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Thanks to all employees from Doug

:lol: :lol: :cold: ROTFLMFAO!
Things are still the same! Yesterday in PHX, the "company" gave an ICE CREAM party at the hangar.

Some people will see this as a true gift and fawn over the attention that was given.

Myself, I see it as another ploy to keep the "EYES" off of the magicians hands. Does anyone really think a single ice cream bar or a $100 hat trick check makes a dent in the facts that we have not received any increase in pay/benefits for years? That there have been absolutely nothing to offset cost of living expenses? That our contracts have sat idle for years without "in good faith" negotiations by the company?

The company will continue to apease a few at the expense of the majority. Ice cream doesn't pay bill!
Do the math on your profit sharing.
Taxed at 25%!

Quadruple the amt of my regular take home pay.
Things are still the same! Yesterday in PHX, the "company" gave an ICE CREAM party at the hangar.

Some people will see this as a true gift and fawn over the attention that was given.

Myself, I see it as another ploy to keep the "EYES" off of the magicians hands. Does anyone really think a single ice cream bar or a $100 hat trick check makes a dent in the facts that we have not received any increase in pay/benefits for years? That there have been absolutely nothing to offset cost of living expenses? That our contracts have sat idle for years without "in good faith" negotiations by the company?

The company will continue to apease a few at the expense of the majority. Ice cream doesn't pay bill!

The parties and free food worked wonders for years. No one is eating their baloney sandwiches now. Notice that PHX ramp didn't get a cookout, barbecue, or whatever after we scheduled a Pacific Island potluck at exactly the same date and time as their cookout. They sure got their little girl panties in a bunch over that! Is PHX ramp upset they aren't getting brats and hot dogs? No, of course not. We would be upset if they did give us brats and wienies. Shove your brats up your butt US management.

The best things in life are free
But you can keep them for the birds and bees
Give me money
Thats' what I want, thats' what I waaaaaaaaant yeah
That's what I want

Your lovin gives me a thrill
But your lovin don't pay my bills
Give me money
That's what I want, thats what I waaaaaaaaant yeah
That's what I want

Money don't get everything its true
But what it don't get I can't use
Give me money
Lotsa money
That's what I waaaaaaaaant yeah
That's what I want

Give me money
Lotsa money
A whole lotta money
Just give me some money
That's what I waaaaaaaaaant yeah
That's what I want

Give me money
Lotsa money
Just give me money
A whole lotta money
That's what I waaaaaaaaaant yeah
That's what I want

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