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Message From Doug

Sorry, rjh, I hadn't read enough of the thread to catch the sarcasm..my apologies. Curtis, I'm delighted that you were able to salvage the remainder of your career with GE..seriously. However, you must know that there are hundreds, nay, thousands of people who've been cut loose...with really nowhere to go. Me, I'm a 40 something year old pilot...Oh, believe me ...I tried to find other flying jobs after the furlough...along with about 10,000 other pilots around the country. I found one...at the very commuter I started my career with way back when...just enough to keep my nose above water. People like myself are desperate for an opportunity to return to the cockpits we once sat in...if even for the few short years we have left before turning 60. You were fortunate, others of us are hoping to be semi-fortunate in spending a few years at the new Airways before we retire...and to try to stash a little money away for diapers for ourselves later.
What those of us in less than desireable circumstances is either support for the hopeful prospects the newco provides, or some containment of pessimism.

Best regards, and no offense.
What a bunch of pathetic, whining self-centered crybabies!

The present state of the airline industry is the inevitable result of the Deregulation
Act of 1978. Competition heated up, fares came down. Now low fares are
everywhere and wages in the industry are falling. USAir's once mighty yields
in the high teens can no longer be sustained, and there goes our once cushy jobs
and lifestyle. Now I work about 50 percent harder for about 25 percent less. I
choose to do it. Doesn't make me a company lapdog.

I think if USAirways had been run by Samuel Gompers, Lee Iacocca and
Herb Kelleher for the past 15 years we still would have seen our share
of paycuts, asset sales and maybe even bankruptcy.
PITbull said:

Since you seem to post "trust-me-I-mean -it" posts for Dougie,  first point of trust is having him not forward e-mails and include those who were not included in the original e-mail, specifically when it was about certain management types that he forwarded the e-mail to. :down:   First breach of sincerity.

Don't you think? :angry:

Hmmm....kinda like Ericfishy...anyway.....I have never made a post upon anyone's request. My posts have been based on personal experience I've been witness to with our management team. The particular circumstance of e-mail you are referring I have no knowledge of and can only speculate. Their may have been a good reason...if I understand what you are trying to communicate. Some information is not for just anyone. Maybe a mistake was made when the orginal email went out for distribution. Our director has an admin assistant and the assistant sometimes goofs up where the emails/meeting requests are supposed to be sent. It happens. Now if you can provide any additional information on the email your referring to please do, otherwise you statement above is full of holes. Can you patch them up? If you would like to address any other issues that I've had some experience with I'd be glad to share what I know.

No offence taken and I appreciate your situation and mind-set. I pray you and others there will be ok at the same time praying you and others take reality into serious consideration and seek other skills in demand. Best of Luck-- my hats off to you sir.

By these few words you wrote here shows you are clueless to the real woes life throws our way. I have not had an easy life. Without getting personal I will just say with what was thrown in my path makes one sink or swim with your eyes wide open. I have several marketable skills only one being a licensed aircraft mechanic. Because of my woes I realize life does not always cooperate with our aspirations.

To make a comment that, “oh we are cry babies and no matter where you worked, no matter the industry these woes would have come so stop the whining“, is mighty big talk. In this life you will have troubles, and “whenâ€￾ they come your way which they surely will, your words will come back to test your resolve, if it’s even there.
barbeetantrums said:
So those several hundred layoffs in 2003 at LGA and CMH mean nothing to you.

In every case DP has offered front line people jobs elsewhere, if they took it or not that was up to them.
I hope it works out like Mr. Parker says, too.

OTOH, what did you expect him to say?

Moreover, there is plenty of existing wiggle room in what he said.

For instance, there is a dichotomy between US/HP compensation in the agent ranks.

There are currently campaigns to resolve representation with CWA, IBT and IAM.

IF, the matter is resolved at the lower end of compensation, Mr. Parker would say compensation is based on an agreed upon and existing contract. He'd be accurate.

But the folks at the high end of the payscale would still be taking a paycut.

