of USAirways. For God’s sake woman, how darn patronizing you are!! Let me briefly explain the function of unions for you: ALPA is a union, it is supposed to take care of its members. The IAM, the AFA, the CWA and the TWU take care of their own members. For the most part, each chooses to negotiate or not to whatever is in the best interests of its members. That you say that ALPA should do it for all the employees is insulting. To falsely believe that ALPA is the leader for all the other unions to follow and will be the saving grace of all the employees is so full of pomposity and hubris that it will undoubtedly bring about the downfall of all of us. Those ALPA yes votes at any cost mentality has effectively destroyed the careers of the 28,000 who you supposedly care about, and worse, has put the entire US piloting profession as a viable career choice in jeopardy. If all the employees put their faith in what ALPA would negotiate and vote upon, based on their past history, heaven help us all.
Also, Avi8torwife: What do you mean Chip’s ready to walk? Can you read? Look at his latest post (at this writing) on this thread. Don’t you understand, Chip has always been willing, with the exception of around 5 minutes at the termination of our DB plan, to sell out all the pilots below him on the seniority list in order to temporarily salvage what remains of his career.