I'm sorry that your perception of me is so tainted. Personally, I have been very happy the past few years. I have stated a fair appraisal of alternatives that could have been used to make the acquisition better for all. If calling a union to task for not educating the membership and allowing a proper vote on how the integration should take place is complaining, then I'm guilty. If expecting my union to adhere to the first priority of preserving jobs is whinning, then I'm guilty. I blame AA senior management for lying to Congress, the APFA for allowing the illegal RPA to be implemented, and if that causes you discomfort, too bad. These are all issues that you should be fighting as they affect your livelyhood also. If reminding the active employees of the "shared sacrifice" of those furloughed (now topping $700,000,000) is offensive, just don't read my posts because I refuse to let that be swept under the carpet. And finally, if advocating for the return of all AA furloughed f/as is offensive to you, put on your big girl/boy panties and deal with it.
As to the STL rep, how dare you speak about something you have no knowledge of...Our strike was our business, not yours. Some of the young 85-86 hires have become wonderful activists. They learned and have been eager to "give back" to their flight attendant community. I was "out" from March of 1986 thru May of 1988. I EARNED the right to judge and or forgive. You did not. (at least not with our f/as) STL has the "real deal" representing them. The rest of the system should be so lucky. I would have loved to see how well you all would have held up after 10 days, 10 months, or several years. And while I think you all didn't have time to exchange phone numbers and recipes much less be "tested", your strike was yours, and I will not judge anyone who had to make that tough decision. I have never crossed even an informational picket but that is MY choice. I have done my best to educate our younger members in the importance of unity. Maybe you should come to class.