fliboi78 said:
i am sick of this. i was hired by AA in early 2000 on my own merit. i did not apply to any other airline. i have flown with a few other AA fas who quit TWA to come to AA because they knew that TWA was in bad shape. i should not be penalized because someone else stayed at a failing airline! AA told IAM that AA would negotiate a fair and equitable solution to the seniorty integration. but AA isn't the bargaining rep. for AA's fas. APFA is! i am sorry that 30 year fas, 10 year fas and 2 year fas are on furlough. but to say that a 30 year fa should have his/her job over a 4 year is simply wrong. i could have applied with TWA but i went with someone who wasn't doing as badly as TWA! and a bunch of former TWA fas did the same!
What a terrible thing to say. I was recently jumpseating on a B6 flight (for those that know me on the US board... I am able to jumpseat on FAR 121 carriers even though I am not currently an airline employee... enough said, don't ask me any more questions about my current job!)
In the back galley I struck up a conversation with the #3 F/A who looked to be in her mid 50's. I was intrigued with her because B6 has a very junior staff, and I know many of the F/A's there because my son is an employee there - however, I did not recognize her. I got to talking with her, and she gave me the most wonderful stories...
This woman had been a F/A with TWA for 32 years. She began her career at STL, and over the course of her career was based at LAX, MIA, FLL, & JFK. She told me about how she loved her new job with B6, because all she had to do was hand out snacks to 156 pax.
But then she started telling me about her days at TW, and suddenly I could tell she was getting a little upset. "I used to serve 40 Kosher meals in first on a 747 from JFK-Tel Aviv." She ended her conversation by telling me that when she was furloughed from AA, there were still 800 TW flight attendents ahead of her on the senority list (all of whom who have been furloughed as well).
This story really hit home for me. Shame on any of you that say D-O-H is not a proper policy. You think that the F/A's from TW should have realized that they were working for a "sinking company?" Get a life! Some people actually have a strong allegiance to the company they work for. In fact, most employees of airlines will take a "I will go down with this ship" mentality. Personally, my "company" can never go down, but if I worked for a pubicly traded company that was struggling, I would never abandon it. I would stay to the bitter end! Think about it, there were 800 F/A's at TWA who had more than 32 years senority, and even when they knew they were in trouble, they didn't simply go out and find a new airline... they hung on to their job and their corporate family to the bitter end.
American Airlines should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. What they did to ALL TWA employees is in my opinion, disgusting. I am not just saying that because TWA used to be a big company... I think what they did with Reno Air is wrong too. Thank goodness that B6 existed for this one gal whom I spoke to. When you think about it, all F/A's are in the same profession and if a company buys another company, they are buying their work staff as well. The hell with the rest of you naysayers, the only reason you are so angry is because you got in the game late (4 years ago... I wonder how many people you have served from JFK-Tel Aviv?)
To the folks from UAL who have been so supportive in this thread... I applaud you. As I mentioned a few months back, I did see UAL F/A's assulting US flight attendants in SFO when the US/UAmerger was on the table, and in one instance, I actually came between two gentlemen who were nearing blows. There is absolutely no need for this at all. To the folks at US, I hope if something goes down that D-O-H is in effect for you all. You have been through a lot, as well as everyone else in this industry since late 2000. Best of luck to all of the legacy airline employees. As far as I can tell, you will need it.