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Merger News

[sub]Yeah, my friend in scheduling just emailed me the same details. Horton as non-exec chairman for a brief time and will depart post merger. Parker as CEO. Deal to be announced predawn Thursday with calls at around 730am. Afternoon presentation at DFW. [/sub]
We’ve almost got that American Airlines-US Airways merger wrapped up

Please fasten your seat belts and hang on: We’ll have full details on the American Airlines-US Airways merger Thursday, but the airline boards are taking care of business Wednesday afternoon.
We are working on our story saying that American Airlines and US Airways will announce their merger Thursday. Bloomberg reported mid-afternoon Wednesday a deal has been worked out to be presented to the respective boards of directors, and that the boards are meeting to approve the agreement.
From what we’ve heard from people who know, it looks like this is the way it’ll go down:
– 72 percent for AMR creditors and other interests, 28 percent for US Airways shareholders.
– Doug Parker will be the chief executive officer.
– Tom Horton will be the non-executive chairman, for only a limited period before he departs post-merger.
– The plan is to announce the deal in the pre-dawn hours Thursday, followed by a 7:30 a.m. CST call with the analyst community, a Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport press conference in mid-morning, a 1 p.m. Dallas/Fort Worth Airport presentation to AA employees, with the video and audio broadcast to other locations.
– After that Parker and his entourage will return to Phoenix to meet with US Airways employees.
Pay no attention to Joshie, as his sole purpose on here is to stir the pot. He does nothing more than bash US, and the IAM at every opportunity. All he cares about is a cheap seat, and he is also a chronic complainer. The typical wants everything for nothing type of guuuy. It's a good thing that his cowardly little butt can hide behind a screen while having such big balls on here.
Joshie works in the financial industry, but still isn't man enough to tell us who he works for, so that we may voice our opinions about his company. The day that he grows a set, is the day that I will take anything that he says with more than a grain of salt. I'm a bit surprised that none of the mods on here have sent him to the cornfield for all of his antagonistic posts.

Complete rubbish. Whenever someone disagrees with you in the slightest or criticizes USAIR you resort to personal attacks. You do the same to other posts-WT and FA Mikey whenever they post something you don't like or disagree with. This is a forum where people exchange thoughts, ideas, and opinions. If you don't like what I post, skip over them or opt-in to ignore my posts as instructed above.

"Tom Horton will be the non-executive chairman, for only a limited period before he departs post-merger."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor Tom.

A "position" created to save face, but everyone knows better. Ass kicked to the curb, engineered by a bunch of labor bricks and cost units.

😀 😀 😀
Ok, Mr Firestarter. I suppose the ongoing pissing match that you have going on with 700 doesn't fall in that catagory. You rarely miss a chance to blast the IAM or US, which is blatantly obvious by your childish avatar. Guess that you will have to change that now big boy. Have your nuts grown enough yet to tell us all which wonderful company your employed by?
Yea, that's what I thought. Run along now, I'm sure that your parents are calling you for dinner.

BTW, those that you have attempted to pull into your corner will all be officially proven wrong first thing in the morning.
"Tom Horton will be the non-executive chairman, for only a limited period before he departs post-merger."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor Tom.

A "position" created to save face, but everyone knows better. Ass kicked to the curb, engineered by a bunch of labor bricks and cost units.

😀 😀 😀

Bye Bye Butterface Tom.
well the news in Dallas is saying its a done deal. can we get rid of the TWU before the next trip to bankruptcy?
well the news in Dallas is saying its a done deal. can we get rid of the TWU before the next trip to bankruptcy?

Yes it is. It's all over the Internet as well. AMR creditors and both boards approved merger. Good luck to all of you in integration nego's.
I'm sure Horton will be laughing all the way to the bank. And he's probably being kept in place to appease the banks as much as anything else.

I give it about 24 months before y'all are claiming Parker is the new incarnation of the Anti-Christ.
I'm sure Horton will be laughing all the way to the bank. And he's probably being kept in place to appease the banks as much as anything else.

I give it about 24 months before y'all are claiming Parker is the new incarnation of the Anti-Christ.

You are probably right but he seems to know how to run an airline unlike the 3 clowns we have had here since Crandall left
I'm sure Horton will be laughing all the way to the bank. And he's probably being kept in place to appease the banks as much as anything else.

I give it about 24 months before y'all are claiming Parker is the new incarnation of the Anti-Christ.

DING....DING...DING. We have a winner. We used to call Crandall "Darth Vader"
I'm sure Horton will be laughing all the way to the bank. And he's probably being kept in place to appease the banks as much as anything else.

I give it about 24 months before y'all are claiming Parker is the new incarnation of the Anti-Christ.
Maybe so, but at least this guy can manage an airline! As opposed to the last 3 idiots we had here at AA. Send them all out. Here in flight service, all we need to keep is Carvata in ORD. Other than that , most are expendable. Get rid of anyone in HDQ that had no spine and was unwilling to speak the truth about anything. Especially anyone who thinks the new logo and livery are " refreshing, noteworthy and generational". They are just as lost as Tommy boy and his kids art project on the tail.
By the way, Tommy boy has been laughing all the way to the bank since he and his gang of thieves have been getting bonuses for losing money hand over fist. This would be no different. If he had any integrity, he would quit and go work at Walmart to utilize his vast talents. Although they probably wouldn't hire him anyway.
Maybe so, but at least this guy can manage an airline! As opposed to the last 3 idiots we had here at AA. Send them all out. Here in flight service, all we need to keep is Carvata in ORD. Other than that , most are expendable. Get rid of anyone in HDQ that had no spine and was unwilling to speak the truth about anything. Especially anyone who thinks the new logo and livery are " refreshing, noteworthy and generational". They are just as lost as Tommy boy and his kids art project on the tail.
By the way, Tommy boy has been laughing all the way to the bank since he and his gang of thieves have been getting bonuses for losing money hand over fist. This would be no different. If he had any integrity, he would quit and go work at Walmart to utilize his vast talents. Although they probably wouldn't hire him anyway.

Classic ! I love this post,...and its so true.

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