Time will tell.
elixir said:
Sorry, rjh, I hadn't read enough of the thread to catch the sarcasm..my apologies.

No apology necessary, elixir. It was hard to tell whether or not I was serious in my post (darn internet!!! 😛 )

I think most of the people at LCC have positive attitudes and don't blame everything on management--or movie studios .lol
Parker seems up front enough but his choice of keeping Al Crellin on board really isn't as puzzling as one might think. Crellin has worn the medal of a$$*@#e well and will continue to do the job he has done during his entire airline career. Parker is keeping Al on to continue to be the a$$*@#e especially when it comes to unpopular decisions ie cuts. Look no further than the way the hub people are being treated. There is a hub that is being treated totally unfairly compared to the other hubs and it's got A.C. written all over it. While his initials are all over it on appearance I'm sure the top echelon knows exactly what he's doing and have given their blessing to it. Parker is to be trusted like any other exec. at a formerly bankrupt airline. Trust him as far as you can throw him and make him prove his sincerity is actually sincere.
It's one thing to approve a memo that sounds like the real deal. It's quite another to follow it up with actions that prove the memo is as it was advertised.
Time for Dougie boy to step up to the plate and make sure all the people at all the cities are treated as fairly and straightforward as they have been treating them at PHX, PHL and LAS.
Time will tell....the clock has begun ticking....tic toc tic toc...
In general, I consider myself pro-business, and not a big fan of organized labor. I am an avid lurker and seldom poster to this forum, but here are my thoughts...

All employees, unionized or otherwise, do not owe Mr. Parker any "chances". As far as I'm concerned, we are in for more of the same until proved otherwise. Mr. Parker, you will not enjoy a "honeymoon period" like our other management team did.

What will I accept as proof? Make the company profitable, and lets see some growth instead of shrinking ourselves to oblivion.

Just my $.02

Cal....I'm sorry your airline career went pfft. And thanks for misquoting the hell
out of my post. But I stand by what I said.
In every case DP has offered front line people jobs elsewhere, if they took it or not that was up to them.

So these folks should have moved across the country to save their approx $7.50/hr job. Therefore, these people weren't really layed-off, so to speak.

A grief counselor from the EAP was provided. They were given classes on job hunting skills. They received unemployment checks. They received severance pay. They were included in the unemplyment statistics of their respective communities. Sounds pretty layed-off to me.

BTW, there were only as many transfer opportinities as there were job openings. Some wanted to transfer but couldn't as there were no openings left. Non-union employees had to apply and interview for positions within the company.
What exactly did U's management do to compete? What did they do in a response to the "new" competition that they knew about over a decade beforehand? What reasonable response to these threats did they take action on? Anything? They were paid well to be leaders, to find a way. The object was to win the war. Find a way. Leaders?
If it was an actual military battle, we would have been blown to bits, while someone complained that we weren't fighting hard enough, all the while riding on the good ship lollypop.
Kelleher, et al, wouldn't have let their ego's get in the way and do absolutely nothing. They built a better battleship. With that, the percentages are in their favor.

Ill opt to be "cautiously optimistic", as I have been all 'warm and fuzzy' in the past with the descriptions of the newly found "talent". Upon leaning forward to get a better look at the new 'General Zeal', I have ended up with 'Admiral psyco-phant's' boot in my teeth.
The "crybabies" are still healing, give 'em a chance.
Eric -

If I am reading PitBulls response to you correctly - she sent an e-mail to Doug, about another executive - let's say his name is Alan. When Doug replied to her e-mail, he not only replied to her, but copied Alan in on the note as well.

In a way, I kinda think that is admirable. Rather then talking behind someone's back, he was willing to address the issue directly. PitBull, if you didn't want your remarks/comments to get back to the person you wrote about, you shouldn't put it in writing! Lesson learned?
So in other words Mark: Trust NO ONE, not even the man who is supposed to secure your very futures. Brilliant Mark, Brilliant. Pit is anything but naïve and I believe you will live to see her arguments come true, much to yours and many others chagrin.