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Message From Doug

U ALPA hasn't been fooled thrice. They just never miss an opportunity to bend-over.
MarkMyWords said:
As I said Cal.....I have no idea if I will have a job or not with the merged company. If I don't, so be it. I have gained very valuable work experiences in my time here. I will pick myself up, dust myself off and move on. If I am invited along for the ride, even better.
I am sure you will and best of luck.

The guy I am referring to really does exist. He has a military retirement and rubbed elbows with many big wigs in DC during his career. He worked at Continental with Siegel and thought he knew Siegel well enough to be safe, which lasted a few months. He now sells cars while Siegel’s legacy is well documented in gold.
Winglet said:
U ALPA hasn't been fooled thrice. They just never miss an opportunity to bend-over.

They do just love to "spread'em", don't they.....

:lol: :lol:

I bet Pollack has a lifetime supply of KY.
US employees (and HP employees) should not just trust management blindly-but they SHOULD give them a chance. The US employees have no basis to not give Parker, Kirby, McLelland, etc a chance. While they do have reason to not trust Crellin, etc . .they should also try to trust that if they don't "fit in" with the new LCC attitude & culture, that Parker will not keep them around. It's up to all employees to let Parker know if and when this does happn. Don't base judgements on what they did in the past, but how they perform in the future.

After working here for 3 years, I really do believe Doug & his team respect the employees. At the town halls, he listened & "took it" while employees questioned and criticized some of his decisions. I never saw him get defnesive or try to avoid those questions. I also believe he will do whatever is possible (and REASONABLE) to avoid pay & job cuts. But he also has a company to run.

As someone's earlier quote said "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". If people feel they absolutely can not trust management, they should consider a change in jobs/careers. Just like if you can't trust a friend or significant other--you get out of the situation.
rjh said:
If people feel they absolutely can not trust management, they should consider a change in jobs/careers.

This post reads like the abused house wife defending the husband to the policemen while standing there all bloody and bruised with her crying kids.
calibrator said:
This post reads like the abused house wife defending the husband to the policemen while standing there all bloody and bruised with her crying kids.
That analogy would work for a US employee defending all the previous US management. I have absolutely no reason to complain about HP management.
Wow, while a certain level of skepticism is to be expected..and DP acknowledged that, some of you guys are amazing. I'm furloughed from Airways..been off property 3 years now...I know how it feels to get shown the door. But some of you need to remember that you had few, if any, options at continuing your career just a year ago. If AWA folks have been happy with DP for the last 4 years, and they worked for him...don't you think they'd have smelled a skunk by now, if he was a skunk? Drop your "old thinking" and get with the new deal...AND it's associated thinking, or send out some resume's....and roll on down the road.
elixir said:
Wow, while a certain level of skepticism is to be expected..and DP acknowledged that, some of you guys are amazing. I'm furloughed from Airways..been off property 3 years now...I know how it feels to get shown the door. But some of you need to remember that you had few, if any, options at continuing your career just a year ago. If AWA folks have been happy with DP for the last 4 years, and they worked for him...don't you think they'd have smelled a skunk by now, if he was a skunk? Drop your "old thinking" and get with the new deal...AND it's associated thinking, or send out some resume's....and roll on down the road.
Elixir, you must be another one of those "abused wives" mentioned by an earlier poster 😀
rjh said:
Elixir, you must be another one of those "abused wives" mentioned by an earlier poster 😀
You're exactly the kind of guy/girl I'm talking about.
elixir said:
You're exactly the kind of guy/girl I'm talking about.
I was defending your post--it was a sarcastic jab to the person that brought up the "abused wives" analogy to begin with.
rjh said:
I was defending your post--it was a sarcastic jab to the person that brought up the "abused wives" analogy to begin with.

I am the "guilty" person mentioned here. My name is Curt. I worked at U for 15 years as a mechanic and was lied to the entire time. I now work for GE the biggest corporation in the world earning wages and benefits that airline employees now only dream of. I am happy and lucky to have this job. I carry no ill will realizing it hurts your very soul and does nothing more carrying old grudges. I am also a realist and how I made it this far in life. In my 50’s.

The airline industry is in the toilet and will be for years to come. You people posting all the happy faces and hugs are delusional and completely naive. The world doesn't work like it does in your dreams. Reality has that sting of nightmares. You folks are in for a rough ride and it will be a miracle if merging these two airlines will isolate this new company from the harsh realities the industry is facing. To paint all these happy posts of all the happy times ahead is not rational given the stark realities facing anyone still surviving by depending on the airlines.

I was one of the lucky ones who escaped the miseries the airlines offer their employee these days, and I thank God every day for it. But I am still a very clear thinking realistic individual and feel sorry for the posters on here believing they have found utopia in this "new" airline, because IMO it’s only more of the same with a new face and beginning like all the others did only to come to a dismaying ending.

Good Luck All. I don't mean to piss on your fire, but that is nothing compared to believing in false hoods only to be rudely awaked and see you are living a nightmare.
I'm glad you were able to get into a job that you are happy at.

I definitely do not belive this will be a "utopian" airline. I'm already keeping my options open. But, I also do not have an inherent distrust for management, because my experiences have not given me any reason to distrust the LCC management.

I also don't believe that all airline executive are evil--and I definitely dont' believe he problem is unique to the airline industry. There are awful executives in every single industry. Many problems in the airline industry ARE the fault of management--but many problems are also NOT hte fault of management.

I'm not going into this situation blindly, thinking I will have the absolute best job wihtin 2 years. If I see any hint of being screwed over , I will be updating my resume the very next day.

Since you seem to post "trust-me-I-mean -it" posts for Dougie, first point of trust is having him not forward e-mails and include those who were not included in the original e-mail, specifically when it was about certain management types that he forwarded the e-mail to. :down: First breach of sincerity.

Don't you think? :angry:
I like the letter, I like the message.
I like that he spells out the simple goal of finishing in the top 3 of the DOT categories.
I like the idea of more humor.

But, I will believe THIS when I see it:

MarkMyWords said:
Most importantly, we will encourage our customer contact and front line employees to be professional but not rigid.

This is contrary to everything they have been beating into our heads the past few years in inflight.
Nag, nag, nag.
They will accept nothing less than Stepford Flight Attendants.