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doug parker message to employees

ATA was only in the mix before Southwest made a deal with them. After that deal fell through did the US merger happen. If anything ATA might have gone smoother in terms of integration.
Yeah, HP stapling ATA to the bottom would have made things go real smooth, indeed, just like they tried with the "nic'!
Well, YOU the employees are the ones that have the direct customer contact, not Doug. This is one place you can't blame him.\

Doug should experience it!!!
Because it is obvious that the sand castle can't even provide an adequate computer reservations system, that can obtain the expected ( Management rah, rah!) goals.
Of course, if you leave me with a computer system that goes down and crashes more often than not, in stead of,the customary "Big boy" "res" system, er, one that will give information and provide service to the passenger.
An example, ORD-DFW, just ask the system to pick a flight on US, and it will give you triple conx, on US, instead of non stops or a convenient conx.
Just to make it clear, management was sold a bunch of snake oil, with the kiosks involved and they do not work half the time.
I sincerely believe that the res system that is currently in place is designed for the management of us airways, and not the general public. They, unfortunatly feel the sting of cheap!
If Doug parker came up to you ,gave you a big ole hug and told you that he loved you , valued you and was glad you worked here that STILL wouldn’t be enough for some of you . (heck you’d probably be trying to lift his wallet while he’s hugging you lol )

I would never suspect Doug of hugging me to steal my wallet. He already emptied it.

I do however, always keep a lit cigar ready to toss in my beer if he grabs it.
Delta tried the wait and see if USAIRWAYS would die during the 2nd ch11 title and then they went round one in the court house and now look where theyre at, trying to merge with NWA Too bad ol DP dont have a plan B We easties have been thru that with other failure leaders and now with ol DP at the wheel he dont have a plan B However it is very interesting to note that several ANALYSTS BELIEVE that if oil remains high or goes even higher, then US would be prime to go either CH11 or even liquidate
Maybe plan B is the right plan? there may be a good plan b in place, we just dont know what it is...

US is not in terrible shape. You guys who work for US may not really see it through the eyes of a customer. In 2007, US sucked so bad I stopped flying it completely. but i run a company that has a lot of moving parts too, and I know first hand how hard it is to fix problems, and how long it takes. If I were Doug Parker, the short version of my plan B would be... (this is in addition to doing the actual bean counting and reducing expenses - operating EFFICIENTLY is a given)

a) DL/NW are going to have the same problems US did. Res systems, duplicate routes, just to name a few. This is not going to be the best thing since sliced bread for anyone (except for the other airlines), trust me. US is really ahead of the game here. SO this being said, if I were Doug, I'd be planning on using this to my advantage, not now, but in a bit...

B) keep up the #1 position for being on time. no matter what it takes. most customer complaints stem from this. being on time really does reduce a huge part of the customer service problems.

c) the cleanliness has been achieved, maintain it.

d) INVEST IN THE EMPLOYEES!!! This is the most important. Employees are the most valueable ASSET in any company. IF the company continues to lose money, and cannot afford to give back past pay cuts - create interim incentives that make people feel good about their jobs... work out all labor issues asap. Empower supervisors to issue on the spot rewards for good customer service. Gift cards, any token of appreciation. Encourage employee interaction with people from other parts of the company. maybe have a "party" in PHL for employees not only from PHL. Get upper management and especially execs out there in flight, introducing themselves to the employees. Listening to their concerns. Spotlight rising stars. Increase internal communications.

e) Improve customer service. When customers complain, dont use form letters. Empower people to reply with personalized responses. ESCALLATE MAJOR complaints UP to management. FORCE management to acknowledge and provide solutions. A customer would rather get a letter from an executive that shows empathy and acknowledgement, than a voucher. Southwest does this well. VERY well. I have sent letters to every airline. Southwest replies in about 7 days. never a form letter. One time I sent them information about a route that I would like to see. They actually sent me an ANSWER as to why that route would not be economically feasible for them, it was copied to Gary Kelley, and came from the director who establishes routes, signed by him, with his contact info. THIS is the level of attention your customers want to see. They dont want a form letter that says, "we're sorry, we have no plans to provide service to XYZ at this time".

f) become more transparent. CONSIDER BLOGGING. talk about issues that effect the industry, safety, etc. http://www.blogsouthwest.com/ sorry folks, but check out this website and you'll see what I mean.

g) by now, in the real world of how complex it is to make changes in a big organization, DL/NW should be falling apart at the seams. go through past FF histories. locate profitable customers from the past who no longer fly US. offer them a free trip to come back and try the new US airways. this would need to be done in a presentation piece that EXPLAINS all of the new changes.

