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MERGERS: Airlines must come to ALPA first

Me too for all! We are all aware of the "inflated egos" among certain groups. We experienced it during 2BK's when we had employees committing suicide, losing their homes, everything! The pilot group didn't give a hoot about anyone but themselves. I wish that were not true but it is and all employee groups were very angry with the attitude. Unfortunately, because they are the highest paid in our industry the sandcastle does bow down to them. I think that maybe for the sake of the rest of us in this company and all that they -ALPA have gone through with DOH they for once can include ALL of us when they speak publicly.
i just realized I should change my above pic to one more fitting of Prater:



Maybe the power of the SCHWARZ will help these two pilot groups finally get together....
i agree with you on that! them pilots always have to come first with anything and everything screw everyone else thats how i see them. i wonder how they feel for the former TWA EASTERN PAN AM etc pilots who lost everything when those carriers either merged or went out of business
Agreed. These large airlines are public corporations and have private investors that are not going to take Orders from ALPA or any other labor group. Our wonderful Government may intervene but the likelihood of a labor coalition starting/stoping any merger transactions is silly. And don't use the US-Delta debacle as an example........that sucker was dead in the water BEFORE it ever took off. (Employees are pawns in the game........and NOTHING More).
Union leader says any airline mergers must provide gains for pilots

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) The president of the Air Line Pilots Association says the union will work to block any airline merger deals if pilots aren't involved in consolidation talks from the beginning.

John Prater laid out the union's position in an interview with the Star Tribune after speaking to leaders of the Northwest Airlines branch of the union.

Prater says the union has told airline officials and the investment community that the airlines must come to ALPA first if consolidation is going to happen.

He says union leaders are interested in mergers that form solid and profitable, long-term companies not deals made simply so investors can cash out.

Prater says pilots will expect improvements in pensions, work rules, wages and job protection.
Oh pleeeeez, It's statements like this and a few other past practises of ALPA that make me really want to support east pilots in their efforts. Are they actually so arrogant and egotistical to believe that our industry CEOs and Wall Street would consider their desires during M/A activity? Just remember, money talks for all parties concerned: CEOs, Wall Street AND ALPA.
Oh pleeeeez, It's statements like this and a few other past practises of ALPA that make me really want to support east pilots in their efforts. Are they actually so arrogant and egotistical to believe that our industry CEOs and Wall Street would consider their desires during M/A activity? Just remember, money talks for all parties concerned: CEOs, Wall Street AND ALPA.

You answered your own question, they are so egotistical and arrogant to believe Wall Street and CEOs will come to them. A really sad statement about ALPA no matter which side of the fence you sit on.
You answered your own question, they are so egotistical and arrogant to believe Wall Street and CEOs will come to them. A really sad statement about ALPA no matter which side of the fence you sit on.

Pretty much...and that same naieve and blind arrogance allows managements to play them like violins, merely by feeding their personal and collective delusion that they're somehow being "respected". Feed 'em a tiny dog biscuit and name 'em "Prince" and they'll slobber all over any given set of company higher-ups...fetch their slippers....and yet come away imagining that they've 'won". It's all part and parcel of the standard Alpo "processes".
Prater says pilots will expect improvements in pensions, work rules, wages and job protection.

How will that happen Prater when ALPA is nothing but a joke. Your boys club is about to tumble and YOU are a major cause of it.
Prater says pilots will expect improvements in pensions, work rules, wages and job protection.

:lol: Oh stop it!...Puhleaze....You're killin' me!!! :lol:

On second thought: He might be serious....He didn't say WHICH "pilots"...He's clearly referring only to Alpo's incestuous inner circle of flightless fowl....or.."foul"? 😉
ALPA can't fight it's way out of a paper bag. The time for ALPA to show its teeth was long ago in the early eighties. It was not a factor then and it is not a factor now. ALPA has done one thing well since the early eighties... membership growth. ALPA represents 42 or so Airlines and 60,000 plus members. It's single most outstanding achievement in the last 25 years is revenue growth. ALPA has marketed its mythical status well. Unfortunately many members believe it's an honor to be affiliated with ALPA. ALPA cannot be the jack of all trades for 42 differing airlines. Its one hugh money sucking bureaucratic enterprise that occasionally lands on its feet then demands and takes credit. ALPA has been just as treacherous as the managements they excoriate, TWA comes to mind. And there are more examples if your willing to open your eyes. ALPA was something once - it is no more......No one fears ALPA except some of its more enlightened constituents.....

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