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Merged Thoughts

cavalier said:
USA320Pilot said:

767jetz said: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAWN!!! Are we there yet?

USA320Pilot asked: 767jetz, with all due respect, can you tell me the useful purpose of your comment? Moreover, every time a comment is made about a corporate transaction you and your fellow employees almost instantly respond on the US Airways forum. Why don't you post meaningful comments on the United forum where you are employed instead of posting drivel like you did above? Moreover, if you believe a corporate transaction is not going to procced than why even comment and waste your time?

By the way, since you and I are both based in New York, maybe we might fly together in the future.


With all due respect, he was just saying what I was...you are ALWAYS telling us this stuff and SO FAR, nothing, ZIP, and it has been YEARS!
So what? What he says makes lodgical sense. He is one of many who feel the same way . Its his opinion and entilted to it . Just because it doesnt go along with your "view" doesnt mean a thing! 🙂
NewsFlash:::: United's in bankruptcy...USAir is heading back in that direction....you don't throw good money after bad....the only seniority merge in the future is who gets inline first at unemployment 😉
USA320Pilot said:
By the way, since you and I are both based in New York, maybe we might fly together in the future.
SURE! You can sling my gear anyday! :up: :up: :up:


On second thoughts, I think I have some sick time I can use up. B)

By the way, my comment was a nice way of trying to say you are boring me (and many others) with this never ending topic. Here's an idea... GIVE IT A REST and let's just see what happens.

I figured you'd like that better than me (and many others) offering an opposing view, since you hate to be contradicted.
TheLarkAscending said:
Dilligas said:
Surely you jest, Cav...

Just venture into cyberspace and read the rantings for the last 3+ years, both on here and on Yahoo... the UAL people and the U people for that matter have been subjected to a never ending barrage.

Such an embarrassment. :shock:


:shock: You mean this isn't regurgitation of information?! What a disappointment! 😉
So are your negative remarks ! 🙂
EternalOptimist said:
That is my point, lighten up about him. It's just his opinion, everyone has one, you know like________s.
You will see rather quickly in life as well as on here there are radicals on all sides 🙂 Save your fingers !!! LOL
700UW said:
You don't seem to understand, DELETED has beaten his ICT(imaginary corporate transaction) for a year or more now, you would think he would learn by now.

He twists articles and never post true facts.
and so do you ! Oh you will show an article but never is in context and you twist to fit your agenda as well . Thats a fact Plane and simple. Whats so funny is you confuse reality and opinions to YOUR facts!
What's interesting about this thread is that my initial post never mentioned United Airlines, but as soon as I cut and pasted comments by David Bronner and Dave Siegel -- in traditional fashion within minutes of my post -- some United employees jumped all over the thread, even though their company was not mentioned.

Why are the United employees commenting on the US Airways board on a topic that did not address their company, until the United employees interjected UAL into the discussion?

Again, the majority of my initial post was cut and pasted recent information from US Airways' top two officers, which was purposely inserted into an interview and speech.


cavalier said:
If you would have posted this information before I would not have hounded you!

It makes more sense now and frankly I agree with you about the UAL pilots wanting the entire ball of wax, and that NOT being right or fair in the least. Wow talk about Karma!

Before you jump on his bandwagon and buy his BS, let me clarify a few things.

UA pilots did not want what he refers to as "Super Seniority."

ALPA merger policy clearly states that groups will be merged according to CAREER EXPECTAIONS. The words "Date of Hire" are sepcifically absent from the policy.

At the time, UA (which was owned by the employees... paid for with our very own $$$) was in good shape and it appeared US needed a dance partner to survive long term. UA was PURCHASING another airline with my money. (Mine and every other employee who bought UA.)

Career expectations at the time meant a US pilot was never expecting to fly anything bigger than a 757/767 (maybe), and more probably nothing bigger than a 737. Of course UA pilots knew that if it went through there would be many years, even decades of law suits (Much like when TWA bought Ozark.) This would drive the company into the ground and destroy the huge investment (in actual dollars) that we all made in the company.

Therfore to avoid the hassles, avoid the law suits, and protect our investment, we insisted on a prenuptual agreement. This was to assure ALPA policy of career expectations was premptively agreed upon and upheld, and to eliminate the inevitable future law suits. After all, we had the right and the power to do so as employees who paid for said right with our own money and were using our own money to PURCHASE and asset.

Now as for the animosity between UA and US employees, I for one saw the benefits of an aquisition, even though I thought the price was too high. And I held no ill will to my counterparts at US. Until on several occasions I personally had the opportunity to ride a US jumpseat and listened to hours of lecture on why any merger will be date-of-hire. I even had one 737-200 captain explicitly claim rights to a 767 Captain slot in San Francisco! And according to him, possibly the 777!

So don't believe everything a certain US pilot on this board tells you. He does not discriminate about which facts he spins and twist.
oh yes.....and don't forget this little tidbit: the "Captain" used to fly for United....I think it tears him up that he left us and went to USAir (of course that's my opinion 🙂 )
767jetz said:
ALPA merger policy clearly states that groups will be merged according to CAREER EXPECTAIONS. The words "Date of Hire" are sepcifically absent from the policy.

Let me sum up ALPA merger policy..."to the victor goes the spoils". Whoever is doing the buying is in the driver seat...period. And you can say one thing for it, it sure has stood the test of time 😛 .

A320Driver B)

Why the heck would anybody want to go through another merger anyway????

Let's put some things into perspective, which happened before you were hired at ALPA.

After the 1995 merger died, the UAL MEC went to the BOD and worked with the DAL MEC to change ALPA Merger Policy from date of hire to the new policy, which calls for an arbitrated list in the future.

How did this occur? With the United and Delta pilots using their roll call majority to change the merger policy.

Let's put things into perspective in regard to my comments regarding US Airways and a corporate transaction.

1. I do not want US Airways to merge with United Airlines.

2. The United pilot group has tried to obtain a pre-nuptial seniority integration during the past two merger attempts, which bypasses ALPA Merger Policy.

3. I have made significantly more money at US Airways than if I elected to return to United.

4. The information I have posted regarding a potential corporate combination in the future has come from the same sources who told me about the previous merger, the AMR carve out, the AMR ambivalence, the 21-day Hart-Scott-Rodino Act notification, the domestic code share, and the Star alliance before they occurred. How else could I have predicted these events on public message boards, unless I have ESP, which I do not.

Again, I find it interesting that I never mentioned United Airlines in the first post in this thread, but whenever I comment on a corporate transaction or asset purchase remarks by our chairman of chief executive, the United employees always jump in on the US Airways board. Why don't you write your comments on the United board instead of frequenting the US Airways board?


Why don't you write your comments on the United board instead of frequenting the US Airways board?

Because we CAN!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha Not a darn thing you can do about it either.

p.s. - If we open the same topic under different threads, they will be merged anyway.