I could probably go on forever... I'll stop here, but I think you see my point...
3. Real leadership wouldn’t break out the spread sheets and explain to the entire company AND our competitors what appears to be working and what’s not working so our competitors can copy us …

Yeah - that must be it - US knows best - and all the other guys are all wrong in thinking they know how to run an airline.

I guess everyone else just missed the boat on redesigning their International Business Class. US has the market cornered, and those premium full fare passengers are just flocking to US for those Tuna Burrittos and that "All American Brunch Service".

Good grief Charlie Brown!
1. Real leadership has set the tone :cost cutting and making us efficient …

2. They HAVE told us what the over capacity problem stems from : the other airlines , they need to go away .

3. I think parker and crew HAVE told the employee’s time and time again that their valuable etc , you know company functions BBQ’s etc , what YOU want is the kind of love that southwest shows with cards on V day that have 500 dollars in them …

3. Real leadership wouldn’t break out the spread sheets and explain to the entire company AND our competitors what appears to be working and what’s not working so our competitors can copy us …

4. As for the substandard contracts , HA , hate to be the one to break it to you , but you’d better get used to what you got cause it ain’t gonna get much better going forward for quite awhile.. My union president Randy Canale turned out to be right when he said we were facing less and less leverage going forward and should settle for what we can get NOW … face it , with the price of oil going up , the recession hitting America and our companies cash on hand shrinking on a daily basis , your NOT going to be making contract improvements , in fact I worry that those of us in the west who had a better contract when we first merged than did our east counterparts may now end up with the lower contract at some point down the line ….

If Doug parker came up to you ,gave you a big ole hug and told you that he loved you , valued you and was glad you worked here that STILL wouldn’t be enough for some of you . (heck you’d probably be trying to lift his wallet while he’s hugging you lol )
We don't need a big hug, we don't have to be told we are loved. USAir told us every 2 weeks, in our paychecks and benefits how much we were valued. Actions spoke much louder than words. You are never going to get it.
Baghdad Bob got a raise Prop. When BB's medical costs go up, which is inevidable, BB will be back on here slamming, rallying and walking to work to conserving gas for his car by following Kirby's direction for him to find the cheapest gas station on the west. DAH!
BB has never been one to let the facts stand in the way of pitching a line
I think this is plan B

“We have more cash relative to size than most of our peers and have fewer obligations coming due in the next few years.â€￾

I think that translates into “wait until the other airlines die “
Isn't that what Delta was trying to do to us a few years ago and it bit them in the you know what

Maybe plan B is the right plan? there may be a good plan b in place, we just dont know what it is...

US is not in terrible shape. You guys who work for US may not really see it through the eyes of a customer. In 2007, US sucked so bad I stopped flying it completely. but i run a company that has a lot of moving parts too, and I know first hand how hard it is to fix problems, and how long it takes. If I were Doug Parker, the short version of my plan B would be... (this is in addition to doing the actual bean counting and reducing expenses - operating EFFICIENTLY is a given)

a) DL/NW are going to have the same problems US did. Res systems, duplicate routes, just to name a few. This is not going to be the best thing since sliced bread for anyone (except for the other airlines), trust me. US is really ahead of the game here. SO this being said, if I were Doug, I'd be planning on using this to my advantage, not now, but in a bit...

B) keep up the #1 position for being on time. no matter what it takes. most customer complaints stem from this. being on time really does reduce a huge part of the customer service problems.

c) the cleanliness has been achieved, maintain it.

d) INVEST IN THE EMPLOYEES!!! This is the most important. Employees are the most valueable ASSET in any company. IF the company continues to lose money, and cannot afford to give back past pay cuts - create interim incentives that make people feel good about their jobs... work out all labor issues asap. Empower supervisors to issue on the spot rewards for good customer service. Gift cards, any token of appreciation. Encourage employee interaction with people from other parts of the company. maybe have a "party" in PHL for employees not only from PHL. Get upper management and especially execs out there in flight, introducing themselves to the employees. Listening to their concerns. Spotlight rising stars. Increase internal communications.

e) Improve customer service. When customers complain, dont use form letters. Empower people to reply with personalized responses. ESCALLATE MAJOR complaints UP to management. FORCE management to acknowledge and provide solutions. A customer would rather get a letter from an executive that shows empathy and acknowledgement, than a voucher. Southwest does this well. VERY well. I have sent letters to every airline. Southwest replies in about 7 days. never a form letter. One time I sent them information about a route that I would like to see. They actually sent me an ANSWER as to why that route would not be economically feasible for them, it was copied to Gary Kelley, and came from the director who establishes routes, signed by him, with his contact info. THIS is the level of attention your customers want to see. They dont want a form letter that says, "we're sorry, we have no plans to provide service to XYZ at this time".

f) become more transparent. CONSIDER BLOGGING. talk about issues that effect the industry, safety, etc. http://www.blogsouthwest.com/ sorry folks, but check out this website and you'll see what I mean.

g) by now, in the real world of how complex it is to make changes in a big organization, DL/NW should be falling apart at the seams. go through past FF histories. locate profitable customers from the past who no longer fly US. offer them a free trip to come back and try the new US airways. this would need to be done in a presentation piece that EXPLAINS all of the new changes.

