Light Years Posted on Jan 31 2004, 04:12 PM
Thanks Fly. Theres always jumpseat legend... some of it begins as fact. I remember the rumours about the UA flight attendants at merger time ranging from they were all inceredibly junior, to that they all write each other up all day long, to they were three headed dragons that spit on our crews as they get on crew vans in SAN.
We ARE all incredibly junior. I've been here 18 years and can't hold spit! Write each other up...yep, some do and the rest of us are the 3 headed dragons that spit on them when they get on the crew vans
😀 . Actually, I've only met one lady (if you want to call her that) who did about hated! We'd all work really hard on one aisle and leave her out there alone dealing with the other side....usually the side loaded with New Yorkers (ny'ers know what to do with people like her

Anyway, I'm sure all will turn out but I don't forsee a merger anytime soon. There are 21,000 UAL f/a's (there were 26,000...sniff) and 10,000 US f/a's...what a merge that would be. Looks like you have a pretty fierce AFA unit over there. Enjoy it while you can. If you come here, you'll soon despise them as much as we do (and you'll see why we have been so scared about a merger with U and why we are actively trying to get rid of AFA). They (the UAL AFA) has one use our dues to try to make AFA bigger. They violate our contract themselves
😱 and refuse to represent us because they are the ones doing the violating. I trust United more than the AFA'll see! (Pit, not trying to flame you.....go ask Int'l about the closing of the Taipai base, k? Wow, how did those incredibly junior TPE f/a's manage to get those int'l HKG and NRT bases when people senior on the seniority list were trying to get in there AND the contract clearly states that ALL transfers must be done in seniority? gee, I don't know...could it be that those f/a's had to stay in Asia because they couldn't get work visas for the states? Could it be that AFA would lose the easy "Yes" votes and $39 per month? Is that why they (AFA) refuse to answer that question at AFA meetings? <_< )
Light - ohhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm