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Merger "facts"

As a UAL employee I think the fairest way to add people from another
company would be stapled to the bottom of any seniority list they appear
on.Dont think for a minute if the shoe was on the other foot USAir people
would be more generous than that.Life sucks sometimes.
>>>>hopefully, Bush will veto the pension legislation just passed. <<<<

I sincerely hope so. I don't want to end up seeing my tax dollars used in such a way to bail out people who constantly told me I was dumb to be working at an airline with "just " a 401K and profit sharing and arrogantly asking me "when are you getting a "REAL" retirement plan?" These "experts" told me my retirement was a "risk" while their's was "guaranteed". Now these "expert" people may end up sucking up my taxpayer dollars. I kept telling them that the Braniff, Eastern, and TWA guys also thought their retirements were guaranteed and the reponse was that "those days are behind us...won't happen". I have a generous company match and the profit sharing has done well... the 401K is operated and 'owned' by the pilot's union with no association with the company other than their company match so if anything was to happen to the company, the 401K is un-touched.

Veto the pension legislation George.
wts54 said:
As a UAL employee I think the fairest way to add people from another company would be stapled to the bottom of any seniority list they appear on.
Ironic words from an employee of the only major airline currently in bankruptcy.

I guess you will have the same sentiment if UA has to get chopped up or sell off some assets at some point in the future-- UA employees should be stapled to the bottom of the lists of whomever we are being sold to?

UA still has to go through a lot of twists and turns before we emerge from Ch.11 and I wouldn't yet rule out that we might have to go through something similar to what U is going through right now.
wts54 said:
As a UAL employee I think the fairest way to add people from another
company would be stapled to the bottom of any seniority list they appear
on.Dont think for a minute if the shoe was on the other foot USAir people
would be more generous than that.Life sucks sometimes.
well personaly as a u employee if we were to buy ual i would like to see doh. as for you . you would be an exception. we will staple your ass to the bottom. life sucks sometimes.

You said "Dont think for a minute if the shoe was on the other foot USAir (we'll assume you mean US Airways) people would be more generous than that."

You need to look at your history. Airways is an airline of mergers- everyone from Allegheny Airlines/USAir, Piedmont Airlines, Pacific Southwest Airlines, and Eastern/Trump Shuttle kept thier seniority. No stapling. Thats how it should be.

We have a different culture. Ask any furloughed F/A if they feel seniority is unfair. They don't. They have respect for it.

I dont know why I bother to read these threads, they make me sick. Life does suck sometimes, particularly for people who wish ill will on thier brother, no matter what "side" you're on.

Ukridge, you are just as bad as said Captain with your needless flamebait posts.
So, do you think US f/a's would drop the "no furlough" clause?
Darling, that was dropped about two years ago in the first of many rounds of concesions. Hence the fact that out of 10,700 US Airways Mainline flight attendants, 5,300 are on furlough.
I mean in a merger situation "Darling" 😉 I was under the impression that in a merger, U f/a's could not be furloughed before the other airline f/a's had been. At least that is the MAJOR reason United f/a's act like they do about a merger.
I'm not aware of that... I'll find out though. I do remember something to do with a snapback of sorts, like if US Airways bought something our pay would return to previous levels, the reasoning being, if you can afford to buy ABCAirlines you can afford to pay us. I'm not sure about vice versa.
Fly said:
So, do you think US f/a's would drop the "no furlough" clause?

As an FYI, USA f/as no longer have "no furlough" language since it was given up in the Summer restructuring agreement of 2002 (Round #1 concessions). We were threatened with BK, and that they would take it in BK. So, it was part of the tentative for the f/as to vote on and it was ratified. Hell, we went into BK anyway.
Thanks Pit and Light Years,

I will definitely tell every UAL flight attendant that little tidbit. Amazing how these things stay with us. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have heard that "no furlough" clause convo...and we always freak out. That's good to know.
Thanks Fly. Theres always jumpseat legend... some of it begins as fact. I remember the rumours about the UA flight attendants at merger time ranging from they were all inceredibly junior, to that they all write each other up all day long, to they were three headed dragons that spit on our crews as they get on crew vans in SAN. 🙄

If any of this does come to fruitition outside of our paraniod, overactive imaginations, everyone needs to calmly look at facts and think about whats best for everyone- not just individuals, but the profession and the industry. Nothing feeds into plans to break the unions/working classes like dissention, backstabbing, and greed. I would hope if the major consolidation thats been predicted in our industry affects our two companies, we'll use it as an opportunity to become a larger, more unified force to defend our career, rather than go the delporable route one of our competitors unions recently did.