I could probably go on forever... I'll stop here, but I think you see my point...
excellent post.
Maybe plan B is the right plan? there may be a good plan b in place, we just dont know what it is...

US is not in terrible shape. You guys who work for US may not really see it through the eyes of a customer. In 2007, US sucked so bad I stopped flying it completely. but i run a company that has a lot of moving parts too, and I know first hand how hard it is to fix problems, and how long it takes. If I were Doug Parker, the short version of my plan B would be... (this is in addition to doing the actual bean counting and reducing expenses - operating EFFICIENTLY is a given)

a) DL/NW are going to have the same problems US did. Res systems, duplicate routes, just to name a few. This is not going to be the best thing since sliced bread for anyone (except for the other airlines), trust me. US is really ahead of the game here. SO this being said, if I were Doug, I'd be planning on using this to my advantage, not now, but in a bit...

B) keep up the #1 position for being on time. no matter what it takes. most customer complaints stem from this. being on time really does reduce a huge part of the customer service problems.

c) the cleanliness has been achieved, maintain it.

d) INVEST IN THE EMPLOYEES!!! This is the most important. Employees are the most valueable ASSET in any company. IF the company continues to lose money, and cannot afford to give back past pay cuts - create interim incentives that make people feel good about their jobs... work out all labor issues asap. Empower supervisors to issue on the spot rewards for good customer service. Gift cards, any token of appreciation. Encourage employee interaction with people from other parts of the company. maybe have a "party" in PHL for employees not only from PHL. Get upper management and especially execs out there in flight, introducing themselves to the employees. Listening to their concerns. Spotlight rising stars. Increase internal communications.

e) Improve customer service. When customers complain, dont use form letters. Empower people to reply with personalized responses. ESCALLATE MAJOR complaints UP to management. FORCE management to acknowledge and provide solutions. A customer would rather get a letter from an executive that shows empathy and acknowledgement, than a voucher. Southwest does this well. VERY well. I have sent letters to every airline. Southwest replies in about 7 days. never a form letter. One time I sent them information about a route that I would like to see. They actually sent me an ANSWER as to why that route would not be economically feasible for them, it was copied to Gary Kelley, and came from the director who establishes routes, signed by him, with his contact info. THIS is the level of attention your customers want to see. They dont want a form letter that says, "we're sorry, we have no plans to provide service to XYZ at this time".

f) become more transparent. CONSIDER BLOGGING. talk about issues that effect the industry, safety, etc. http://www.blogsouthwest.com/ sorry folks, but check out this website and you'll see what I mean.

g) by now, in the real world of how complex it is to make changes in a big organization, DL/NW should be falling apart at the seams. go through past FF histories. locate profitable customers from the past who no longer fly US. offer them a free trip to come back and try the new US airways. this would need to be done in a presentation piece that EXPLAINS all of the new changes.

I could probably go on forever... I'll stop here, but I think you see my point...



I still think Parker is working on some kind of deal. That kind of thing is all that motivates him.

I just hope that whatever he comes up with makes operational sense (we already know it will make financial sense, at least for the BOD).

EDIT: ...and Parker and company step down and let some adults take over.
My guess is Parker&Co is scared SH****** about actually having to try and "run" the airline!!!!! Maybe they can take a page from Siegal's book when he had the "if we declare war" giveback and add an employee giveback if the price of oil hits a certail number? :shock:

On a side not, I really enjoy the way Southwest is taking advantage of the no frills of most airlines with regards to their new commercials!! 25 cents for an overhead bin or seat tray??? Perhaps that is part of Parkers new plan!!!!
1. Real leadership has set the tone :cost cutting and making us efficient …

2. They HAVE told us what the over capacity problem stems from : the other airlines , they need to go away .

"the other airlines , they need to go away" That's BRILLIANT! and it would solve everything! ..How could everyone have missed something so simple!? :lol: Wow!...and all this time...I've stupidly struggled under the falacious assumption that actual leadership and solid management was the answer!......Sigh....What a fool I've been :blink: 🙄 :lol:

Ummm..what's management's actual plan for making any airlines go away?...besides LCC of course?...Just curious.

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