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Merged Topic- AA Tail Livery New/Old Employees Vote

ContUNITEus said:
Ohhh common....   Get over your patriotism....   Even better, Get over the Blue Red White....   As a matter of fact, it would be nice to see less American Carriers carrying the patriotism theme.   Paint the darn thing with bright green stripes, or bright purple odd shapes....
I would have no problem if the the darn planes were painted green, pink, purple, stripes, polka dots etc. whatever.
However, AMR chose to use the name American and more importantly incorporate the U.S. flag into the livery.  So, if you're going to do that, then do it right. 
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
I would have no problem if the the darn planes were painted green, pink, purple, stripes, polka dots etc. whatever.
However, AMR chose to use the name American and more importantly incorporate the U.S. flag into the livery.  So, if you're going to do that, then do it right. 
Alright.  I understand...  I agree...
eolesen said:
And to be clear for those who can't read all the small print... this only concerns the tail.
The new typeface used on the website & advertising stay, the faux-Greyhound logo would stay on the fuselage.I'd vote to keep the old logo... it honors the past while still projecting the new thru the fuselage...
Laurie Curtis claimed she had no idea why people said that the "flight symbol" looked like the greyhound logo. Must suck to be in a job where they tell you what your opinions are. By the way, it's a logo! And a poor one at that. Too bad the Brits who came up with this disaster didn't do their homework and come up with something actually asthetically pleasing. They failed big time on this fiasco!
robbedagain said:
I lile the fact parker says theyll do an old aa and a twa plane
which old AA plane? The retro jet would be nice, UNLESS, for some dumb reason this obnoxious tail stays. Then the current design should be kept.
ContUNITEus said:
Oh no... If you're gonna do a half Ass job then just leave it the way it is. It's completely tacky to use two logos.
Ones a logo, the other is a "flight symbol". Totally different. Must be a blind British advertising thing.
ContUNITEus said:
The choice is between a half Ass job and a shitty job. Thanks for the choice, but I'd rather see you put the effort in truly putting something nice and new together. The weight of paint excuse is bs. The explanation about it being too expensive to paint it all new is bs as well, as nobody else can pride himself more the Doug for painting a 757 just to park it in the desert the next month.
The cost to do a complete repaint is very high and time consuming keeping the aircraft from making money. Its not B/S. Materials and labor are very high.
nycbusdriver said:
(From the Merged Brand thread on the US Airways Forum)

Thanks to ChockJockey for the Photoshopped images.  I really like this one (at least as the interim livery for the US airplanes), but with the eagle in white.

Naw. The gray strips on the sides always looked like a child drew them and if its going to be American Airlines, lose the US tail colors and design.
dash8roa said:
The choice is between a half Ass job and a shitty job. Thanks for the choice, but I'd rather see you put the effort in truly putting something nice and new together. The weight of paint excuse is bs. The explanation about it being too expensive to paint it all new is bs as well, as nobody else can pride himself more the Doug for painting a 757 just to park it in the desert the next month.

The cost to do a complete repaint is very high and time consuming keeping the aircraft from making money. Its not B/S. Materials and labor are very high.

Yeah, tell me about it...  Actually, tell Doug Parker about it and ask him about what the need was for painting an aircraft that was about to be parked in the desert.

If the stripes on the tail didn't come down to the fuselage it would be as hideous, but I still think this one bellow that someone posted on airliners is a little better still...
OK, great, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a choice of one or the other. No write-ins.
I think it's commendable, the employees get a say in the choice, and understand the reason for two options, but wouldn't it be disrespectful to Tom Horton to do away with his new livery, after all he was the CFO of company that went into bankruptcy and the CEO of a bankrupt airline. I don't know why he wouldn't have used a Dallas marketing firm. Much like I don't understand why AA would use Boston consulting to tell them how to run an airline, I would poach top executives from SUCCESSFUL airlines. Look at Virgin America, they brought in Carty and look what he did to AA. Virgin America has yet to make money. Just because you wear a tie to work does not make you a genius.  
Looks goofy with 2 logos or 1 logo and 1 flight symbol, I will say this though, it is easy to pick out the New AA paint scheme when the airplane is at a crowded terminal or on approach. 
IORFA said:
which old AA plane? The retro jet would be nice, UNLESS, for some dumb reason this obnoxious tail stays. Then the current design should be kept.
the one thats been on the aa planes til last january when the pepsi ona grey hound color scheme came out the old colors w the stripes down the fuselage with the aa logo with the eagle I like that
Patrick Smith on the topic:
What exactly is that new, Greyhound Bus-esque logo? It looks like an eagle’s beak poking through a shower curtain. Or, as one person described it to me, “a linoleum knife cutting through a red and blue tile.” No other word will do: it’s horrible. If it’s not the worst corporate trademark I have ever seen, I don’t know what is.
The tail bad enough.  But that logo... Boy, oh boy.
I voted for the old livery. I wonder if the A330-200s we have coming in March, April and May will be in the new AA paint? No sense painting them twice. Goes for the A320 family as well.
MetalMover said:
Let's just ask WT...This way he can tell us how great Delta's livery is and how wonderful they are at everything thing they do and whatever  is just the cat's meow and how AA/US are nothing compared to the awesome Delta and it's because of their livery that AA/US can never compete with the awe inspiring mother of all airlines Delta!
Well, as a Delta supporter also, I can say nothing more than this. Oversized logos suck and so does Delta's. To me, the pre-1997 classic livery will always be THE one for me.

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