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Who is Chip Munn?

On 6/8/2003 10:33:46 PM PineyBob wrote:

Actually ex-agony I just flew back from SNA and I was in First and no such commentary. In fact the level of professionalism is better than before BK. Read Flyer Talk when they post about the "Prison Matron" personality of the F/A''s especially on overseas flights which I don''t take. Who actually tell customers that they are not there for service but "Only for your safety"


UAL''s F/A contract SLASHED F/A''s retirement medical benefits, so my understanding is that a lot of VERY senior F/A''s bolted to get coverage under the old rules. As for SNA, that''s honestly one of the funnest departures I''ve ever flown (better in the bus than the guppy). the "slam dunk" arrival with the LA basin''s Vis (and a Cessna on left base) can be a little less than fun...
OK, just got back from dinner with my neighbor, who just happens to be a pilot at US Air. We talked about Piney Bob and have decided that no matter what, when he chooses how to get to SNA, he has to let us know what flight so we can email the crew to assure fantastic service. (ok, I know, UAL or US air, we are gonna spoil him) but I figure if he flys UAL there is a chance I''ll be there to do the spoiling....of course if he goes U, I can assure you my neighbor won''t be doing the spoiling (It''s a man thing) Anyway, Piney Bob, you are now this blocks mission....let us know...lol
Mr. Moderator:

Can we please put an end to this thread so the various offshoots can find a home under their own title? I think all have lent voice to their opinion on the credentials (or lack thereof) of Mr. C. Munn. I think the purpose has been served that there is guarded optimism that United will still be in business for the late summer vacation and more importantly that Mr. Munn is not the influential market analyst that I thought him to be. Not of course that I do not wish him to be, but rather that I will continue to be well served concerning information from the good and gentle posters here adn the pages of the FT.
"purpose has been served that there is guarded optimism that United will still be in business for the late summer vacation"

Good, that means the Folks at UAL should be seeing you on board this summer. Bring a friend or two, the pound goes a lot further these days vs the dollar.
Yes, with the dollar so weak against the other European currencies I would be surpirsed to learn that your trans-Atlantic flights are not bursting at the seams. Marketing expertise falls outside my ken, but travel to the former colonies is very attractive at the moment. If I could make one suggestion it would be to turn down the volume of the gate and terminal announcements. Actually, it is not so much the volume as the coarse and shrieking tenor of the voice. We are only boarding an aircraft, not joining the army

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