And Fly, looking at your avatar and then mine would make anyone take up yoga. 😀
wts54 said:
see, its idiotic comments like that that i hate, why all the hate towards u employees. " we don't need u employees." well buddy, don't really want you neither.

Just business.If you cant pull out of your tailspin hopefully when can get some goodies before you guys auger in...
wts 54, shame on you and all the people that spew this "hate" i've never seen such childish behavior amongst many on these boards. with employees like you no wonder passengers don't like flying your airline or others.
Cfm56 said:
>>>>hopefully, Bush will veto the pension legislation just passed. <<<<

I sincerely hope so. I don't want to end up seeing my tax dollars used in such a way to bail out people who constantly told me I was dumb to be working at an airline with "just " a 401K and profit sharing and arrogantly asking me "when are you getting a "REAL" retirement plan?" These "experts" told me my retirement was a "risk" while their's was "guaranteed". Now these "expert" people may end up sucking up my taxpayer dollars. I kept telling them that the Braniff, Eastern, and TWA guys also thought their retirements were guaranteed and the reponse was that "those days are behind us...won't happen". I have a generous company match and the profit sharing has done well... the 401K is operated and 'owned' by the pilot's union with no association with the company other than their company match so if anything was to happen to the company, the 401K is un-touched.

Veto the pension legislation George.
cfm56, well said. i have written my state and federal reps to have the airline/steelworker portion stripped out. people like wts54 should get a life.
2 airlines under the same union (alpa) don't staple to the bottom either so wts 54 can forget that idea.
Light Years Posted on Jan 31 2004, 04:12 PM
Thanks Fly. Theres always jumpseat legend... some of it begins as fact. I remember the rumours about the UA flight attendants at merger time ranging from they were all inceredibly junior, to that they all write each other up all day long, to they were three headed dragons that spit on our crews as they get on crew vans in SAN.

We ARE all incredibly junior. I've been here 18 years and can't hold spit! Write each other up...yep, some do and the rest of us are the 3 headed dragons that spit on them when they get on the crew vans 😀 . Actually, I've only met one lady (if you want to call her that) who did that......talk about hated! We'd all work really hard on one aisle and leave her out there alone dealing with the other side....usually the side loaded with New Yorkers (ny'ers know what to do with people like her :up: )

Anyway, I'm sure all will turn out but I don't forsee a merger anytime soon. There are 21,000 UAL f/a's (there were 26,000...sniff) and 10,000 US f/a's...what a merge that would be. Looks like you have a pretty fierce AFA unit over there. Enjoy it while you can. If you come here, you'll soon despise them as much as we do (and you'll see why we have been so scared about a merger with U and why we are actively trying to get rid of AFA). They (the UAL AFA) has one purpose...to use our dues to try to make AFA bigger. They violate our contract themselves 😱 and refuse to represent us because they are the ones doing the violating. I trust United more than the AFA here...you'll see! (Pit, not trying to flame you.....go ask Int'l about the closing of the Taipai base, k? Wow, how did those incredibly junior TPE f/a's manage to get those int'l HKG and NRT bases when people senior on the seniority list were trying to get in there AND the contract clearly states that ALL transfers must be done in seniority? gee, I don't know...could it be that those f/a's had to stay in Asia because they couldn't get work visas for the states? Could it be that AFA would lose the easy "Yes" votes and $39 per month? Is that why they (AFA) refuse to answer that question at AFA meetings? <_< )

Light - ohhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm

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