Maybe so, but at least this guy can manage an airline! As opposed to the last 3 idiots we had here at AA. Send them all out. Here in flight service, all we need to keep is Carvata in ORD. Other than that , most are expendable. Get rid of anyone in HDQ that had no spine and was unwilling to speak the truth about anything. Especially anyone who thinks the new logo and livery are " refreshing, noteworthy and generational". They are just as lost as Tommy boy and his kids art project on the tail.
By the way, Tommy boy has been laughing all the way to the bank since he and his gang of thieves have been getting bonuses for losing money hand over fist. This would be no different. If he had any integrity, he would quit and go work at Walmart to utilize his vast talents. Although they probably wouldn't hire him anyway.
Really? I didn't realize Horton had been in power for more than 12 months......hmmm, someone that looks just like him was running AT&T out of bankruptcy and back to dominance......ah, I must be mistaken, must have been someone who looks like Tom.
Run an airline? If Tom had the labor rates Parker had, AA never would have gone to bankruptcy. He has been running an airline with no pension obligations, and labor rates in many positions that were still worse than AFTER the haircut that AA employees took in BK.
He promised you the world, and you bought......HOOK.......LINE.......and SINKER.
I worked on Wallstreet for too many years before leaving, and I have known reps and traders at funds with large positions in AA (both from equity and debt perspective). Back in in the early 2000s when AA negotiated some debt, I got all the chatter about what happaned and why they renegotiated. This time around, I was lucky enough to have one of my contacts directly involved with the UCC. NEWSFLASH: the UCC pressured AA's BOD because UCC saw the US share price, and saw what the new entity would be valued at, so they knew a stock deal would make them whole as long as the price stayed up long enough and high enough till they could sell off (assuming there are stock restrictions applied). They figured even if stock is valued at $5 - $7 per share (off the cuff numbers, I will not disclose their breakeven price) they would get their money back and maybe some extra. So, they don't think Parker's plan is any better, or Parker is any better, they think this will keep the price up the longest and keep the employees the happiest until they can get their money. Then when the house of cards starts crumbling, they won't be around to have to deal with it. This is why I have been so depressed the last few months, I wanted to believe it wasn't true, but my contact made it all too clear for me.....
There are many publications that have pointed out the flaws of Parker on personal level (multiple DUIs is sickening, something you would agree on if one of your closet firends was killed by a drunk driver) and professional along with about a half dozen other issues with this merger (old fleet again, doesn't fix Asia, total mess merging cultures and service approaches, destroying huge loayl AAdvantage FF base, etc) that give it as much chance to fail as to succeed. But for some reason employees are blinded by one thing and one thing only: this mangement team and Horton have been here forever (false, as E has pointed out, there has been a lot of change) and they are the devil and must go at all costs.
Hopefully, you didn't chop of your nose to spite your face.
BTW, if you love this merger idea so much, then send some roses to Tom, because it was his idea that he floated to Parker more than a year ago......
777 / 767 / 757